God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1409: Why are you two still not dead?

The first thousand four hundred and nine nine chapters why are you two still not dead?

This magic box, forged in the first place, is to deal with the emperor and even the human race, so it is full of various negative things, sometimes even more difficult than evil spirits.

Nick Sue and Sani jointly responded, and the majesty of the Majesty continued to be shocked, but it was still at a disadvantage.

Even though Nick Sue has the realm of a four-star majesty, tearing dozens of evil spirits, but more horrible evil spirits are coming.

At the end, it can't be matched unless you kill Katherine first.

But Catherine's own realm, after ten thousand years, has also come to the level of Samsung Maharaja.

And her blood is inherited some of the power of the twelve clan, even if there is no Pandora's Box, the fighting power is equally terrible.

In the same situation, fear is also difficult to find an enemy.

At this moment, Pandora's Box is full of light, and the evil spirits are raging, and they are not given the opportunity to approach Catherine.

For the sake of the present, the breakthrough is probably on the Qin Qi or Qin night side.

Qin Qi has such a large number of means. Shaun has even used the demon gods. He still did not win Qin Qi. I am afraid that the battle will not end in a short time.

Then, look at Bowen and Qin night.

As long as Bowen wins as soon as possible, then they can reverse the battle!

Bowen Apollo, although good at deduction, is a prophet, but this does not mean that his combat power is not strong enough.

On the contrary, his strength is absolutely horrible, and he is also a battle for Samsung.

He shot, the flames smoldering, like a sun rising.

He also knows that the key to this game is himself, so one shot is full force and directly enters the demonization!

The flames of the red gold burned, the voids collapsed, and the breath was full, just like the old sun **** Apollo returned to this world.

It is this haze of Huang Quan that has been dispelled a lot.


In midair, countless vertical and vertical fire lines burn, each one is extremely hot and can burn everything.

Qin night was surrounded by the fire line, a slightly thin figure, how to resist this terrible flame?

"Apollo's grip!"

Bowen cold drink, the fire line suddenly gathered, turned into a big hand, pinch Qin night in the hands.

This is the magical skill of the Zhou Wu class. Povin did not keep this hand and vowed to burn the Qin night directly, thus breaking the game.

And he believes that Qin night can not block his attack.

It’s a pity that this is the world’s first skin.


It was a loud explosion, and the powerful flame exploded directly. The flames rolled and raged in all directions, and Qin night, the flames of the feet, step by step.

Her body was covered with deep, dark nights, and the flames did not shine in the night sky.

This day of Huang Quan, it is dim, but at this moment, it has become like ink.

This woman!

In Bowen’s mind, a big fear suddenly emerged, that is, in the face of the strongest ancient ancestors of the family, there has never been.

Damn, how is this possible, where is a human being that is so powerful?

There was no expression on the face of Qin night. Even though she had some momentum of the Queen, she extended her right hand, and the void between her hands suddenly broke open, and there was a hollow of different dimensions.

And Qin Ye, from that different dimension, held a weapon in his hand.

The gods are even better than the Pandora's Box!

In Bowen’s heart, a feeling of near death went straight to his head.

will die.

If this weapon is taken out, he will die soon!

Bowen immediately wanted to escape, but he found that he couldn’t walk, the weapon had locked him, and he had nowhere to escape.

Then, die together!

Bowen is worried, he can go to this step, to achieve the Samsung Maharaja, how could it be a mediocre generation, and in the twinkling of an eye, has made a judgment.

On his body, the power is completely violent, and all the magic is put into it, almost no life.

Taboo secret surgery, Apollo's eclipse!

A huge sun appeared in this space out of thin air.

That high temperature, burned down this piece of void, Qin night was directly trapped in the sun, the temperature of the core, is the emperor Majesty, but also was instantly burned to ashes!

However, the cost of taboo secret surgery is also life.

perish together!

Bowen’s choice made Nick Sue and others all over the body.

They are very clear that Bowen is a prophet. Since this kind of existence is chosen to be the same, it means that he knows that he cannot escape, and there is no future.

And the human girl, the Qin night that she had never seen, actually pushed Bowen to these places?

It is difficult to achieve, but it is obscure, she is more threatening!

But even so, everything is over, and since the eclipse of Apollo has been used, Qin night has only been burned into nothingness.

Must die!

Bowen’s face was gray, and he didn’t think he would die like this.

But even if you want to die, you must look at your opponent and step down to hell!

Bowen stared at the hot sun, but immediately, his eyes were rounded, and the pupils contracted.

The red-golden sun, it began to ignite part of the black, from the inside a little bit outward, and finally, turned into a dark sun!

There is no hot high temperature, it is a cold.

Like a pure black night!

In the vagueness, you can see that the girl is standing in the night, and her hand is holding a weapon, but unfortunately, it is covered in the night, and it is not clear.

The next moment, the girl will wave the weapon.

Bowen, feeling that death is waving to him.

However, Qin’s attack was not directed at him, but he fell to Shawn who was fighting with Qin Qi.

Although Shawn is already wary, but at the moment face this blow, but only to have a sense of fear.


Half of the body has been cut off directly, and the endless magic is inexhaustible, and it can't resist the strike of God's Nejos!

"This little girl..." Qin Qi Qin Qi laughed, and the dragon **** shed tears and suddenly fell.

Sword one!

Destroy everything.

Sean roared wildly, but under the severe injury, how to resist Qin Qi's attack.

Was directly annihilated.

There is no room for it.

Samsung Emperor!

Qin Qi directly entered the realm of the Samsung Emperor, and the energy value also increased by 10 points.

Of course, annihilating Sean, Qin Qi did not stop, the figure disappeared instantly.

"You..." Bowen looked at Qin Qi in front of him, but he couldn't make a sound, because the sword front directly split him into two paragraphs.

The blood of the devil flies, falling like a rain.

Before Bowen died, Qin Qi shot and harvested his life.

The knife is successful.

Start with 10 energy points.

"Brother, how are you, I am amazing?" Qin night stood in front of Qin Qi, leaning his head, proud of the road.

The Empress Dowager and Qin Ye are the ones who know Qin Qi’s biggest secret.

They are well aware of the rules of the system.

Although the system has been further updated, Qin night knows that Qin Qi needs to be strong through killing, so he deliberately left Qin Qi to fill the knife.

"True!" Qin Qi was so happy, could not help but touch the head of Qin night.

Qin night laughed and looked provocatively to Catherine.

Catherine picks two, even with the Pandora's Box, but it also has some pressure, but still can see the expression of Qin night.

When I was furious, I said, "Why are you two still not dead!"

Nick Sue and Sani are crying and crying.

The old Dajun, the ancient ancestor of the respective clan, has become a jealous chip for two girls.

I knew this so much, why did I struggle to survive and live more than two or three thousand years?

I was dead at the beginning!

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