God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1394: Secret space

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-four chapters secret space

"Haha, blocked, and finally blocked, what the king of the gods, in front of the Holy King, but this is not the case!"

Saint Jade is laughing wildly.

In the past, the enemy that could still be equal, nowadays, even killing the Holy Palace, almost no one can stop, which makes his heart more distorted.

However, Qin Qi’s good days are coming to an end.

He should not have to do anything, it is to kill the Holy Palace.

This is the site of the Guangming Holy King, and is it the Zhengda Guangming Hall and the Huang Daolong Palace can be compared?

Qin Qi is so strong, but he is relying on the soldiers of this god.

Today, the soldiers of the king of the gods have also been blocked, what else does Qin Qi have?

Will die, destined to die!

Sheng Yuxian was very excited, he waited for Qin Qi to die.

This holy fairy palace is indeed powerful, a stick, can not be destroyed.

Then, two sticks.

The giant column was instantly reduced, and Qin Qi was lifted again, and then, fallen!

Second stick!

"Damn!" Many of the strongest people in the Holy Palace are big.

I just caught Qin Qi a stick, but they are also very clear, how stubborn it is to catch this stick.

This Qin Qi, how strong is the flesh in the end, how can I continue to use this soldier of the gods?

However, it was too late to think about it. They all rushed out of their strength and wanted to continue to resist this stick.


The sound of the explosion was even more dramatic, and the periphery of the Holy Palace was already bursting.

However, it was still barely blocked.

However, in their horrified eyes, Qin Qi once again raised the giant column.

The second stick can't, then the third stick.

How many times can you block?

"The way to death!" The law of the Holy King is a cold cry.

Qin Qi suddenly felt it and looked at the sky.

An indescribable sword light suddenly fell.

The sword of Damocles!

More powerful than killing Fu Cai Xuan, it is enough to kill the emperor!

Qin Qi looked at the Jianguang, and his eyes flashed a bit of pain.

Fu Cai Xuan is to block this sword for him.

"Color propaganda, the past can not be changed, but we, and the future!"

Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Then, the smile caught up.

That killing, straight into the sky!

The third stick, annihilate everything!

The law of the Holy King is cold, and Qin Qi knows that he can't escape the sword of Damocles, so he wants to die with it?

However, the sword of Damocles is obviously faster.

And the loss of Qin Qi's soldiers of the king of the king, power can certainly fall to a grade, not without the possibility of blocking.

After all, how to be enchanting, but also against them, the Holy Palace!

The sword fell, no injury.

Qin Qi is like a god, and like a mad dragon, holding a huge column and falling.

"how is this possible!"

The many powerful people of the Shengxian Palace are all showing an incredible look.

The sword of Damocles can not hurt Qin Qi!


The real thunder, not to mention the scope of this holy palace, is the entire Zhongzhou, seems to be able to hear this loud noise.

This stick fell, one of the two giants of the Terran, and it was finished.

All the roars, all the roars, all the crying, all unwilling, are under this stick, and they are destroyed.

How sacred, how to be orthodox, how powerful, and then how to say immortal, under this stick, can only cease to exist.

"Hey, congratulations to the player level +1, enter the 82 level."


The law of the Holy King of the Light, gathered all the power of the Holy Palace, and the power can reach the two-star Emperor.

But now, the system's judgment turned out to be 82?

It is indeed an unexpected surprise.

Then, no one can stop his footsteps anymore!

After the bar was returned, it swept out and the paper flew all the smoke.

Qin Qi walked between the ruins and walked before the law of the Holy King.

He is the law of the King of Light, but at this time, but the majesty is no longer, staring coldly at Qin Qi.

"Do you think that you have won, you are a slower step, and he will pay for it!" The law is cold and cold.

"I am waiting for you." Qin Qi indifferently, a sword squat.

"Qin..." Sheng Yuxian fell in a pool of blood. He was lucky not to die. He stared at Qin Qi with grievances and said something.


A sword is destroyed.

Qin Qi did not want to listen to him nonsense.

As soon as the stick fell, the Holy Palace was almost destroyed.

However, in the end, it is the Holy Palace, and there are still several locations that are still well preserved.

Some of these are clearly seen in the small map.

A ring-shaped giant tower, hollow inside, very strange, here, Qin Qi can feel the breath of the sword reaching Moklis.

I am afraid that this sword was originally repaired here.

But now, it has disappeared, and it is clear that it has already moved early.

This is the reality of the law of the Holy King, is Qin Qi a step forward reality?

The remaining secrets, Qin Qi explored one by one, and sure enough, they have already withdrawn in advance.

These places have a very close study of the King of Light and even the most dangerous attempt than the sword of Damocles.

But unfortunately, it has been withdrawn by the Bright King.

Was he pushed to the game today?

I am afraid that is not the case.

Now Qin Qi, who can deduct?

Even if it is an old man, I am afraid I can’t do it.

Moreover, if it is known as such, this Shengxian Palace will not leave such a force to let Qin Qi slaughter.

Even the bright king, no one knows which step he took, but these foundations are not meant to give up.

I am afraid, it is the bright king who has this decision because of other things, just happened to run into it.

Perhaps, is the Bright King finding a mysterious world more suitable for these studies?

Qin Qi did not know, I don’t want to know for the time being.

He is looking for someone now.

The old man.

After killing him, Qin Qi can exchange for the remnant of Fu Cai Xuan.

The old man against the color announcement has been entangled in the curse of Qin Qi, Qin Qi can sense him through the power of the evil curse.

Although this scent is hidden by the celestial plane, it is very weak, but Qin Qi is already the emperor. He can be sure that the old man is still in the Holy Palace.

Only now that the Shengxian Palace was destroyed by Qin Qi, and the remaining secrets, Qin Qi also turned around, and did not find the old man.

Where is he hiding?

Qin Qi frowned and finally walked back to the ancient tower where the sword of Damocles was originally placed.

The breath here was seriously disturbed by the sword of Damocles. Qin Qi did not feel anything else at first. Now I think about it, but it is a bit strange.

Standing here, Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and the ground beneath his feet began to open, and then the whole person sank under the ground.

There is a secret space in the underground!

I don't know what exactly this secret space has. When I approached, Qin Qi's perception was chaotic, and I couldn't help but start my heart.

As if, the door to **** is open in front!

Qin Qi is vigilant, even though it is now a two-star emperor, but he does not dare to have the slightest eyesight, and is very careful to move forward.

This area has not been affected by Qin Qi’s stick. It can even be said that even the fluctuations have not been transmitted here.

But this is not the area that is deep enough, but the power here is too terrible.

After half an hour, Qin Qi came to this secret space.

"How could she be here!" Qin Qi was shocked and his eyes suddenly smashed.

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