The first thousand four hundred and seventy-nine chapters

The body of this golden dragon, the dragon is mighty, and more gods can erupt. This kind of momentum is not comparable to Nangong.

The realm of the first-order virtual god!

Thirty-six little kings rank in the top ten.

Kim Min.

"Not to fight with you, but to use you, feed my kendo!" Xiaosheng sighed low, and the swords swept up and rushed into the sky.

Fight again!

The golden roar screamed and made a loud dragon.

This human being, who does not know how to live and die, thinks that the martial law is sublimated and the realm is elevated. Is it enough to fight him?

Also too small to see the Golden Dragon!

He will let Xiaosheng know that what is truly powerful.

The battle started in an instant, and, in an instant, the violent boundless power burned like a golden flame, and the power of Jin Hao swept everything.

The realm of the virtual god, the golden dragon, plus a whole set of dragon secret treasures, crushing a small victory, there seems to be no suspense.

However, Xiaosheng is like a pine on a cliff, letting the wind blow, the rain and the snow thunder, and still grow strong.

The power of Kim Min Jong can hurt a small win, but he can never beat a small win.

Kim was angry and his mood was somewhat out of control. He did not allow himself to beat Xiaosheng for such a long time.


A dragon scorpion, Jin Yu abandoned the human form and returned to its original form.

One, a huge golden dragon like a mountain!

Jinguang is so splendid, if the sun is empty, the dragon claws fall, it is the power of the dragon's fame, the dragon claw hand!

This is not a basic ability, but a mystery that will become more and more powerful as the realm improves.

The dragon claws are shot down and have the power to tear everything.

However, Xiaosheng is still not defeated and still supported.

The battle became more and more fierce, and Xiaosheng showed extremely powerful combat skills, even Qin Qi, who was not weak.

However, in the end, he is a mortal body. It is not the body of the dragon pulse like Qin Qi. In the face of the disadvantages of the realm, it is still difficult to rely on combat skills to restore the situation.

After a full quarter of an hour, although the victory was not divided, the injury on Xiaosheng was getting heavier and heavier.

However, as opposed to his more brilliant eyes, his sword has accumulated another peak!

"Enough, the grasshoppers usually jump around, it is really annoying, this battle, stop here!" Jin Hao, the dragon of the sky roared.

Jin Hui is everywhere, but Jin Yu used the mysterious secret.

Golden Dragon swallows the sky!

The huge dragon body, swooping from top to bottom, the dragon force oscillated, the void directly shattered, almost turned into chaos.

This blow, how to block the small win?

Of course, use the sword to block!

His sword has reached a higher level with constant collision. It is like charging. The more you accumulate, the more terrible the power is.

And now, he is not accumulating, but, taking out this sword!

Pour a sword!

Even if there is only this sword, then it will be wary!

Sword to the dragon!

The violent explosion of the collision, the spurt of power, swept across the entire platform, as if everything had to be overturned.

All the strong are concerned, and this power has no one to ignore.

Xiaosheng, really strong, has proved his talent to the world.

Moreover, his kendo is really terrible, and he can continue to accumulate swords, thus erupting a stronger power.

Qin Qi’s disciple, of course, can’t wait for it.

But in the end, who wins.

Is it Kim, or is Brahma winning?

"Break the world!"

In the end, Xiaosheng is a part of the inheritance of the talented person. He will not be a sword, but the emptiness of the avenue is also involved. One word of Yu condenses in front of him and cuts off most of the power.

In the end, he stood in the ring, and although he was scarred, he could fall at any time.

But, he is winning!

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the sword in his body is more and more concise, and the sword is not dimmed by the weakness of the body. Instead, it reaches another peak!

Terrible people, terrible swordsman.

Don't say that you can still insist, that is, there is only one sword left, and no one can ignore it, because that sword is bound to be the strongest sword.

The road of the swordsman, Xiaosheng is more pure than Qin Qi and talented people!

Xiaosheng’s breathing is heavy. In fact, his injury is already very heavy, but he will not fall down.

He is holding his body, standing straight, the sword is still in his hand, he can fight again!

"Apollo, come to war!" Xiaosheng Yao refers to the young genius of the Apollo family, and the thirty-six little king ranks in the top five.

What kind of arrogance, and Qin Qi can be described as the same line!

What is the Tianyuan Twelve Clan, what is the **** of the gods.

Rolling a battle!

"Alright, let me end your journey!" Dalshi Apollo walked up.

Every time he took a step, his momentum would be strong. In the end, like a big day, he rose behind him, and the whole platform became hot.

Dalhiben, the pure blood descendant of the sun **** Apollo, is extremely powerful, and when the temporary generation comes, he gets one-half of the gods!

Although the second generation of the ancestor **** from Apollo is not the sun **** Apollo itself, but this power is still strong enough.

Powerful to defeat Xiaosheng, there is no need for a second move.

This self-confidence made him ignore the attitude of Xiaosheng.

In his opinion, it is only the weak who want to lose a decent.

But losing, it is losing, meaningless!

The battle is on.

A big round directly oppressed the entire ring, and the fire of the big day burned in the void. Even if you mastered the small victory of the word "宇", it would be difficult to control the void.

Almost, it is a one-sided battle.

After all, Xiaosheng has fought two powerful enemies, and the injury is heavy and he is almost unable to support it.

However, it is still stubborn to look down on Xiaosheng.

Can you beat Xiaosheng with one stroke?

That is that Dalhi is playing his own face. His strength has indeed surpassed many small wins. However, it is still impossible to quickly defeat Xiaosheng.

Every time I think that a small win is impossible to continue to support, Xiaosheng can hold on, and then, launch a counterattack!

Dahl's face was ugly, and he felt that the small victory was getting stronger and stronger. There was even a panic in his heart.

Will it be defeated?

When this idea appeared, Dalshi was extremely angry, and he was angry with himself, and he would have such an idea.

It’s a shame!

He wants to end the battle.

He won't give Xiaosheng any chance!


One-half of the gods of fire broke out infinitely, and the fire of the big day burned and burned the world!

Dalhi struggled to get the most out of the attack.

He does not believe that Xiaosheng can continue to support.

"The son!"

In the corner, Su’s words were extremely worried, and Qin Qi’s hand could not help but tighten.

Small win, can you support it?

"You can rest assured that there is me, Xiaosheng will not have anything." Qin Qidao, and, he also believes that Xiaosheng will not fail like this!

Just like him, it won't be lost easily!

Pour a sword!

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