God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1393: Weilin Shengxian Palace

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-three chapters

"Qin Qi, I want to kill you, kill you!" The blood of the four choices of the day, coughing the incomparably.

He is still not dead.

It was Qin Qi who made him alive.

"Take me to the Holy Palace." Qin Qi's voice, no slight temperature.

The fourth day of the election has widened his eyes.

Qin Qi destroyed the Zhengda Guangming Temple, even if it is still not counted, but also on the Holy Palace?

"You are looking for a dead end, the Holy King will not let you go!"

"Isn't that just what happened to you?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

The eyes of the four choices of the day have been shaken a few times. If you want to die, you should pull a few more people, or let Qin Qi die with him.

He did not believe that the bright king of the king could not help Qin Qi.

"Okay, I will take you there!"

The fourth day of the election, the Qin Qi will be sent to the Holy Palace.

The emperor and other strong, change the look, just watching the statue of the three emperors still stand in the sky, after all, nothing is done.

The human race has risen from the end of the micro, and it has been passed down to the present, and there is fear!

If the storm hits, it will be more violent, so that the rainbow after the storm will be particularly gorgeous!

In the holy fairy palace, ordinary people do not know where they are.

Although it is not as easy to find as the Temple of the Devil, if you don't know the method and want to find the Holy Palace, it is not easy.

With the four-way road of the day, Qin Qi soon came to the Holy Palace.

Indeed, it is the land of the Immortals, and there is a scene of aura everywhere.

There are thousands of floating islands and white waterfalls. If you practice in such places, the speed is probably ten times that of the outside world.

It is indeed a lot of thought that the Bright King can manage the Holy Palace.

If it is awkward, it is a pity.

However, with Qin Qi's current ability, he can control the world's veins. It has long been such a fairyland, but it is just a matter of thought.

Oh, what?

One of the two great giants of the past, the unbearable Shengxian Palace, this impression has remained in the human brain for too long.

It is time to completely erase this impression!

"Sacred King, have you not shot, killed this demon?" The four of the heavens roared.

The sound waves burst through the entire Holy Palace!

In the Holy Palace, many powerful people are shocked.

Qin Qi, actually came to the Holy Palace?

How dare he!

After the annihilation of the Huang Daolong Palace, it is necessary to destroy the Guangming Temple. Now, even the Shengxian Palace wants to be destroyed?

Impossible, the Terran will never allow Qin Qi to do this kind of thing.

The Holy Palace and the Imperial City are the two greatest forces of the Terran. Even if they are faintly hostile, they all know that they are indispensable.

Otherwise, the Terran will be chaotic.

Qin Qi dared to go to the Holy Palace, I am afraid that the Emperor City will not agree.

How can we allow Qin Qi to kill this holy fairy palace?

However, Qin Qi actually came.

And when this idea first appeared, it was the death of the soul.

It’s hard to be done, even the Holy Palace, will be destroyed today?

"Qin Qi, what do you do, you can think clearly, this is the Holy Palace, if you are in chaos, the consequences are unimaginable!" A master of the Shengxian Palace flew into the sky, roaring.

The Holy Palace is different from the Huang Daolong Palace and Zhengda Guangming Hall.

One of the two great people of the Terran, full of emboldened, even if Qin Qi is stronger, it is impossible to resist the Holy Palace!


It was the voice of the man who just fell, and a sword light was thrown out, directly annihilating his body and soul.

"Qin Qi, you..."

Seeing this scene, some people are shocked and screaming.

However, it is a sword and kills it directly!

Blood spilled into the sky, that is the Qin Qi's awkwardness!

In the depths of the Shengxian Palace, a horrible atmosphere erupted, but the retreat of the old antiques recovered.

Some people killed the Holy Palace, which made them angry.

Since the rise of the Holy King of Light, after being compared with the Emperor of the Emperor, how many people in the Holy Palace have dared to kill the door?

The demon of the big rebellion, really **** it!


A roar, the old man of the peak of the quasi-emperor rushed out from the retreat, and the words and deeds seemed to be able to destroy the world.

He has lived for nearly 10,000 years, and after surrendering to the Holy King, he has been retreating in the Holy Palace, which is one of the cards of the Holy Palace.

Never use it at a critical juncture.

When he was in the world, he was annihilated and almost unstoppable.

诛 one word export, then, is to kill!

If you dare to come to the Holy Palace, you don’t need to ask why. Kill it.

Shengxian Palace, there is such authority!

Unfortunately, he has been retreating for too long, and he does not know the existence of Qin Qi.

I don't know Qin Qi at the moment, no one can stop it!

The sky is suddenly dark.

The old man is tall, like a god, and the atmosphere is agitated. Like a mad dragon, between the heavens and the earth, he will drop the way of annihilation and kill Qin Qi directly.

He wants to tell the world, the Holy Palace, not to be provocative!

But in response to him, it is Qin Qi's iron rod!

A stick, fallen!

The old man's eyes widened, how can he imagine that the person coming is so crazy.

This giant pillar with a hundred miles can directly smash the holy fairy palace!

Destroy the road?

Hey a fart!


Numerous angry roars sounded, and all the strong men in the Holy Palace rushed out to resist the Qin Qi stick.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the Holy Palace, a law rises from the sky.

The Holy Light is so extreme that there are too many to go beyond the heavens.

That is the law of the King of Light in the Holy Palace!

Compared with more than a year ago, this law has become much stronger, and it has reached the level of a star emperor.

It seems that the bright king of the king himself must have gone farther and farther than the ordinary emperor.

"Right, Fuxi!" The sound of the holy king of the light sounded, the boundless majesty.

That breath is indeed powerful.

Moreover, since the rise of the law, the atmosphere of the Holy Palace has changed, and many large arrays have opened, and blessings are above the law.

And the hidden powers in the fairy palace, the existence of the realm of the quasi-emperor, are rushing into the large array of nodes, forcing the power of law.

Shengxian Palace, one of the two great scorpions of the Terran, truly broke out, and that power, indeed, surpassed the Huangdao Dragon Palace and the Zhengda Guangming Hall.

Want to destroy a stick, how easy is it?

Even, it will be countered and die here!

The law of the Holy King of the Light, the addition of the entire Holy Palace, a power, has already rushed into the level of the two-star emperor.

As God, overlooking the world.

"Haha, you are looking for a dead end, hahaha!" The fourth day of the election is not ridiculous, he knows that Qin Qi can not stop the holy king!

Qin Qi looked cold and indifferent, did not answer, and flexed his fingers. The fourth day of the election directly exploded.

Qin Qi, naturally will not let him do.

"Today's Huangquan Road will be a bit crowded. I hope that you can line up and follow the order."

Qin Qiwei smiled, and the eyes were killing, and the intensity reached the limit!

In the face of the mighty law, Qin Qi’s breath began to skyrocket.

The form of the gods!


Qin Qi roared, the giant pillar crashed, the unbearable weight, annihilating the heavens, this fairy palace, what to resist?

The law of the Holy King screamed and screamed, and the light of the Holy Light was turned into two giant hands, and the giant pillar was to be caught.

The air was broken, and some floating islands exploded directly, and the rest of the waves could not stand it.

The explosion of "Boom and Boom" is endless.

However, the giant pillars fell, but they did not even lick the end!

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