God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1494: We are all sharpshooters

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-four chapters are all sharpshooters

Today, the four taboo artifacts he already owns.

And the remaining three, divided in the hands of the three tribes, this man is in the Emperor City.

Qin Qi naturally has to start with this man.

When I heard Qin Qi’s words, the ancients and the Mosang were all changed, and the drunkenness was suddenly scattered.

The Emperor's pen, that is the heavy weight of the human race.

In the past ten years, the Holy Spirit has not been the same for the imperial city. However, it is because the Emperor’s main battle is equally shocking. Secondly, it is the taboo of this person.

After all, the Emperor's clock in his hand is broken and difficult to reshape, and this man's pen is flawless and flawless.

And really want to say, the power of the Emperor's pen is indeed on the top of the emperor's clock!

The most important thing is that the meaning of the Emperor's pen is not reflected in the powerful combat power, but in the suppression of the human race forever!

The Emperor's pen, from the hands of the Emperor, represents the highest humanity, and it is not the Emperor's City, but the entire Terran.

Once moved, the Terran will be affected.

So how important is the Emperor's pen, and it is no longer necessary to say more, but Qin Qi, even want to borrow?

This is not only a taboo, but it is also impossible to attract the hostility of the Emperor.

Even if Qin Qi is now very strong, he can only destroy the Holy Palace, but it is a personal grievance between Qin Qi and Sheng Qian.

But if you want to take away the man's pen, it is the thing between Qin Qi and the entire human race.

"I am afraid..." The ancients were embarrassed, and they stopped talking.

"I naturally know that this is not easy to do, but I only use it by the Emperor, not to take it for myself." Qin Qidao, knowing the dilemma of the Emperor City.

To put it bluntly, the Emperor's pen is not the Emperor's city, but belongs to the entire Terran.

It is not that the Emperor City Lord promised to lend Qin Qi, he can borrow it.

Gu Renjie and Mosang looked at each other and immediately asked Mosang to swear: "When you ask, what does Qin brother borrow from the Emperor?"

"Resurrection of a person." Qin Qi said directly.

The words are both shocked.

They are all outstanding people, and since they were in the Imperial City, the collection is rich, afraid that there is not much difference in the Holy Palace, and I have heard of some taboos.

Although not comprehensive, it is said to be related to the top ten taboo artifacts, but I do not know the specific method.

And this method does not seem to guarantee the ability to resurrect the dead.

"Qin brother, you can think about it, this is not something you have to do with the pen."

"I know this, there is the magic of the sky and the pool of blood." Qin Qidao.

"There is also a shore bridge." Mosang reminded him.

"The other side of the bridge is already in my hand." Qin Qi faint.

Gu Renjie and Mo Mosang heard the words, almost being picked up by the wine, and some stared at Qin Qi unbelievably.

The other side of the bridge, Depodado's taboo artifact, Huang Quan collapsed ten years ago, Shengqian said that Qin Qi can no longer return, the most important point is because of this bridge.

Going to the other side of the bridge and want to come back?

That is the taboo artifact, how can the holy thousand fall not be heart-warming, but even if he is, in the end it is just giving up, there is no idea to fight the bridge.

Obviously, even if he is, he can't collect the bridge, or even close.

As a result, the other side of the bridge has already arrived in the hands of Qin Qi?


"About some of my martial arts and the eggs of the creation, and I only charge, and can not be used for the time being." Qin Qidao.

But even if it is, it is amazing enough!

Gu Jiejie took a deep breath and calmed down. He said: "I will sue the father of this matter, but even if I promised Qin Brother to ask, I will lend you this man, but Qin brother may not take it."

"How do you say this?" Qin Qi frowned.

"The Emperor's pen is a man's ritual. Only the fire can be used, and Ye Liangchen has already smashed. If Qin Brother can't wait for a new salary, he will be able to get the other side of the bridge, afraid that he will not take the pen." "The ancients Jie Shen channel.

"This is no problem." Qin Qi is laughing.

The ancient man Jie Yi, could not help but said: "I know that Qin brother has a martial art, it seems that some people have a high image, but I am afraid that it may not be successful."

Qin Qi shook his head. The ancients did not say that it was okay. He said that Qin Qi had the perfect grasp.

Before, it was really a brain teasing. Why do you have to say so much, he has a trump card in his hand!

The power of the king and the egg of the creation can not be taken away like the other side of the bridge. It is not important to take the man's pen, because Qin Qi can have a real people's fire!

That is the natural master of the Emperor!

It seems that it is time for the world to know the existence of Qin Yi.

Hey, Qin family, it is such invincible.

Gu Renjie did not know where Qin Qi’s self-confidence came from, and did not intend to ask more. Instead, he said: “What Qin brother wants to do needs to have these four taboo artifacts at the same time. I think Qin Qi still thinks about it first. Get the blood pool and the gods."

Gu Renjie said that it is not easy to obtain these two things compared to the Emperor's pen.

"Big Brother, are you practicing and repairing, the relationship between the Devil's smallpox and the Qin brother, have you forgotten?" Mosang laughed.

Hearing the words, the ancients were awkward and suddenly awkward.

I almost forgot, Qin Qi also has the identity of a demon.

"This is also true, the smallpox is now sleeping, waiting for her to wake up, is the righteousness of the devil." The ancient man nodded.

Immediately, he showed his hesitant color. He thought about it and said: "Original, if there is a dispute between the Mozu, it is a good thing for my people. But when Qin Qin returns, it may make the two ethnic groups less charitable."

"So there is something, Qin brother still needs to know."

"What is it?" Qin Qi asked.

The ancients will never say something useless. It seems that there is something, even the alliance's intelligence network can't find it.

"The first ancient ancestor of the Zeus clan got the **** of the gods Zeus, and now the strength is almost the best in the world!"

"And according to top secret information, he is ready to go further, so wait until the smallpox wakes up, I am afraid that the arbitral tribunal will declare the first night of the smallpox!" Gu Renjie whispered.


The wine glass in the hands of Qin Qi was directly crushed.

"Those mental retardation, it has not given up on this idea, it is really interesting." Qin Qi smiled.

However, the ancients Jie and Mosang, feel the cold and cold intentions of Qin Qi.

"Qin brother, according to intelligence, there is still a period of time from the smallpox, so I don't have to worry too much, and even if you are, you must be careful."

"How strong is the first ancient ancestor?"

"I don't know, but I am sure that there is no enemy in the world. If he can't use the magic of the sky, I am afraid I have already shot it for my people and the Yaozu!"

In other words, even if Qin Qi returns strongly, the other party may still have no scruples.

Even, I will be stunned by the smallpox, and I will take a shot at Qin Qi!

Also drank a lot, the ancients Jie and Mosang also fell completely, Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief, a little heavy heart.

However, after ten years, he will not give in any more.

How strong is it?

A sword!

"Oh, I almost forgot, there are important things tonight." Qin Qi shot his head.

He does have a lot of things to do, but things can't be done, but today is only one time!

"We are all sharpshooters, and each bullet destroys an enemy..." Qin Qi sang a song and walked to the yard where he lived.

Someone is waiting for him.

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