The first thousand four hundred and two chapters of the demons

"The land with the legend is two places. To be precise, the land is the independent world created by Devadado, and it is also the base camp of the organization 'the government' headed by him." Monkey Road.

The land government has three meanings.

The first is the myth and legend in the common customs. The place where people go after death is the return of the soul.

The second is the organization created by Devadado, the predecessor of the mask of the king.

The third is the independent world created by Devadado, similar to the land of the earth and the Buddha.

What the monkey said is the independent world.

Huang Quan, can you lead to the lost world of the land?

I want to come, the mask of the king and what the crow wants to do is to enter the real world, where there is the power they want!

The bright king, may be for the opportunity to become a **** in Huangquan, perhaps, also related to the local government, it is difficult to guess.

"Do you want to go with the monkey brother?" Qin Qi laughed.

"I don't want to go." The monkey is obviously not interested.

As the only blood of the fighting gods, he does not have to worry about his own growth. It is inevitable to become a god.

All he needs to do is to go forward one step at a time.

"That is the iron bar, I will give it back to you." Qin Qidao.

"It's okay to take it, anyway, I can't lift it now." The monkey was depressed.

However, Qin Qi still shook his head. When the banquet was over, he planned to put the giant column back in the center of the Thunder.

This thing is too important. The situation of Huang Quan is not understood by Qin Qi. Once it is lost, it will be finished.

Moreover, Qin Qi also knows that the growth of the monkey is closely related to the iron rod, and the iron rod is lost. The growth rate of the monkey is afraid to be greatly reduced.

Still, staying here is better.

Besides, Qin Qi took away the iron bars at the beginning, mainly to quickly destroy the Huang Daolong Palace, etc. If you talk about the combat power alone, in fact, there is not much difference with the Dragon God tears.

After all, Qin Qi could not exert the strength of the iron bar, purely using the horrible weight of the iron bar.

And the dragon gods tears, but it is very compatible with Qin Qi, can break beyond 100% of the combat power, naturally more appropriate.

"Let's follow you, but you must be careful when you go to Huangquan, but it is a real ghost place." Monkey Road.

"Oh, yes, there is one more."

"There is a place in Huangquanzhong called Wangxiangtai. There are two things on it. You must never touch it."

"One is Meng Po Tang, one is Sansheng Stone, remember, never touch!" The monkey sighed, very serious.

"This..." Qin Qi looks a little different.

The same is true of others.

Meng Po Tang and San Sheng Shi, this legend has been heard by everyone, but it should be all false. How is the monkey so solemn?

"These things, although different from the legend, but the legend is not a hole in the wind, but also some basis, in short, you must not drink Meng Po soup, you can not touch the three stone, otherwise, you are not you!" Monkey Road.

"These things were learned after the battle between my father and the former swordsmen. It is not a false one. It is only a small difference from the legend. Be careful."

As the monkey said, Qin Qi will naturally remember it in his heart and will not dare to come.

"Or, I will go into Huangquan with you." Gong Sun Yilin suddenly spoke.

"You are too weak, or forget it." Qin Qi laughed.

Gong Sun Yilin was a bit sullen and uncomfortable, but he had to admit that it was true.

However, he will catch up one day, and when he does not go to the government, he will shoot the entire heaven with an arrow!

See who is strong!

"But you go alone, always worrying." Situ Jing said.

"I am going with him," but it was Su Qingqing. Some of them were very proud of their heads. "I am very powerful now. It can be said to cover the peers!"

"Alright, your performance in heaven, maybe help." Qin Qi nodded, and now Su Qingqing, will not drag his hind legs, but it will be of great use!

Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan are also familiar with Su Qingqing, but they are comrades who have no return. At this moment, they can't help but turn a blind eye.

But my heart can't help but envy.

Su Qingqing was really a step in the sky, much stronger than them, and directly rushed into the realm of the emperor.

Moreover, the first-hand illusion is enough to make her stabilize the supreme master of the day, and the future is limitless.

I have to say that people are really mad at people than people.

"Hey, Xiao Yu and Xiao Han, don't be discouraged, I believe that you will catch up with me soon!" Su Qingqing smiled, and looked like a big sister.

This title, as well as saying this, Wang Qianyu could not help but laugh, and Zuo Qiuhan, is black face, constantly embarrassed.

Both of them, in the past, were above the existence of Su Qingqing. They are now surpassed and really depressed.

"Okay, Qingqing is only absorbing the power of the old man of heaven. Now it is nothing to achieve one step."

"And with your talent, I must catch up, it is not difficult." Qin Qi laughed.

"This is natural!" Zuo Qiuhan screamed.

"Of course, the power of Qing Qing has not been fully absorbed, and it can continue to grow. At least it is no problem to reach the realm of the old man in the short term." Qin Qi continued.

"What is the realm of the old man?"

"Nine steps to the emperor."


Both Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan are turning their eyes, is Qin Qi so comforting?

Su Qingqing is laughing and telling Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan. As long as they call their sister, they can give them a free meal.

Although the two are very different in character, they are all very proud people. Will you bow to Su Qingqing because of this kind of thing?

After drinking the wine, Su Qingqing drunk and got up and left, Wang Qianyu flashed a glimmer of light, and the gentleman helped Su Qingqing to leave.

Zuo Qiuhan saw this, very cold and screamed, and then stood up, but it followed suit.

Say no to your mouth, the body is honest.

Obviously they all have incomparable things that they want to calculate and need Su Qingqing to help.

Do not talk about these.

Everyone has drank a lot of wine today, and they are not willing to use the soul to dispel the drunkenness. Those who are too drunk are sleeping.

They moved Situ Jing back to their residence. Qin Qi went outside and sat in the yard, watching the innocent starry sky.

The park is still, only one person is left.

At this time, Qin Qi’s inner incitement began to take off.

The negative emotions that have been suppressed in the body, as well as the riots, his eyes began to appear scarlet color.

Qin Qi snorted and controlled his emotions, but the more this kind of thing is suppressed, the more terrible the rebound.

It is like a demon, it will not be destroyed, and sooner or later it will swallow him in the opposite direction.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth and his face was very unsightly.

In his heart, he is very clear. This hidden danger has been in his body for a long time. When he chose to kill, he was doomed to lose control.

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