God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1401: get together

The first thousand four hundred and one chapter party

"You are bothering!" Xiaobai squinted Qin Qi.

Qin Qi shrank his neck, but there was always a strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that his blood has been circulated, and it is more lively.

But it is just a feeling, it may be this in the little white belly.

Qin Qi did not go too far to explore.

"Sorghum, didn't you come over?" Qin Qi coughed a few times, and asked a little embarrassed.

After all, when Qi Caixuan was killed, Qin Qi lost control and almost killed Gao Song. Now think about it, it is indeed wrong with him.

But today, Gao Song is not here.

Situ Jing shook his head and said: "She must have known that you are back, but since I have not come, I should not want to see you."

Qin Qi sighed and said: "Then you took me to apologize to her."

"Yeah." Situ Jing nodded and sighed.

I don't know what to sigh.

Although Qin Qi had to rush to Xi Mo as soon as possible, he entered Huang Quan, but he did not want to leave in a hurry, and spend the rest of his time with them.

God's kitchen craftsmanship naturally need not say more, must be glowing and hot, Xiaobai this mouthful of food, which will let Qin Qi, all kinds of delicious Hu eat Haisai.

As long as Qin Qi moves a little slower, he is yelling that the child is hungry to eat. Qin Qi wants to take a break.

This little fox, now I think of the child is Qin Qi.

After that, Green Luo and Xiao Huang also ran over.

Today, with Qin Qi asylum, the Chaos Era Alliance does not need to be closed as before.

After all, with Qin Qi's current divine power, plus the emperor once stood on his side, then as long as Qin Qi does not die, the entire Terran, no one will come to find their troubles.

At most, there is some scruples. After all, Qin Qi still has the identity of the Mozu.

But these prejudices, after the authenticity of Tianzheng authenticity, are believed to be eliminated step by step.

In this way, the alliance once again circulates normally with the outside world and accelerates the pace of growth.

Outsiders are also unscrupulous and can enter and leave the city of the era.

Of course, it is not so easy to enter the city of Chaos. You need to obtain special permission, and most people can't get in.

Seeing the situation here, Green Luo also knows that Qin Qi should have taken the first step.

I am relieved at the moment, and I didn’t ask much, I immediately participated in the big crowd.

There are also Wang Qianyu, Zuo Qiuhan, etc. They are brothers with Qin Qi. No matter whether Qin Qi is a devil or a person, it will not change.

Unfortunately, Shi Tianhao and others are still on the battlefield in the north, unable to come.

However, Gong Sun Yilin, who has disappeared for a long time, returned from the outside world. Although he is not happy with Qin Qi, he is also a friend in the end. When Qin Qi returns, he will naturally meet up.

This kid is indeed a talent buried by the Thunder madfield. His talent is not weaker than Wang Qianyu. Now he has caught up.

There is still a long way to go before the achievement of the emperor, but if you want to come, the emperor is not the limit.

He saw Qin Qi, just snorted, then sat down, unknowingly drinking and eating meat, seeing Qin Qi's eyes shaking, I really want to throw him out.

The monkey brother also smelled the scent of the wine. The monkey appeared, and people who did not know it at the scene could not help but be shocked.

Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan, etc., are all shocked. In front of this guy, the burly is scary, and the body is full of explosive power.

I am afraid, there is a fight with Qin Qi's body of dragon veins!

The introduction of Qin Qi, even made him a big jump.

This turned out to be an already extinct battle god.

Moreover, the Qin Qi Nagen iron rod is the weapon of their family!

However, the shock was shocked. Once you started drinking, there was no problem, and you soon became familiar with it.

Qin Qi showed great power, cooked quickly, and finally caught up with their progress, which gave me the opportunity to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, the ghost ghost sat down in Qin Qi's arm and began to **** blood.

Qin Qi’s eyes shook a few times. This ghost, now does not need to drink blood at all.

But forget it, she is good for this, Qin Qi is not good to stop, just hope that her mouth is merciful, don't **** him dry.

"The kitten, why didn't you?" Qin Qi looked at the green radish on the side and asked with a smile.

"Yue home, ready to enter the ancestral land again." Green Luo ambiguously replied.

Yejiazu land, the night emperor's dojo, this world Yejia three Jie has been fortunate to enter, especially the Ye Yigong son leaves funeral, has been practicing in it for many years, fearing that the harvest is huge.

Of course, for Ye Jia, this world is indeed extraordinary. After all, being taken into the ancestral land by outsiders is unprecedented.

Speaking of this, Qin Qi thought of the Empress of the Night.

I don't know what this sire is, now which step I have taken.

If you want to come, you will definitely not be weaker than Qin Qi.

Moreover, according to the previous system, it is speculated that the Emperor of the Night was also the road of the emperor, but it was doubtful whether he realized the emperor in the end, but he did not know.

But the Queen of the Eternal Night is there, and the income is not disappointing.

Do you want to go and see, please the Queen to go to Huangquan?

This thought was turned around, and it was left behind by Qin Qi. The squatting man would only blame him. Unless his strength is above it, it is absolutely impossible to suppress this woman.

If Qin night is fine.

But thinking of this, Qin Qi is a bright eye.

Oh, but there are people with good people cards, and there are more than one sister.

Can call Catherine!

Qin Qi secretly nodded in the heart, there is Catherine in, the bottom is naturally more!

"Right, Qin Qi, our family's fiance is killed by you, you said, you must be responsible!" Green Luo drank a few mouthfuls of wine, flushed all over, it is good-looking.

As for Xiaohuang, it is still so beautiful. It seems that all the adjectives described in this world can be added to her without money.

"Duo baby, then I am not a small widow now?" Xiao Huang blinked and smiled.

Her world has no gloom and is full of sunshine.

"Women, you are a man, you haven't worshipped the world, you don't even count!" Green Luo quickly said, remembering this is very angry.

Fortunately, Qin Qi appeared in time.

Worship the world?

At that time, there was no bride who worshipped the world, but what about Xiaohuang?

Dragon light dance, she does not know how.

Qin Qi’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

Green Luo noticed the change of Qin Qi, thought of something, and did not continue to joke, but asked: "Qin Qi, what are you going to do next?"

"Go to Huangquan." Qin Qidao.

Regarding Huang Quan, it is the most central secret. Although Lulu was born in the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, he still could not reach this level.

It is a monkey, knowing some information about Huang Quan.

"When you go to Huangquan, the place is very evil, and no one knows what will happen." The monkey frowned, obviously some taboos.

"Do you know Huang Quan?"

"Of course, but I also listened to my father's talks. The place has long been lost. The mask of the dead has been looking for a long time, and there is no clue."

"It is rumored that there are unimaginable treasures in Huangquan, and that they can lead to the land." The monkey drank a drink.

“Ground House?” Wang Qianyu was surprised. “Isn’t that a legend? Is it really there?”

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