God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1503: Black forest giants

The first thousand five hundred and three chapters of the giants of the Black Forest

She is very tall and tall, and she is enchanting with a high-yellow red skirt.

Under the blush, a long white leg was exposed, so white, and the blush formed a sharp contrast, the dream is suffocating.

Looking away, the waist is confusing, I don’t know how to enjoy it in the arms, but above the waist, it is a heavy scene. As the woman walks, it is trembling and inspiring. .

The gooseneck is delicate, the face is gorgeous, and the charm is fascinating, but it also reveals the evil spirits, especially a pair of red dragonfly, red as blood, and even more glamorous.

She is the owner of the red castle, the Duke of the Red.

She is not a human being, but a **** demon family, but she has already rebelled against Tianyuan and has been operating in the Black Forest for thousands of years until the arrival of the gods, which has made the giants a success.

This is a very powerful witch. For Tianyuan, it is better than Catherine!

It is not that her talent is stronger than Catherine, but that her threat is even greater.

After all, Catherine passed on the blood of Pandora, not weaker than the twelve clan, which is considered to be the orthodox.

But the Duke of Crimson is a low-order bloodline, but today there are such achievements. For the twelve clan, it is never allowed!

This is almost a formula to overthrow the rule of the twelve clan, and it will cause other clan to have an idea that should not be there!

"I didn't expect to have a killer monk. It's interesting. It seems that this auction will be more intense than imagined!" The reddish duke sighed with red lips and drank a **** wine.

"Oh, no matter who you are, that thing, we must all get the hands, at least, not cheaper outsiders!"

Behind the Duke of Crimson, a cold and incomparable voice sounded.

There is still one person in this room!

The Duke of Crimson smiled and looked back at the cold man sitting on the keel throne.

This man is full of coldness, and his breath is extremely strong. His body is dressed by scholars, and they are all pure white, and they are not stained!

He is very clean, but a pair of scorpions, like a dead pool, lifeless.

This is the owner of the Allied Alliance, the underworld emperor, the master of the entire dark world!

It is hard to imagine that the underworld emperor is a white one.

"You can't change the stool. If you see it by the old dragon, I'm afraid I won't finish it with you!" The Duke of Crimson laughed, and even more demonized.

The imperial emperor heard the words and said with a cold voice: "The old dragon who made the throne fight for this, attracted so many outside powers, how much trouble has it added to us?"

"I didn't take it as a stool, it's not bad."

The Duke of Crimson heard the words, and the corner of his mouth was a little curved.

And then, a cold sizzling sound, a fierce and incomparable darkness rushed down, the whole space was mourning, it is difficult to carry that huge force.

The Emperor of the Underworld raised his eyes and snorted. He said, "It’s almost done. Is there anyone who is afraid of you?"

"Ding Qiubai, the patience of this seat is only limited, you better not to provoke this seat!" The cold cold killing sound, then, a dark figure appeared in the room.

This is a man, middle-aged, a black robes, full of majesty, is a natural hegemony!

He is the owner of the Dark Dragon Nest, the Black Dragon Emperor!

"Hey!" Ding Qiubai snorted, but did not say anything.

"Black Dragon, we are also accomplices, this matter, are not prepared to give an account?" The Duke of Red Dang sits, long legs up, delicate and unparalleled!

"Yeah, I think you should still be able to live for a few years. Now let Zen to the throne, is it early?" Ding Qiubai sneered.

"I will only live longer than you!"

Ding Qiubai shrugged and didn't care.

"As long as the seat is still alive, who is sitting on the throne, is there any difference?" The black dragon emperor chilled, revealing invincibility.

"This is not a fake, and you get it, just try the depth of the penetration of those people into your dark dragon's nest." Duke Dinghong smiled.

"Hey, the Dark Dragon Nest, there is only one emperor!" The Black Dragon Emperor said coldly.

"Even so, why do you choose to be on this section of the eye, what if the thing is taken by others?" Ding Qiubai frowned.

"How do you get it by others? Do you think that the guy will give us something?" The Black Dragon Emperor was cold and cold.

"Why, is it cheaper outsiders?" The Duke of Crimson was cold.

"Afraid of something, for that thing, we know more secrets, take the initiative, and in this case, by the sin of the sin, I don't mind adding a fire to him!" Black Dragon Emperor indifferent.

The battle for the throne is a fire, which can attract more powerful people!

Ding Qiubai blinked and understood the meaning of the Black Dragon Emperor, but still frowned: "The oriole is good in the post, but you are not afraid of catching cockroaches, but eagle?"

"That also recognizes that at least we still have the capital of negotiation, we can win together, how can we not do anything better than anything else!"

"We have mastered this secret for a long time, but we have nothing to gain. If today changes so fast, do you want to continue to waste time?" The Black Dragon Emperor said coldly.

Ding Qiubai's eyebrows, this is indeed a solution.

"It's not unreasonable." The Duke of the Red Ding laughed, and the white hand held the incense and looked out the window. "And, you have to swallow the three yellow orioles. In this world, are you afraid of these eagle?" ”

Wen Yan, Ding Qiubai and the Black Dragon Emperor are all laughing, this is conceited, they still have.

The world only regards the Black Forest as a place of darkness, which is repulsive and has always been disdainful and does not enter the mainstream.

But how can they think that the Black Forest has the most unique advantage in this world, and the power of today is no longer imaginable!

I really thought they were soft persimmons, I am afraid, they will fall a big head!

"Well, wait for the auction to begin. There are a lot of things for this time. It is good for us." The Duke of Crimson smiled and his eyes were still looking out the window.

Before that, I would like to use this Buddha's vulture as a Yuxing program.

"Oh, God sin personally came forward." Ding Qiubai sneered.

Qin Qi smashed all the punches, and there was no one to stop the overbearing. In this sin city, it is also chilling.

Moreover, he used the method of Buddhism, successfully disturbing the audio-visual and pulling the Buddha's door down.

Of course, this kind of thing, Qin Qi will not be guilty.

It’s such a big thing that the sinful city owner can’t really happen as if it’s not happening, but it’s necessary to come out, otherwise the authority is there!

Sure enough, a terrifying atmosphere broke out from the city, and the mountains and the tsunami were so general that even the clouds of the sky were directly shaken.

Of course, although this power is horrible, it still has some restraint. Obviously, the sinful city owners are not willing to completely break out.

I am afraid, I don't want to attract the hostility of the Black Forest.

But regardless of these, this pressure is indeed amazing, that is, Qin Qi must frown.

He looked down on the sinner, and thought he should be just a Samsung god, but did not expect that he had come to the five stars!


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