God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1495: One night spring

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-five chapters one night spring

Qin Qi, who has been in this world for more than ten years, is now a child.

However, the process is not very commendable, especially for men and women, it is even more speechless, and it is tears to think more.

What about children and grandchildren? It is indeed not a virgin, but which one is the normal room for men and women?

Fu Cao Xuan and Xiao Bai did not mention it. It was disturbed by the masculinity. In addition, the dragon slutty **** completely made Qin Qi crazy, and even the two women in one breath, but the result was nothing to do with nothing.

It’s a beautiful thing to think so. I have two beautiful people at once, or a demon one. Don’t mention more energy. It’s hard to be lucky, it’s a feat.

But afterwards, even a piece of the film can't be remembered. I think it is a grievance.

Not as good as nothing.

There is also Qing Litian, that time is even worse.

Qin Qi is completely controlled by desire, and the whole person is like a machine. It is really a beautiful memory.

On the contrary, there are still more hidden concerns.

Do not want to be pregnant, at that time, I really do not know how to deal with it.

The only time to keep the mind is the sorghum that time.

However, Qin Qi really does not want to recall. After all, he and Gao Song have no feelings at all. All is profit-driven and is to survive.

He has been doing a lot of things along the way, and he has never done a shame.

But only that time, Qin Qi was difficult to face, and he felt that he lost a lot of money.

Therefore, it is not a good memory.

In the past, now, in retrospect, it is tears. It is estimated that no one has experienced him like this. Both children and grandchildren have many wives, but they have never really owned a woman.

However, it is a past tense, and everything will change tonight!

Qin Qi took a deep breath and was a hero, like a rooster. He returned to his own yard.

The garden is full of bamboo, and the firefly star is fascinating.

Late at night, the trail was everywhere, and the red candle swayed, reflecting the warmth of the house.

It was a pair of people, waiting for her husband to come.

Pushing open the door, warmth and heart, when it comes to it, it seems that you can put down all the shackles and enjoy the night.

Being ashamed, loving, like a fire, like a lingering dream.

Waiting for ten years, from ignorance to maturity, infatuation has not changed.

Everything is just a matter of course.

I have never had a big marriage, and I have never worn the red cover. I have to go all the way and embrace the night.

Smile, tweak, pain, low, and breathless.

The overlap between body and body, the collision of heart and heart.

Waiting for a response, it is love that bears fruit.

Since then, I have not known the sufferings of the people, only the husband and wife are tied.

Entangled, ecstasy and bones.

But more is warmth and peace of mind.

He is no longer a traveler of a different world.

He is here, there is a home.

A good night, I don’t want to forget this life, but although it’s a normal thing for couples, it’s really a little exciting for someone.


"Can't you be lighter?"

"Cough, I am sorry, I have not resisted for a while, I try to control..." Qin Qi is a little embarrassed, after all, the truth is not too rich.

But soon, Qin Qi noticed a difference, and immediately called: "Moon, what are you doing!"

"When you don't recognize it, you will die. Do you think I want to come out?"

"Then, then you don't have to be heard by me!"

"Then you shouldn't be so hard!"

"I...you...you called me the Su!"

It’s not a move, it’s not a retreat. Isn’t this a crater?

"You either roll down from me or do not find it. If I can call her out, will I come out?"

Qin Qi’s tears have to come down. I can’t do it halfway, and I feel like I will leave a shadow.

"Xiao Jing, Jing Er, Situ Jing!"

"Don't quarrel me, exhausted."


"What happened?"

"She is a new moon!"





"Then what can I do, I am very helpless!"


"Su, if you don't come out again, I, I will die for you!"

"Small words are coming out soon, otherwise he will not dare to touch you later."


After a night of tossing, the next day, three days, three people just woke up.

But remembering what happened last night, and that embarrassing episode, Su said that nothing came out of the quilt.

After a long period of nowhere, Qin Qi had to go out first.

Facing the sun, Qin Qi stretched out comfortably.

I hope that the days will continue to go on like this. My wife and children are hot and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there are too many things waiting for Qin Qi to do it.

The drunken people who drunk yesterday, have also left today, they are the same, they have to do their own things.

Especially when Qin Qi returned, it changed the Zhongzhou pattern in an instant. The impact is very huge and needs to be restored to a balance point as soon as possible.

I don't know when I will get together for the next time.

It is even possible that there will be no chance.

After they were sent away, Qin Qi held Fu Er and Xiao Wei, and began to guide Xiao Sheng and Li Li to practice. One of them was Kendo, and the other was the way to repair the soul. Just two of them were Qin Qi.

And for them, Qin Qi does not need to say too much, just need to dial one or two in the necessary direction, they can prolong their own life, and get unexpected results.

In the afternoon, Gao Song came over.

The juniors were all interested in each other and found an excuse to escape. It was Qin Qinpeng who flew directly into the sky and instantly disappeared.

Xiaobai didn't know where it came from, and left when he was little, saying that he was looking for food.

Obviously, I am prepared to give the three people a little space.

Fuer was a little nervous and didn't dare to look at Gaochun.

Qin Qi smiled bitterly and nodded to Gao Hao, whispering: "Come on, sit down."

Gao Gao sat down according to the words, Fu Er grabbed the clothes of Qin Qi, and screamed low: "Mother."

"We have something to talk about, you should go to Yuner first." Gao Song finally sighed, so.

Fuer was a little surprised. Gao Song was not angry. He immediately sighed and quickly ran to find Xiaobai and Xiaoxiao.

"Cough, what, Fuer or child, don't be too harsh." Qin Qidao, facing Gaochun, still a little embarrassed.

"You let me come, just to say this?" Gao Hao obviously did not want to talk about this.

Qin Qi shook his head and forced him to do so.

“What happened to you before you noticed?” Qin Qi asked.

"Look at it yourself." Gao Wei handed a copy of the information to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi generally does not ask Gao Song’s intelligence network, but some things are also specially marked, and it is necessary to pay attention to it.

And Jun is no way, is one of them.

Jun has no way to master the last piece of the Tianfu secret key, which is the only way to open the door of Tianfu and release the emperor.

However, before going to the Jun family, it was a step late. Jun had no way to destroy humanity, personally destroyed the entire family of the family, and became a self-contained body, and left Zhongzhou.

At the time, he went to the Black Forest.

I don't know how it is now.

Because Qin Qi deliberately needs to pay attention to it, Gao Hao will naturally not let Qin Qi disappoint, and has invested huge resources for this. Among the entire intelligence network of the alliance, the priority is the highest.

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