God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1410: Ancient ancestors

The first thousand four hundred and ten chapters of the ancient ancestors are extinct

Only sigh,

How life is awkward.

Oh no, the magic is too much.

I think that year, the vertical and the cross, the law of rebellion against the heavens and the earth to achieve the majesty of the majesty, the prestige of the generation of pressure, the domineering and loneliness.

But in order to wait for an opportunity, but to lower the proud head, surrender to the death, willing to linger, humble and sleep.

Now that the recovery is a great opportunity, perhaps tens of thousands of years of waiting can be reached at this moment.

This world has changed, and God is no longer empty talk, and can even reproduce the grandeur of 100,000 years ago.

This is the wish of the strong, only to climb to a higher peak.



Being asked by a woman, "Why don't you die?"

I really want to die.

Dajun strong, a family of ancient ancestors, how exist, shame and shame?

Moreover, this woman in front of her is nothing but jealous with another woman.

Their lives are only used to be jealous!

What a fate.

They are great monarchs!

Nick Sue and Sani, roaring wildly, a burst of unreserved power.

What a joke!

Are they so easy to be defeated?

"Evil spirits!"

Of course, Catherine did not want to be compared to the Qin night. At this moment, it also entered the demonization, and the power of the ancestor Pandora came to an endless stream.

Her body circumference, the beating of the behemoths, turned into a circular array of light, very complicated, and the cover of the Pandora's Box was also opened again.

In an instant, countless negative things rushed out, even more amazing than the Dark Wizard, whether it was Nick Sue or Sani, it was weakened.

Even the power has become messy.

However, this is not the most terrible. In the Pandora's Box, a **** hand stretched out, grabbed the edge of the box, and forced it. The huge and evil evil spirit appeared in this film. Inside the void.

Such an evil atmosphere is really amazing. Qin Qi can't help but feel a cold in the heart. These evil spirits are really difficult to deal with.

This is the power of Pandora's Box, which is forged together by the gods, including the **** Zeus.

Both Nick Sue and Sani are shocked by the heart. Looking at this evil spirit, they can’t help but fear and are hard to match.

But they are not the cattle and sheep that are being slaughtered, but the Maharaja!

Especially Nick Sue, is a four-star majesty, if you are desperate, you can still fight!

Big deal, use taboo secrets!


It was a scream, evil spirits, and the evil spirits completely rushed out of the Pandora's Box, and in those empty eyes, the reflections of Nick Sue and Sani began to emerge.

For a moment, Nick Sue and Sani were all in a stalemate, in the sea of ​​souls, countless evil thoughts rushed out, directly killing the heart.

This is the power of evil spirits, unless it is ignorant wood, or a blank fool in the head, otherwise it is difficult to escape the interference of evil thoughts.

"Damn, then let it go!"

"This is the ancient ancestor of the Zeus clan, Nick Sue Zeus!"

Nick Sue is a four-star majesty, or forced to hold the impact of evil thoughts, the thunder of his body has never been violent.

Taboo secret surgery, the order of Zeus!

The hammer of Thor, as if it was a hammer of judgment, can specify all order.

God Zeus, the **** who is in charge of order, under his order, he is everything!

Who can resist this power?

"Order is always used to break, because power is everything!"

Qin Qi shot.

Ding Guozhu, the body is long.

The ancient sword was concealed in a sword, and thirty-six golden dragons roared out and instantly annihilated.

36,000% attack bonus.

Cooperate with Qin Qi who has already achieved the Samsung Emperor.

This sword, want his life!

The order of Zeus was not completely shot, and Qin Qi’s sword came, like the end of the world.

Nick Sue, who was disturbed by evil thoughts, could not make effective resistance. All the defenses were crushed in an instant, until the long sword penetrated the body and smashed the magic core.

"Qin Qi, the Zeus clan will not let you go, you are destined to die in the hands of my family!" Nick Su gritted, a generation of Maharaja, the end of life.

"Hey, I will come to Zeus Peak one day. By that time, I will have to see, how do you kill me!" Qin Qi said indifferently.

Immediately, the sword has turned, and the power of annihilation is like a spiral, tearing everything.

Only blood and rain are left.

That is the blood of the four-star maharaja, and every drop can kill the Prince of the Holy Spirit.

Nick Sue died, and the remaining Sani was naturally unable to escape and was killed by Qin Qi.

After killing Nick Sue, Qin Qi is already a four-star emperor!

"Hey, have other people gone to the capital?" Qin Qi used the dark wizard to search their souls, and then smashed them into a massive soul.

These four ancient ancestors are indeed powerful, but in fact, they are only the ancient ancestors of the respective clan.

The twelve clan, the inheritance is too long, except for the opening of Ares is too good, the death and injury is amazing, only one ancient ancestor survived.

The other eleven clan, at least two ancient ancestors fell asleep.

It’s just because the age of sleeping is different, the cost of awakening is different. The older it is, the harder it is to wake up.

This time, I entered Huangquan, who was relatively late to sleep. At least the Zeus clan, and the sleeping ancient ancestors did not wake up.

After that, even the creation of Huang Quan is not ready to be born. What is waiting for?

But no matter what their purpose is, since Qin Qi came here, it is not going to let the hostile ancient ancestors go out alive.

All become his strong nourishment!

The end of the killing, the end of the four ancient ancestors, is indeed unexpected, if it is placed in the outside world, I am afraid that in an instant it will be smashed.

The impact is nothing more than Tianyuan.

This is even more shocking than destroying the Huang Daolong Palace.

However, this also represents the opening of a new era.

From now on, the emperor will no longer be the peak. If they can't catch up with the great ship of the great world, then they will be abandoned by the times and become a stepping stone for others.

This is the sadness of the times.

But everything, just to usher in a new era of more sleek and magnificent!

The dim spring was surging, and the ghosts and Su Qingqing also came in. The ghosts and sorrows were fine. Su Qingqing learned that Qin Qi and others had killed the four ancient ancestors of the Mozu. They were surprised to know what face they were facing. .

"You cow!"

"Oh no, you cow!"

Su Qingqing suddenly had a hunch, this family is estimated to turn over Huang Quan.

And as the first day of the human race, intuition can sometimes represent a lot of things.

"Oh, that's great."

Ghosts stood on the land of Huangquan, could not help but take a deep breath, his face with an intoxicating look.

This is a rare situation. It seems that this Huangquan is like a paradise for the post-mortem!

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