God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1485: Return

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-five chapters return

The killing of the game.

For Qin Xiaopeng, and Xiaosheng, for them, this pure land of Buddhism will be their last road.

There are too many forces that don't want them to live. Even this time, the host, Buddhism, has no plans to shelter them.

This place is the site of Buddhism, and the Buddha does not speak of killing.

But if all the Buddhas are compassionate, how can they say that Buddhism is deep?

Buddhism, killing and killing.

This time, the Yuanyuan ratio is the Buddhism-led, used to show strength. After all, they have returned to the decade, and they need to let the world understand their power.

To this end, the Buddhist disciples who participated in this competition were extremely strong. The one who heard the little monk was even more powerful and even surpassed McLean.

Moreover, this place is the pure land of Buddhism. It can be used to exert more powerful power. As long as it defeats Qi Lanpei, the position of the leader is Buddhism.

In this regard, Buddhism has confidence.

However, all of them were disrupted. Qin Xiaopeng was born, overwhelming the whole audience and creating a miracle. The Buddha Gate has not yet begun to show its power, and it has already failed!

In the heart of Buddhism, how can you not be angry!

Therefore, the golden-winged Dapeng Wang wants to shoot, the Buddha does not mean to stop it, and even, there is some faint connivance.

It is necessary to know that the Golden-winged Dapeng King has converted to the Buddha's Gate. As long as the top of the Buddha's Gate is not restricted, then he can call the power of the pure land.

Almost invincible!

Buddhism has such an attitude, and other forces are even more unscrupulous. They have expressed their desire to influence the general trend by quantity. At that time, the trend of the times, let alone killing people, is to squander the chaotic era.

The result is naturally as expected.

The general trend has been achieved, even if many forces will block, but it does not matter.

No one can stop it, unless Qin Qi is coming again!

However, this thought only flashed in the brains of these powerful people.

How does Qin Qi come again?

He has not come back.

So now, they only need to make sure that the second Qin Qi will not appear.

Killed, naturally it will not appear.

This time, the Buddha did not show up, but it also ruined these hidden dangers. For many of the three tribes, it was a good result.

How does Qin Xiaopeng put pressure on his peers, and no one can suppress it.

In the future, it is still Qi Lanpei and McLean!

"Very good, just die like this, the Qin family, all should kill!" McLean haha ​​laughed.

He not only lost to Qin Qi, but also lost to his son!

He only wants Qin Xiaopeng to die now!

"How strong is it, after all, you must die!"

They are defeated, but those who have lost them will also die.

Then they are still unbeaten!

"Amitabha!" I heard a low voice, and I am compassionate, but I don't know what it is like in him!

"Hey!" Qi Lanpei sighed.

He lost, but he did not hate Qin Xiaopeng. He was fortunate to have such an opponent. As long as he was thinking about catching up with the other side, he was full of motivation.

It seems that her kendo can also be sublimated.

Unfortunately, this opponent can't live.

I don’t know how many strong people are there. They look different, sigh, and ridicule, but no one can stop this trend.

The gods look around, and the high-altitude gold-winged Dapeng King emits endless Buddha light.


And Qin Xiaopeng, standing straight, proud of the crowd.

Give a big bang and get a fight!

"No, it is my child!"

Qin Qi whispers, his heart is proud!

I am very proud to have such a child.

He will one day be alone, and Qin Qi believes that that day will not be too long.

Before that, as a father, you must make the perfect example for your child!

He stepped forward, step by step, every step fell, the heaven and earth air machine changed a few points, it is the unparalleled hegemony of the world, returning from ten years ago!

The mountain is tsunami!

Heaven and earth town service!

This is the woman with a bleak heart in Su dialect. At this moment, her heart beats faster, looking forward to the back, once again, the world.

It is cold.

From the heart of the cold, from head to toe, almost to freeze the heart and soul.

The first breath, or the momentum of the sky, can be the gods of the ups and downs of the Lord, the next breath, but become so weak and small, like ants!

Humming, shaking if sifting.

Regardless of whether you want it or not, what will happen next is destined to happen, so everyone is watching and witnessing Qin’s end.

It’s just that the gods have already been shown, and the gods who have executed Qin Xiaopeng have not been shot.

what happened?

The people couldn't help but wonder, and then they saw a person who was slowly coming.

What kind of breath is that, it can't be swayed, facing this person, even the soul is shuddering, his mind is blank, and even one thought can't flash.

As if, dominate!

"That is Qin Qi!"

Suddenly, some people couldn’t help but yell, the face was extremely wonderful, full of horror.

Qin Qi, this is Qin Qi?

"Qin Qi, he is Qin Qi, he is back!"

"Scorpio, it won't be that I misunderstood it. How could Qin Qi return? The Holy King said that he can no longer return!"

More and more people recognize Qin Qi.

They are all geniuses who were active in the previous era, and naturally experienced the fear of being crushed by Qin Qi.

And the geniuses of the gods of the generation are all exposed.

Is this Qin Qi?

The peers of the last era are the strongest?

This name is not mentioned much. The geniuses of God's temporary generation do not bother with the achievements of Qin Qi. They feel that they are born in the best times.

Therefore, Qin Qi is just a stalwart of the last era.

In this era, he is afraid that nothing is.

Many people think this way. The more powerful, the more conceited, the more they ignore the former Qin Qi.

At the moment, they finally knew how stupid they were.

Qin Qi, he is the best they can compare, the strongest of the previous era, in this era, you can still dominate the world!

One person is out, and the gods are shaking.

One person is coming, the gods are easy to make.

One person said, if the gods are cold!

What kind of achievements can make Qin Qi possess such fierceness, and have not done anything yet, just show up, just step by step.

It has already fallen to the sea.

What is the trend.

What will kill the game.

Just rubbish!

Qin Qi returned.

The world is shaking.

He did not show too much power, even the realm of the ten-star Wudi, even the virtual **** is not.

But that kind of fear stems from the deepest part of the heart, just like a little mouse, seeing a lion!

God is also afraid!

"Impossible, you, how can you, no, not true, this is not true!" Lu Baifan repeatedly retreated, his face pale.

He can't believe how this kind of thing can happen.

Is it even a holy king who made a wrong judgment?

"Qin... Qi..." Yan war turned and wanted to escape.

Fear takes up his heart!

The demon, the demon, the existence of those gods, this moment, even the words can not be said.

Qin Qi, this is Qin Qi.

The goods are genuine.

Such as fake replacement!

A living legend!

He is back!

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