God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1484: Unparalleled

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters are unparalleled

Amazed, exclaimed, the audience was stunned, and the audience cheered.

Such a brilliant matchup is enough to be remembered by history, making people hooked!

"Win, big brother won!" Little did not point the whole jumped up, very excited.

Qin Xiaopeng won.

He did what Qin Qi once did.

"I don't want to be Xiaopeng!" Lili and Xiaosheng are both happy and excited.

"Qin brother, you really should see this scene with your own eyes!" Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan, are excited, almost shouting.

"Sister, this is the younger brother... Hey, Qin Qi's child!" Li Ningshang whispered, almost called the wrong name, and it was a little uncomfortable in the eyes.

She grew up and is more beautiful.

But the woman around her, she completely covered her.

Such a grand competition, Tianzi Academy will naturally not be absent, and ten years later, Li Ningshang, Xu Shi'an, etc., have also become the mainstay of the Tianzi Academy, leading the team.

Just did not expect that the big ratio will become like this.

For the Tianzi Academy, Qin Qi is naturally special. After all, he was renamed Qin Kong and became a member of the academy.

Also, in one's heart, leaving indelible traces.

Li Jingshuang looks a bit lonely.

There was no wave of heart, because this invincible figure in front of me, but re-thinking another more arrogant figure.

Inevitably, start again.

"If you are still not dead, come back soon, otherwise, your child, afraid that it will not survive this robbery!" Li Ningshuang whispered.

"Qin brother's child, the world is unparalleled!" Only the child smiled and smiled.

Jiang Xueting nodded, but then flattened his mouth, not convinced: "Our children, certainly not bad!"

The genius stunned, licked Jiang Xueting’s shoulder and smiled: “Yes!”

Immediately, he released Jiang Xueting.

"Xue Ting, you should leave here first."

Jiang Xueting glanced at it and thought of something. His face suddenly fell cold and he snorted: "No hurry, let's see it first!"

"It is indeed your child." Qing Litian whispered, and no one could see through the face, not knowing what she was thinking.

"However, it is not you, now the saint is sleeping, who can solve this game?"

Qing Litian whispered.

She is very clear that Qin Xiaopeng's performance is enough to make people face the face.

Qin Xiaopeng did what Qin Qi once did, but in the end it was not Qin Qi, and could not do everything in Qin Qi.

After all, Qin Qi was the time to overwhelm his peers?

Those miracles, no second person can do it.

Perhaps today's poetry can be, but after the return of the gods of Zeus, the poetry fell into a deep sleep, and has not yet woken up.

This robbery is afraid that it will not pass.

After the crazy cheers, everything is back to calm, but this calm comes so fast that it is hard to breathe.

The keen person already knows that I am afraid that after Qin Xiaopeng reached this feat, waiting for him will only perish.

There are too many forces who don't want to see the second invincible Qin family.

Previously, Qin Qi had passed away, and the Chaos Era Alliance and the Qin family had become insufficiently concerned. Therefore, after the balance of all parties, it was indeed possible to suppress the impulsiveness of the Alliance and wipe out the Qin family.

After all, there are not many threats.

But now, Qin Xiaopeng’s performance has made them feel the threat.

It is like Qin Qi in the same year!

Those forces who are hostile to Qin Qi, hope that time can go backwards. In that case, they must be desperate to kill Qin Qi in the cradle.

Today, they have encountered the same choice, how can they make the same mistake again?

No matter what, kill Qin Xiaopeng!

"It’s the son of Qin Qi, it’s amazing, it’s admirable, but you shouldn’t be here!” Xuantian’s authentic lord, Lu Baifan, who has reached the realm of God, walked out slowly.

The power of the gods, suddenly through the sky, sweeping everything!

"Yeah, although it is very shameful, I am not willing to face your father again." The emperor Yan Yang of the Yangon dynasty stepped out.

He saw Qin Qi from Qin Xiaopeng and saw that he was like a father and would sweep the future of the world.

In the end, I don't want to face that fear anymore.

So, give up all your face and kill him!

"The son of the demon, this should not live in the world, this way, the devil!" In the camp of the Holy Palace, two holy lights rise to the sky.

One of them, the breath is more intense, I am afraid it is not a star god!

“Presidents say it is!”

The Nangong family, etc., under the support of the Holy Palace in the dark, the forces who came to the summit in the temporary generation of God, responded and stood up.

Actually, still occupy half of the human race!

Even if Qin Qi was destroyed once, even if the right-wing alliance had been destroyed, the power of the Holy King did not be reduced.

"Human, you are still too kind. These embers should have been killed long ago. Today, let my saints help you clean up the portal!"

"Hey, since you want to kill, why not only kill one Qin Qinpeng, the Qin family, one can not let go today!"

Tianyuan, the demon strong shark.

The devils of Zeus, Apollo, Hera, and Poseidon are coming out to kill Qin Xiaopeng!

"The family of the Pengpeng is the rebellion of the Yaozu. It has long been obscured by the gods of the first generation, the gods of the demon. I did not expect that there will be sinful blood circulating in the world."

"My demon family will never allow this blood to continue to stretch, and Peng Peng will be destroyed!"

The demon gods of Qinglong, Xuanwu, Baihu and other demon people have come out. Among them, apart from the dragons, there is not much hostility towards Qin Qi.

But Kun Peng, must kill!


A Buddha number, but it is a boundless killing.

Golden-winged Dapeng Wang, although he converted to Buddhism, but still can not eliminate the fierceness, he wants to kill Qin Xiaopeng, get the law of Kunpeng!

As for the attitude of the Golden-winged Dapeng King, Buddhism sorghum, there is no one to stop.

Obviously, Buddhism is not a quiet place, and they don't want Qin Xiaopeng to live!

This is what Qin Xiaopeng needs to face.

If you are a strong god, you will have more than a dozen people. This is not a master of other virtual realms!

The lore of loneliness.

With so many hostility, so many powerful people, no one has saved Qin Xiaopeng.

Even those forces that prefer Qin Qi have come out, the same!

The trend of the times is simply impossible.

Qin Xiaopeng sneered, still standing straight.

These are the enemies of Qin Qi.

He finally knew what Qin Qi was facing.

It is almost equal to the hostility of half the world!

Qin Qi, is an enemy of the world!

Heavy, almost breathless.

Qin Xiaopeng smiled and said that he would never let his mother complain that his father is always outside, and he is far away from his family. Because his father is suffering, it is hard to imagine!

Now, Qin Qi is not there, so as a son, today, fight for the father!

Qin Xiaopeng stood straight, and the shape of Kunpeng released boundless fierceness.

"Getting started!"

"It's really his child!"

Wang Qianyu, Zuo Qiuhan, Caiziqing, etc., they chuckled, naturally it is impossible for Qin Qi’s children to die in such a place!

But what is the fear of a war?

But even if they shot, I am afraid that they can't change anything. The union of more than a dozen gods is too strong to resist!

"Sin of blood should not continue, Qin family, still extinct!"

God, shot, that is the power to crush the world!

They must kill Qin Xiaopeng.

I couldn’t kill Qin Qi in the past, but today, I can kill Qin Xiaopeng!

"Want to kill my child, you, have you thought about the consequences?"

It was a voice that suddenly rang through the world. The sound was not big, but after hearing this voice, all the strong, even the existence of the gods, were suddenly stiff and chilly. !

There are footsteps, it sounds.

A figure, slowly coming.

That is, the real world is unparalleled!

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