God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1502: Kill all

The first thousand five hundred and two chapters are all killing

"Auction? This place?" Qin Qi was surprised.

"Hey, the auction only sells things. As for the auction, you can't keep it. That's no one."

According to Zhai Kun, this sin city is the most chaotic, but because of this, this place also has the most underground channels, connecting the major forces of Tianyuan.

Even the East China Sea, there are channels to connect, this ability, the whole world, is unique here!

Thanks to this characteristic, strange things from all over the world may flow here.

Some of the auctions here are tricky stolen goods, afraid of being chased and killed, and dare not use them, so they are sent to this place for auction, once they are shot, naturally there is no way to trace them.

In particular, the Underworld Alliance, which is originally the representative of the dark world, steals and robs nature, and will eventually be shipped here.

It can be said that the Allied Alliance is the biggest seller of the auction.

And there are some, which are derived from the depths of the Black Forest.

There is a lot of difference in it. Many things look great, but they are all useless. In the end, they can only get this sin city auction. If you are lucky, you will find an unimaginable price!

Because of this, the Sin City Auction is extremely famous. Even in the past, there are many outsiders who come here and want to shoot treasures!

Now that the Black Forest is in a period of great change, the battle for the throne of the Dark Dragon Nest has attracted the strong powers of all major forces. If so, you will not miss this auction.

And there is news that this auction will surpass any previous one and will definitely not disappoint.

"What do you say, just at the auction?" Qin Qidao.

"Yes, so we must take it when we get it, even if we can't shoot it, we must grab it!"

Qin Qi nodded. Since he came to this sin city, he naturally did not need to be scrupulous. Anyway, no matter who died, there would be no innocent possibility.

Who is here, who should not die?

Going all the way to the city, as expected, was stopped halfway.

It is a burly strong man, similar to Zuo Zhong, it is the brother of the deputy city owner, left!

The left-handed position is extremely horrible, and Shenwei Taotao, and his side, followed by a group of fierce characters, is not limited to the human race, the demon and the two are all, each breath is fierce.

The left-hander is the deputy city lord. In this sin city, he almost only covers the sky, only after the city owner. Now that the brothers are killed, how can they sit and watch?

Moreover, this person not only killed his brother, but also opened the killing ring and killed all the people present. It was simply to provoke the whole city of sin and must not let go.

"Kid, you are too mad, dare to kill in the city of sin!" Zuo Renhan sighed, the breath became more and more amazing.

A fierce tiger martial arts rushed out, extremely huge, and the tiger screamed!

Many high-rises on the street, many people have come out and look at it with interest.

A new kid, dare to open the killing, is really courageous, to know that many outside strong people have come recently, but no one dares to be so crazy.

I am afraid, then there is another killing.

The city of sin is not easy, it is easy to offend, and the end will never be good.

"The city of sin is not unconstrained, there is no rule, kill it and kill it, can't you kill?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

The left face is a sinking, cold channel: "Nature can kill, but the city of sin is a fist, the person with a big fist is not allowed to kill, you can not kill, kill, you must die!"

"Do you think your fist is big?"

"If I have a fist, I am still somewhat confident." Qin Qi smiled.

"Looking for death!" The left screamed, the power of the two-star gods suddenly broke out, and the breath, so strong, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of two stars!

And the men around him, all the smirk, have already shot.

The **** of the second star is indeed not simple. It seems that this black forest, the benefits of this generation of God, surpass the outside world!

And this is also the reason why outsiders are not willing to provoke too much right and wrong. The local fighting power here is not to be idle!

I want to come here to be a blessing in this game, thinking that this sin city is still the same, but I did not expect that this place is not what he can imagine!

It is thought that the Black Forest is a spurned place, gathering sinners and garbage from all ethnic groups, but it is not at all. However, since the Great World, until the temporary generation of this god, the Black Forest has grown quietly and then came to the top!

Enough to be the fifth power!

Many strong people look at this scene, they are shaking their heads, two stars peak, even in this temporary generation of God, is also the top of the strong.

Only the masters of some big forces can win.

At this moment, the shot must be lore, and no one can be spared.

Of course, this is a good show for them. No one will feel that there is anything, and it will not stop it. Instead, there will be blood and happiness, and drink more smoothly!

"There are more and more outsiders recently, it is really unpleasant, just kill a hundred, so that they don't put my black forest in the eye!"

"Yes, the Black Forest is going to change, but they want to pick the fruit. How can this kind of good thing happen in the world!"

"Hey, what are you afraid of, now the Black Forest, the trick is that they want to intervene to intervene, the underworld emperor, the red duke, the sinful city owner and the black dragon emperor, which is not the world's strongest?"

"Don't dare to eat food, give them a face?"

"Let's watch, the Black Forest will make the world shake!"

The people of the Sin City are on the wall, waiting for Qin Qi to end their endings, and there are also many outsiders who are sneering and mocking Qin Qi's stupidity.

Under their gaze, Qin Qi shot and gave a punch.

"You really punched, really thought that you are not bigger than your fist?" Zuo Ren couldn't help but laugh, the size of the fist, that is the power!

Who will fight you with your fist?

This idiot is still dead soon!

Qin Qi throws a fist.

There are 卍 words on it, and the golden Buddha's light shines with a little brilliance.

Then, bang through everything.


The left-hander’s men blew directly, the Mozu or the Yaozu, and all of them could not resist the power of this boxing. The power burst and the blood was directly turned into blood.

The sound of broken glass of wine continued to ring, and people who were concerned about it were scared and unbelievable.

Who can think of this violent?

This person is so mad, it is still killing, in front of the left, it is also unscrupulous!

It’s a hard time, is it really a fierce person?

And this is not only a punch, but the fist did not dissipate, but continued to go forward and crushed toward the left.

This is, don't prepare a second punch, want to kill all with this punch?

This is too mad!

The left face was furious and furious, and he had to take it out himself.

"Looking for death!" Zuo Ren roared, such as the tiger down the mountain, God can be turned into a tiger, a knife to break out, can break the mountain!

It is worthy of being close to the existence of Samsung's divine environment. It is indeed powerful and breathable.

However, it didn't work. Under that punch, the knife broke open in the blink of an eye, and Zuo Ren, in the roar of panic, the flesh and blood was crushed into mud.

A punch, drowning.

What is the power of the two-star peaks, it is difficult to get a punch, and it is crushed into meat.

This time, it shocked everyone, no matter who it was, it was terrified.

Unexpectedly, I came to such a killing!

Even the deputy city lord also directly succumbed to death, without any left hand, mad tyrants.

"I saw the Buddha light, the people of Buddhism, have to insert a hand?"

"It’s really a golden light, good guy, but it’s a sorghum, but at the moment it seems more like a sly, it’s just killing people!”

"Damn vulture, my Black Forest can not allow Buddha to bloom!"

The Black Forest, where all the darkness gathers, is extremely disgusting to Buddhism. It has always been hostile. At this moment, a monk enters the Black Forest and is killing. How can it be tolerated?

"Oh? Is the West Desert Buddha Gate still unable to withstand it?" Above a tall building, the top floor, the decoration is extremely luxurious.

At this moment, there was a woman standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, drinking alcohol, and the beauty flashed slightly, watching everything from the outside world.

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