God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1379: Goodbye Cui Lisi

Chapter 1,379, Goodbye, Cui Lisi

What can you do with a metamorphosis system?

Unfortunately, the system can't give an answer. Obviously Qin Qi's doubts are beyond the scope of authority.

Qin Qi exhaled and shook his head, feeling a little confused.

The way of Emperor and the King of God makes him not know how to choose. What is important is that the system does not introduce it at all, nor does it know which way is beneficial.

To put it simply, although the **** king is extremely difficult, it is not always possible to reach a lifetime, but it is much easier than the emperor.

The road to the emperor must also have its benefits. Otherwise, why should you embark on this difficult road?

It’s just that benefit, Qin Qi doesn’t know.

This system update is indeed a big surprise for Qin Qi. In addition to the upgrade changes, the main line task is also extremely important.

Moreover, I also knew two roads in advance.

Qin Qi feels that people who know the existence of the emperor's realm are in the world, and there are few.

In addition, it is Qin Qi's various skills, the judgment strengthens a level, not because the realm is too different, the effect is greatly reduced.

This is the power of the system is improving, the upper limit is no longer the realm of the emperor, has reached the realm of the gods.

With the system, Qin Qi can be promoted all the way to the peak of the gods.

From this point of view, the existence of the creation system is at least a **** king, or is it the emperor, even the emperor?

Qin Qi did not know, but it is not far from the truth, because Qin Qi has already arrived at the emperor, and soon, he will face the choice of those two roads.

In this case, what Qin Qi needs to care about now is so elevated to the peak of the emperor.

After all, at least it is necessary to stifle the existence of the corresponding realm.

However, in this world, is there still a realm of this realm?

Perhaps the most ancient of the world, since the sleep, there has never been an ancient ancestor who has reawakened, can reach this level.

Perhaps, in the distant East China Sea, there will be a strong man in this mysterious sea.

Perhaps, the mask of the dead, the swordsmanship known for its combat power possesses these forces.

Perhaps, in the ignorant temple of the demon, there is a handwritten pen left by the female emperor.

Perhaps, there are many restricted areas in the world, no one is dangerous, there will be hidden in this level.

Perhaps, among the revived wild animals, there is such a fighting power.

Perhaps, in the distant extraterrestrial universe, there will be the king of the Void beast, maintaining the limits of the gods.

This world is far from being as simple as imagined. Even if it has experienced great destruction, no one knows how many secrets remain.

The stronger, the more awe, I am afraid that only the king of God or the emperor can truly overlook this world.

However, these existences will never be easily born, waiting, and looking forward to what.

The world is battling, they will come out sooner or later, and Qin Qi, waiting for them, because these existences are his food.

At the end of the system update, Qin Qi also learned a lot, and the rest is to continue to become stronger.

"When the situation stabilizes, it is time to return to the human race. Now, no one can resist me." Qin Qi whispered, his strength has become even more terrifying.

After the emperor's achievement, the body of the dragon vein is almost at its peak, and perhaps only needs an opportunity to truly reach the peak level.

At that time, by the flesh alone, Qin Qi was not afraid of anyone.

I don't know how Fu Caixuan and Situ Jing are doing. He left for more than a year and left a mess. It is really difficult for them.

On the day of the return, we must put on the agenda, Qin Qi, and also miss the lover in my heart.

So, after two days, Qin Qi received a secret letter from Qing Litian.

This is a special passage used by Qing Litian. It has a secret cover, so don't worry about being intercepted by outsiders.

Qing Litian told Qin Qi that Athena is accelerating the progress to Huangquan, and the same is true of other ethnic groups. At that time, they should cooperate and want to take the lead.

As the key, Qing Litian acts as a key and cannot leave now, and all ethnic groups will help and enhance the power of Qing Litian.

Not long, she is afraid to enter the quasi-jun.

The clan did not directly attack Qin Qi on Thursday, and wanted to come to Huang Quan’s trip.

In this way, the major clans attach great importance to Huang Quan.

However, Ares did not have any action. It seems that it has indeed fallen. After all, the ancient ancestors were hard to wake up, and Kun did not succeed in the Maharaja, and could not provoke a large clan.

The corresponding situation also appeared in Hephaestus. Although they are better than Ares, they are not much better.

But no matter what, Qin Qi has already cooperated with Qing Litian, then this Huang Quan, he must go!

This matter is also anxious, just wait, and after a day, an unexpected guy appeared in Ares.

Cui Lisi Hermes.

How did this witch come back?

For this woman, Qin Qi came to Tianyuan and also deliberately understood it.

Although it has been a thousand years, there are many secrets in the past, but Qin Qi still sniffed out a lot of news. Facts have proved that Cui Lisi’s words were not false.

She did have the pure blood of Hermes, but it was not born, but the blood was returned to the ancestors. Later, she was hated by the Lord. After many struggles in the Ming Dynasty, Cui Lisi fled and left Tianyuan.

Hermes thought that Cui Lisi was dead, but did not expect that, now she has returned to Tianyuan.

However, when seeing Cui Lisi, Qin Qi is also a bit funny.

I still remember that when I met the monkey brother, Cui Lisi’s lies were hard to hold on to the monkey’s fine eyes, only to reveal the original appearance.

That is the ultimate temptation, mature charm, charming and unparalleled, and the eye-catching eyes are irresistible.

The result is now, only to keep short of British hair, wear on the body, but also the armor, no longer exposed, the seductive hot sexy.

It seems that this time is with the monkey brother's fighting madness, and Cui Lisi has changed a lot, at least on the surface.

Monkey brothers hate people who can't fight, and Cui Lisi, the current power of the eight-star prince, is enough to see how these years come.

However, the monkey brother is also very powerful, has helped Cui Lisi to complete the source of the dark injury, completely let her regain the original potential.

At this moment, she is alone in talent, Hermes may have people with her, but if I say beyond, I am afraid there is none.

Looking at Qin Qi's sly look, Cui Lisi is also a bitter smile, quite depressed.

"Right, how about the monkey brother?" Qin Qi laughed.

"The grown-up has already achieved the emperor, and recently he is trying to shake the iron bar." Cui Lisi said.

Qin Qi is not unexpected, the monkey brother is a fighting god, a strong family, no need to doubt, must be peerless, to achieve the emperor, nothing.

"Is it moving?" Qin Qi is concerned about this.

That iron pillar is the pinnacle of the supreme artifact, from the ancestor of the fighting gods and the hands of the king of war.

If it can be used, it is enough to destroy everything!

"Move a few minutes." Cui Lisi smiled slightly, some gloating.

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