God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1380: Bad news

The first thousand three hundred and eighty chapters came from

That dead monkey, let her suffer as much as nothing, her body can make skin, and all of them have muscles. It is really a fire.

Hermes is not good at melee, what kind of flesh is practicing?

However, I have to say that the monkey is in the flesh and there is no horror. I am afraid that even if it is the body of Qin Qi, I will not dare to say how much.

After learning something, Qin Qi smiled and asked: "What about the Chaos Era Alliance? Is there anything happening?"

Although Qin Qi asked this question, in fact, he only asked about it. After all, Tianyuan is not without the intelligence of Zhongzhou.

There are poems in the poems, there are Qin Qi, and Gao’s intelligence network has broken through.

The passage that let the dragon dance lightly left was mastered by Gao.

And for more than a year, there has been no special news, and there is nothing big to happen.

For Qin Qi, there is no news, it is the best news.

Cui Lisi's light flashed slightly, and smiled: "There is nothing special about it. The Alliance now has a bodhi tree, a golden blood pool, and a mad domain. It develops very well. The overall level is equivalent to eight products. power."

This is how many years, from scratch, has been ranked in eight!

It takes a thousand years to know the giants of the monarchy to truly reach the ranks of eight products.

It seems that Situ Jing, they are really working hard.

"Working hard for them." Qin Qi sighed, he is indeed the most irresponsible man in the world.

"Right, Xiaobai was born?" Qin Qi asked brightly and nervously.

"Not yet born." Cui Lisi smiled.

Xiaobai has been pregnant for more than two years, but still not born, I am afraid that it is related to Xiaobai’s own blood.

She had the blood of the emperor, and after getting the scent of the fox, the blood was steadily improving, and the Jinwu blood pool was built, which pushed her.

Nowadays, her blood is already at the blood level.

The change of blood, the help for the fetus is naturally great. Although Xiaobai is also the mother for the first time, he has no experience, but he wants to give the best to his children.

Therefore, she has been nourishing the fetus with new blood and making him/her stronger.

Qin Qi knows that this is the right thing. If he can, he also wants to contribute to his children, so that he/she will be the best in the world when he is born!

But still some loss, he wants to see his children, that is the world, recognition of him!

"If the original color propaganda can also be pregnant, it would be nice." Qin Qi smiled and smiled.


However, the teacup in the hands of Cui Lisi fell directly to the ground.

However, Cui Lisi immediately discovered her own gaffe, and quickly smashed the teacup, and the emotion that flashed in her eyes was completely covered by her.

"What happened to you?" Qin Qi asked.

"I'm not careful." Cui Lisi smiled.

Just, with her strength, how could this kind of carelessness happen?

This is mortal, and this is rarely the case?

Qin Qi, suddenly there was a uneasiness in my heart.

It was like when he fled the Terran, but because of that uneasiness, he fell directly from the void.

"Cui Lisi, are you hiding what I am." Qin Qi looked changed, Shen Sheng.

"Adults are more concerned." Cui Lisi is proficient in lies, and naturally will not reveal the slightest flaw.

But Qin Qi did not believe it.

This uneasiness is too unreasonable, and his heart is hurting.

No reason, as if by a handcuffs, the pain of indescribable.

"Cui Lisi!" Qin Qi whispered, belonging to the pressure of the Maharaja, directly pressed on Cui Lisi.

"Adult, you..." Cui Lisi widened his eyes.

Qin Qi, has actually achieved the position of Emperor Maharaja.

"Say!" Qin Qi whispered, the eyes were extremely cold, the pure killing, let Cui Lisi tremble, feeling the body must be frozen.

"Adult, this thing, Miss Situ, they explain, don't let you know." Cui Lisi swallowed a difficult mouth.

Qin Qi eyes a glimpse.

However, he wants to know.


Cui Lisi was helpless. She knew that if she didn't say it again, Qin Qi would start.

In front of this person, she will never talk nonsense with her. If she is next to the monkey brother, I am afraid that Qin Qi has directly searched her soul memory.

"Miss Miss, she..."

Qin Qi suddenly widened his eyes, and the feeling of uneasiness almost made him squat.

"Color announcement, what happened to her?"

"She is dead."

The heavens and the earth seemed to be quiet. Qin Qi’s pupils shrank violently. He was shaking all over his body. He pinched Cui Lisi’s neck and lifted her in midair.

That killing, breaking through the sky, the entire Mount Olympus can feel it.

The sky seems to have become a scarlet because of that killing!

"You are lying, saying, why should you lie to me!" Qin Qi whispered, the strength of his hands was getting heavier and heavier, and Cui Lisi couldn't stop it, he could only struggle.

"Young master, stop working!" Shishi hurriedly flew over and hugged Qin Qi.

"What happened to you, young master, let go, she will die!" poetry anxiously cried.

Qin Qi trembled and slowly released his hand. He looked at Cui Lisi coldly. He said: "You have made such a lie, what purpose is it, you are looking for death, you know?"

Cui Lisi coughed a few times, his face was bitter, and it was extremely difficult: "Miss Fu was already dead more than a year ago. This is a fact, but Miss Situ, they don't want you to know."

"What do you say, how can the sister of Cai Xuan..." The poetry is also shocked. She had no idea about it before.

Moreover, it has been dead for more than a year.

"This is impossible, you lied to me, this is impossible!" Qin Qi snarled, he never believed.

But reason tells him that the color announcement is probably not there anymore, and Cui Lisi has no reason to deceive him with such a thing.

Qin Qi repeatedly retreats, the picture in front of him is blurred, it is the uncontrollable slip of tears.

Fu Cai Xuan died.

The girl, who paid for him silently, put him before all the girls.

She is dead.

How can it be, how is it possible!

Qin Qi directly rose to the sky, smashed the void along the way, and rushed out of Mount Olympus.

This scene, combined with the horror of the previous murder, caused the whole heavens to shake and did not understand what happened.

I only know that Qin Qi left Mount Olympus and did not know where to go.

The Yiqiuguan, which spans between Tianyuan and Zhongzhou, is boundless and magnificent, but even if it is huge, it can't stop a monarch.

Qin Qi directly crossed the Yiqiu Pass and rushed to the city of the era.

No one knows his arrival, the means of the Maharaja, unless it is the Emperor's shot, otherwise it is impossible to detect.

The city of the era is much stronger than before. It is a huge city that can cover the earth.

Qin Qi’s heart is getting more and more panic. When he came here, he could hardly take a step.

He is afraid, afraid to get the result that he does not want to know.

He has never been afraid of anyone, but now he is really scared.

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