God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1378: The system can talk

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the system can speak

Is this over?

The system's prompt tone pulled Qin Qi back from the memory.

He took a deep breath and clicked on the system update catalog.

The updated content is surprisingly simple.

The experience value has been directly canceled, and it has become a level replacement system, and there is no limit, and it can be rushed all the way to the peak of the gods, that is, level 100.

As for the so-called level replacement, it is very simple.

For example, if you kill a level 83 person, then Qin Qi can become 83.

The entire replacement system is based on the highest level of the object being killed.

This is the first change, and the second change is an extra energy bar instead of the previous experience bar.

According to the introduction, after the energy bar is full, the inner firewall of the system will open, and the real power of the system will also be revealed.

As for the source of energy, it is killing.

The more you kill, the more energy you have.

However, this energy does not have the distinction of realm, or there is no difference between small realms.

A quasi-jun, 1 point of energy.

A maharaja, 10 energy.

And to fill the entire energy bar, you need 10,000 energy.

Hey, if you count, killing his 1000 monarchs, don’t you gather them?

So easy!

Qin Qi's forehead has blue-beating beats, mother's, potholes are not, the system you are looking for pumping is not, it is better not to update it!

1000 Maharaja?

In the 100,000 years, all the emperors have counted, can there be one hundred?

1000, how to kill!

Otherwise, kill him 10,000 quasi-jun?

I feel like I will be wanted all over the world.

"System your uncle!" Qin Qi is better than a **** against the system.

"Do not update, you can only stay at level 81." System interface, suddenly jumped out of a line.

Qin Qi was shocked and the whole person almost jumped out of the chair.

The system is not perfect!

"Since I can create artificial intelligence like the Empress of the Night, then how can I, myself, not be intelligent?"

This line of words jumps out again on the interface.

Qin Qi calmed down, the system's statement is indeed very reasonable, even the Queen of the Night can exist, the system has wisdom, it is really nothing.

It can even be said that Qin Qi himself ignored this possibility and never thought about it.

But since the system is wise, why didn't it show up before?

It seems that I can hear the voice of Qin Qi, and a line of words appeared again on the interface.

"My inner program settings, after this update, I can appear in a smart form, but can only answer your limited questions."

Qin Qi’s eyes started to rise, and his doubts were getting heavier and heavier.

"Then tell me, why are you bringing me to this world?"

Since you can ask, then Qin Qi naturally does not want to let go of this opportunity.

"Your question is out of authority and cannot be answered."

Qin Qi frowned, it seems that this secret is not so easy to ask.

But the answer to the system, but also side confirmed that he was brought to the world by this pothole system!

“How many times can you update?” Qin Qi thought about it and asked again.

"It depends on your choice."

"What choice?"

"The road to the future."

"Road?" Qin Qi is confused, isn't it constantly upgraded?

He is now the emperor, and further, it is the gods. What choices do you need?

“Which roads can I choose?” Qin Qi asked.

"Two roads, one road is normal and strong, and then enters the gods, the other road is not into the realm, has been excavating the power of the emperor."

What is this?

Qin Qi is a bit embarrassed, what is the power of excavating the emperor, how to dig, and can not rival the gods, after all, the two realms are completely different.

"What is the difference between these two roads?" Qin Qi thought about it and asked cautiously.

"Ask you a question, do you think that Wang is powerful in the gods, or is it respected in the emperor?"

Qin Qi did not expect the system to actually ask a question.

But this problem is somewhat mentally retarded.

God is the king, that is the king of the king, only a few gods and kings from ancient times to the present, are the strongest generation between heaven and earth.

And the emperor called the respect, how to say it is the emperor after all, at most, the emperor is invincible, strong and strong where to go?

"I don't know." Although Qin Qi thought so, but he would not say it, after all, the system would not be idiot to ask such an obvious question.

"The answer is, it's as strong." The system did give an unexpected answer.

As strong?

Is the emperor and the king of God a realm?

"How can it be!"

"The emperor called the respect, not just above all the emperors, but from the emperor, directly across a big realm, to the emperor's realm!"

"Equivalent to giving up the gods and reaching the realm of the king!"

It’s crazy.

The first thought of Qin Qi is crazy.

Has anyone really done this?

Don't accumulate the gods, prepare for a trip and go straight to the king of God.

This is equivalent to the peak of the previous ten steps to become a step, but this step is unprecedentedly higher than the ten steps.

How can you cross over in one go?

If the system says that it is true, then the emperor said that it is more than ten times more difficult than the god.

But since the two are equal in strength, why bother to go such a difficult road?

How many people are there in the ancient times?

The king of God has been so difficult, the emperor, I am afraid only in the dream.

"Since the power is equal, why bother to make two roads?" Qin Qi asked the doubts in his heart.

"Your question is out of authority and cannot be answered."

Damn it!

Qin Qi really wants to kill the system.

However, it is obvious that the choice of these two articles has a huge impact. Otherwise, there is no such thing as an apparently unreasonable road.

“Someone can reach the emperor?” Qin Qi changed the question.


The system's answer is also fast.

Someone actually did it.

who is it?

That female emperor?

Unfortunately, the system does not answer.

"Who created you, is it an emperor?" Qin Qi looked flashing and asked.

This is also what he most wants to know.

"The next update will free all permissions, then I can answer you."

So, is it to see Qin Qi's choice?

The king of God, or the emperor, according to his choice, the system will be updated again.

Qin Qi exhaled a breath, thought about it, and asked: "After this energy strip is full, your power will be liberated. What does this mean?"

The system interface card is a bit.

The system then knocks out such a "sweat" symbol.

"Sorry, forget it."

"Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the SSSS level main task ‘system metamorphosis’, accept?”

Qin Qi is speechless, can you forget this?

The main line task is good.

After Qin Qi finished the "question" of the main line task, he never encountered the follow-up main line task, and was depressed for a long time.

Now, I was almost forgotten by the system. Qin Qi suddenly felt that the intelligence of the system seemed very unreliable.

But forget it, since the task has already appeared, or the main line task, naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Click Accept.

“Hey, congratulations to the players for accepting the SSSS level main task ‘system metamorphosis’”

Task details

"Task level: SSSS"

"Task requirements: full of energy bars"

"Task progress: 0/100"

"Task reward: the system after the transformation"

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