God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1480: Madman

The first thousand four hundred and eighty chapters of the madman

It is still this sword.

The accumulated swords broke out in an instant, power, and more powerful, the power of this sword can already influence the life and death of Dalhi!


When the loud noise came, the two forces collided and it was difficult to win or lose.

However, among the explosive powers, Xiaosheng, even once again shot, Yu's limit of one word condensed, broke the void, fell, another sword!

The sword fell, the speed is reaching the limit, Dalshi did not expect Xiaosheng to dare to shoot like this, completely out of life!

He has a talent that surpasses a small win, and resources are not a small win.

But in the face of the number of deaths, even the small wins can not catch up!

He will not lose, but he is still defeated.

It is not defeated in strength, but rather, not afraid of death.

The audience took a deep breath and could not imagine that Xiaosheng actually won.

Win three games in a row!

This is enough. Xiaosheng has proved himself. He does not need to continue to challenge. He can raise his injury first.

These hundred powerful battles do not need to be fighting all the time. They can rest, but Xiaosheng has given up.

Now, he has already made it impossible, and he does not need to continue to drag such a residual battle.

It’s just that Xiaosheng is very clear.

He can't end the battle.

His sword, with the victory just now, once again improved, almost completely integrated with himself.

This is a feeling that has never been seen before. It is the closest to the essence of the sword since he explored Kendo.

This opportunity must not be let go.

Because once the rest is over, the sword is scattered, and he can no longer fight with Luo.

Insulting the teacher, he will never let go!

Be sure to beat it!

Moreover, he is not unable to fight, he now, there is the ability of a sword, the last sword!

As long as there is a sword, as a swordsman, you can fight and even defeat your opponent.

"Luo Kai, it's your turn!" Xiaosheng stood in a difficult position, pointing to Luo Kai!

The audience is at a loss.

Xiaosheng, even a battle!

Many people, no matter which power they are, can't help but admire. Such a young man is indeed worthy of respect.

However, such a choice, I am afraid, will regret life.

In this state, against Luo Kai, one of the Seven Stars?

Against the opening of the Qinglian sword **** heritage?

wishful thinking!

It is simply strengthening.

Do you want to be the name of Qin Qi?

Many people are sighing, with such a disciple, Qin Qi, indeed three students are fortunate!

And those Qin Qi's enemies are a face of indifference.

The talents displayed by Xiaosheng made them more and more scared. Although they could not compare with Qin Qi of that year, but they could grow up, no one could guarantee that there would be a second Qin Qi.

That is what they never want to see.

Now, since Xiaosheng is fighting for himself, then his martial arts career will end.

Luo Kai looks indifferent.

The power of Xiaosheng is indeed unexpected. His kendo is amazing!

However, it is a pity that it is not his opponent.

"Birthday wins, I remember your name. You are indeed qualified to fight with me. If you have a strong person who is defeated under my sword, you, Brahma wins, is destined to be one of them." !"

"Enjoy this glory moment of death, this is the last time you used a sword!"

Luo Kai, slowly coming, a line of Qinglian blooms beside him.

His momentum is too strong and stronger!

Innocent to one of the Seven Stars, the realm of the fifth-order virtual god, let him, invincible!

Standing with a hand, like a sword!

This is what is attracting attention!

He did sell very well, and when he appeared, many young women screamed again and again.

Originally, he should be allowed to show up again.

However, Xiaosheng really can't hold on.

Therefore, he took out this sword.

The last sword!

Pour a sword!

It is still this sword, but the power has reached an unprecedented height. It seems that it is not the sword but the self.

The sword is one!

Heart and sword together!

this is.

The sword is one!

Luo Kai is on the top, like a **** overlooking the world.

He also wants to enjoy a lot of attention, but immediately, his look has changed.

Great change!

Xiaosheng, took out a sword and bowed to him.

Luo Kai has countless means to overcome the small victory at this moment, but he soon discovered that he did not have a means to block the sword!

What kind of sword is this, an emperor, how could it be such a sword?

"Small victory over the understanding of Kendo will start from this sword, and there will be no blockage!"

It is him, but also to make a case!

Such a sword, he can not make it!

In the presence, as long as it is a person with a sword, it is impossible to be indifferent. With such a sword, the mood is too strong.

It is the swordsman's Jedi counterattack.

This sword is enough to represent the swordsman!

Luo Kai can't believe that he is so conceited, he can easily defeat Xiaosheng, but in the face of Xiaosheng, he can't stop it!

There is only one trick in this battle.

And this move is enough to set the outcome!


A crackling sound.

Luo Kai was cold and sweaty and pale.

But this sword did not really reach him.


Countless people sigh, it is a pity for a small victory.

In the end, he was too heavy. When he took out the last sword, the whole person was already in a coma and fell down.

If you can't hit the sword, then it doesn't make sense.

Luo Kai's pupil shrinks and he wins.

But everyone knows that he has lost.

The defeat is complete, even a sword can not stand!


Luo Kailu, his face has been completely distorted.

When did he receive such humiliation!

He wants to kill a small victory.

Qinglian sword god, Qinglian sword!

When Qin Qi is cold, he has to shoot.

When the talent is cold, he has to shoot.

Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan are all furious and will have to shoot.

However, before them, a tall and straight figure, but one step ahead, stood in front of Xiaosheng.

One hand, crushing the green lotus sword.

It is a boy, a heroic and straightforward, although still young, but there is a mountain tsunami!

"Win brother, you have done a good job, rest, the rest, give it to me." The teenager smiled slightly, a force wrapped in a small victory, sent him to Lili.

Lili, when she saw the boy, suddenly showed a pleasant look.

Perhaps this is the person who inherited all the hegemony of Qin Qi!

"Who are you?" Luo Kaiguang flashed.

"I?" The teenager smiled faintly, "Qin Jia, Qin Xiaopeng!"

"Qin family? Are you the son of Qin Qi?" Luo opened a shock.

And when I heard this, the strong people present were all amazed.

Qin Qi’s son, actually participated in the war?

"Qin Qi's son, very good, I promised your challenge!" Luo Kai cold and cold.

"Challenging you?" Qin Xiaopeng disdainfully smiled. He looked at Luo Kai, but at the same time, he also looked at all the seven stars and thirty-six kings!

"I don't have much time, you guys, let's go together!"

The juvenile is holding hands and standing.

And his words directly detonated this sky!

What is madness!

This is it!

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