God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1381: Unacceptable truth

The unacceptable truth of the first thousand three hundred and eighty-one chapters

Waiting for a long time, really long, from sunrise to sunset, he has been standing outside the city of the era, not afraid to get closer.

However, he will eventually get a truth.

He stepped up, almost instantly, to the core area of ​​the city of the era, Situ Jing, he was here.

She has just concluded an important meeting to discuss the future direction of the city of the era.

Today, she has come to the semi-holy, although not strong, but her growth is not here, and leads the entire alliance.

As a ally, she is very competent, no one can replace her position in the entire league.

By the end of the meeting, the high-levels had left, and Situ Jing was sitting in a chair with some exhaustion.

She hasn't had a rest for a long time.

Since the death of Fu Cai, she never let herself relax.

Because as long as she relaxes a little, she will remember the death of Cai Xuan.

She can never forgive herself.

That is the pain of her life.

"Xiao Jing." Qin Qi saw such a tired Situ Jing, the voice could not help but tremble.

He is holding her too much.

When he heard this voice, Situ Jing stood up fiercely, revealing an incredible look.

She can't hear this voice.

This is the person she thinks about.

If it was before, she must have already rushed to Qin Qi, and she snored at Qin Qi, and he did not return after he had been away for so long.

But now, the surprise in Situ Jing’s eyes has just risen and he has been replaced by pain.

She did not see Qin Qi.

She couldn't imagine that Qin Qi knew what it would be like to die.

She is afraid, she has never been so scared.

Seeing the change of Situ Jing's look, the final hope of Qin Qi's heart was also shattered.

Fu Caixuan, she is really dead.

Again, I can't come back.

Qin Qi trembled, his body began to cool down, and even the blood seemed to have no temperature.

He lowered his head and couldn't see his face. He spoke and couldn't hear a little emotion.

"Xiao Jing, take me to see the color announcement."

Situ Jing was shocked and she was sad in her eyes. She could see that Qin Qi had already known the death of Fu Cai Xuan.

"Yeah." Situ Jing nodded and took Qin Qi to the city of Chaos.

The body of Fu Caixuan is in the city of Chaos.

Her body is preserved, but the soul is gone and the flesh is not alive.

The true meaning of death.

No longer exists.

Qin Qi looked at the girl lying on the ice bed, looking at the familiar look, she was so quiet, quiet and scary.

Qin Qi stepped toward Fu Cai Xuan, and he took the hand of Cai Xuan.

It is so cold.

"Color announcement, I am back, I am sorry, I am late, but I will not let you die, do you understand?" Qin Qi whispered, seemingly afraid to wake up to pay confession.

Situ Jing opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. The tears had already soaked his face and he couldn't make a sound.

Behind Qin Qi, the dark wizard appeared, and the endless soul energy has been invested in the resurrection.

The body of Fu Cai Xuan, under the resurrection, shines.

However, there is no such thing as a cold death.

Resurrection, resurrection can not pay for color.

Her soul has been completely ruined, and there is no trace left. Even if Qin Qi kills the world, it has no effect.

Life, once in the past, death, is the end.

"Resurrection, resurrection, please, color propaganda, I beg you, beg you to come back!" Qin Qi cried, trembled fiercely.

He knew that the resurrection could not be revived, but he was convinced of that possibility.

And now, that may have disappeared.

However, how can this be done, she has never had fun, never rested, how can she leave like this.

She has been waiting for it, stupidly looking forward to, Qin Qi promised, to give her happiness.

Qin Qi is soft on the ground, his eyes are godless, as if he lost his soul.

He whispered, and the hoarse voice made people feel sad. "Tell me, the cause of death, the cause and effect, all told me."

Situ Jing heard the words, the whole body trembled, the truth, she was afraid that Qin Qi could not hold it.

"Qin Da Ge, Cai Xuan her, she..."

"Xiao Jing, please tell me, don't hide from me, I want to know everything!" Qin Qi painfully pleaded.

Situ Jing looked at the man in front of him, the look of the lost soul, no longer the hero of the past.

Tell him the truth, can he really come over?

Situ Jing grinned, tears continued to slip, and it was difficult to open.

"It's my idea to let her die for you."

It was a sorghum, coming in from the outside.

She got the news that Qin Qi came back, and she came over the first time.

"What do you mean!" Qin Qi's voice chilled down.

Gao Qi bite his teeth, and now Qin Qi gives people a very terrible feeling, but she is not prepared to conceal, and told Qin Qi everything.

After learning the truth, Qin Qi was completely crazy.

He can't accept this truth.

She vowed to guard her life, but she died for him.

Haha, how can there be such a joke?

Then what is he?

What Maharaja, what emperor, even his beloved woman can not keep, there are more achievements, what is the use!

He is a waste, a waste of choice!

Qin Qi stood up, his state gave people a very bad feeling and was terrifying.

His eyes are gone, there is no glory, no light, only blood, he stared at the sorghum, cold voice: "It is your idea, then you, go to the funeral to bury."

Gao Hao was shocked, but he could not move at all.

Qin Qi at the moment, really intends to kill her.

"Qin brother, are you crazy, stop working!" Situ Jing screamed.

The death of Fu Caixuan, the blow to Qin Qi is far greater than imagined.

He has completely lost his senses, and his eyes are already blood red without a trace of temperature.

"Go to accompany the color propaganda." Qin Qi put the sword on the heart of Gao Song, and blood has flowed down.

Sorghum closed his eyes.

In the end, is this the end?


A crackling sound.

The fan of Situ Jing’s handcuffs was on the face of Qin Qi.

"Wake up, you do it, you can get a good speech!" Situ Jing shouted with all his strength.

Qin Qi vibrates, can't help but retreat back, he looks at the sorghum, watching the blood of her heart, the pupil slammed.

Is that what he did?

Qin Qi couldn't help but open his mouth, but nothing could be said.

He disappeared directly into the place and left the city of chaos.

Qin Qi left, Gao Song and Situ Jing are sitting on the ground, only Situ Jing sobbed low.

"You don't blame him, he just can't accept it." After a long time, Situ Jing whispered.

"I know." Gao Wei said lightly.

Situ Jing was silent, after a while, said: "That thing, tell him?"

"He doesn't need to know."

"Yeah." Situ Jing nodded. Immediately, she looked at Fu Cai Xuan, lying down, whispering: "The color announcement, he must not be killed right?"

"That is the man you are proud of, he will not let you down."

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