God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1392: Emperor

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-two chapters

Only sigh.

Today, it has become a day-to-day, right and wrong, no longer important.

The empress wants to stop Qin Qi from continuing to kill, and the reason is not to agree with the justice of Zhengda Guangming Hall. Instead, he cannot continue to let Qin Qi kill.

Nothing right or wrong.

"Qin Qi, let it go!"

At this moment, the only one after the emperor was in front of Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi knows that there are still people behind the emperor, and even the emperor city owners may shoot.

However, no one can stop him.

"That ruined this Terran Wanli River!" Qin Qi body, the power of the rushing, the colored dragon is full of glory, shrouded in a hundred miles.

Qin Qi does not need Dragon God tears, holding iron bars, can crush the Sun and Moon Galaxy!

The king stepped out.

People king field!

The power of humanity makes all the people tremble.

The emperor's face sank a bit, unable to understand what Qin Qi is, he is obviously killing the Terran, but he still has the ultimate humanity.

This breath is like her husband, at the peak of humanity!

In Qin Qi's body, the half of the ethnic group's air transport began to rise and it was so magnificent.

Just, it is so ironic.

Half of the people's air transport was actually in the hands of Qin Qi.

Anyone must sigh, such a person, should lead the people to advance, but today, this is the situation, almost standing on the opposite side.

But after all, there is no chance to come back. It is already here, there is no other choice.

Let's fight!

The breath of the emperor began to skyrocket, and those who were hidden in the dark began to shake the power and prepare to shoot.

Qin Qi is cold, no matter who, today, can not stop him!


However, it was an abnormal sound. The statue of the Three Emperors outside the main hall of the Guangming Temple was actually shining at this moment.

In the middle, the image of the emperor, that little bit of fainting, rising up, like a giant god, standing on the ground!


Countless Terrans are paying attention to this battle. At this moment, all eyes are round and round, showing an incredible look.

Immediately, the fanatics crouched and worshipped toward the statue of the emperor.

The mountain is like a tsunami.

The emperor is clearly!

"This..." The emperor was shocked and did not expect such a change.

"People, the ancestors of the Terran, have you seen this evil demon killing your people!"

"Oh ancestor, punish this villain quickly, he will kill your people!"

The fourth day of the day was amazed by the surprise.

The emperor is clearly.

Even if only a statue is shining, but the fourth of the election believes that Qin Qi has absolutely no possibility to compete with it.

"The emperor is on, sheltering his people, Qin Qi, your devil, today is here in Fuxi!"

"Yes, the Emperor will let you be a demon cholera, my people, today, you will die here!"

The people of Zhengda Guangming Hall have been overjoyed and crouched on the ground.

The emperor is manifested to punish this demon.

This killing of the innocent people!

The emperor is obviously.

Qin Qi can't help but frown.

Do you want to shelter these people?

These so-called human races are human beings, innermost, but more evil than evil spirits?

"Qin Qi, the emperor Xianwei, don't you still close your hand?" The emperor shouted.

"The ancient king, the break will not disappoint." Qin Qi is only whispering.

Emperor, what a great existence, one of the ancestors, personally led the Terran to the glory!

Qin Qi does not believe that the emperor will be partial to this locust!

"Death to the end, still rumors, you demon, still wonder if the emperor has mercy?"

"Your Majesty, in front of the Emperor, do your own atonement!"

The people of Zhengda Guangming Hall shouted.

They are no longer afraid.

It’s like going back to more than a year ago, high above, to punish Qin Qi’s sin!

The emperor is on, they are, there is no fear!


A sigh, as if from ancient times, it was a kind of exhaustion, a disappointment.

The emperor sighed.

It’s so long and eternal, it seems to be trembled.

Everyone is discolored.

The emperor, forgot the eyes of the world, this Zhongzhou Terran is his people.

How prosperous, as he wishes.

However, it is ultimately a sigh.

Qin Qi has a feeling of incomprehensibility. The sigh of the emperor contains too many emotions that he cannot understand.

He, the great man who created the inheritance of the human race, is really satisfied with the present day?

Perhaps, it is dissatisfied.

Otherwise, why is it a sigh?

The emperor is clearly, only a sigh.

Immediately, the light spot dissipated and did not drop any catastrophic punishment.

But soon, people discovered that above the Guangming Hall, the ancient dynasty was slowly closing.

Is this the attitude of the emperor?

He closed the ancient dynasty, is it to Qin Qi, remove the locusts of the Terran?

"The ancient king, your will, I took it!" Qin Qi put away the iron bar, Hengjian world.

The fourth day of the election, all of them are shaking, and their faces are pale.

They kneeled on the ground and looked at the statue of the Emperor and cried.

The emperor, gave up on them.

"Your Majesty, we are your people, how can you give up and support the demon!"

"People, are you confused? We are the orthodox of the Terran!"

"Death does not repent." Qin Qi cold, suddenly sword!

The emperor opened his mouth, but after all, he did not stop.

The Emperor recognized Qin Qi and never sheltered these locusts. What qualifications does she have to block?

The emperor knows.

These decaying flesh and blood, once cut, will inevitably cause great pain, but only in this way, new flesh and blood can grow.

If you don’t break it, let Qin Qi, turn it upside down.

Perhaps only in this way, the human race can truly reach another peak!

Qin Qi out of the sword, with the fourth person of the day, how can it be prevented?

The sword fell, the entire Zhengda Guangming Temple was cut off, and many powerful people, all died under this sword.

"Impossible, I am the chosen person, the existence that the ancient emperor admits, and the emperor cannot deny me!" The fourth of the heavens roared.

On his body, the endless light of the sun rose, and barely blocked the sword of Qin Qi.

He is crazy to shake the power, and even wants to summon the shadow of the Emperor's seal to counter the enemy.

However, nothing happens.

The Emperor no longer shelters him.

"Ah!" He growled and looked pale. "I am the supreme of the right way, I represent the right way!"

"How can you let this kind of person kill me and kill the right way of the Terran?"

"The man is fake, fake!"

"With you, the representative got the right way?" Qin Qi was cold and swayed.

Let the four choices of the heavens resist, the light is shining, but it can't stop even a moment.


The long sword runs through and brings out blood splashes.

The fourth day of the election is thus picked up by Qin Qi and a sword to worship the ancestors!

From now on, there is no more Guangming Hall.

No more righteous league!

But the right way of the human race will never go out, it will last forever!

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