God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1504: Sinful city owner

The first thousand five hundred and four chapters of sinful city owners

Not to say that the sinful city owner did not completely let go of the momentum, even if it broke out completely, in the eyes of outsiders, it was only a four-star god.

But Qin Qi is different, his perception is too strong, plus the system's small map, you can see the true realm of the sin city!

Five-star gods!

Qin Qi’s eyes are set off. This is indeed an unimaginable situation. Although it should only be a five-star god, the realm is not stable, but it is still shocking!

It seems that I really can't underestimate the strong man of the Black Forest. This sinful city master is still like this. Is it more powerful than his older giants, the Emperor of the Underworld?

It won't be a six-star, but it is close to the existence of the true God. Now the only one who can be sure of reaching the true God is only the first ancient ancestor of Zeus and the sea powerhouse!

The rest of the masters, the emperor's lord, the gods, and so on, are still uncertain, perhaps reached, but more likely not.

"Brother, can't do it, I feel that this sinful city owner is a bit too arrogant?" Yan Kun couldn't help but change.

He comes from the Temple of the Devil, and has a horror heritage. He is faintly aware of the true power of the sinful city.

Even if Qin Qi is powerful now, and he will return strongly, I am afraid it is not necessarily an opponent.

"There is no meaning here, or I will go back to Huangquan first." Meng Yudao, want Qin Qi to quickly open the entrance to Huangquan.

Qin Qi saw this and couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"As for it, I have to be against me, kill it." Qin Qi did not care.

The five-star gods are really amazing, but now Qin Qi is not afraid.

And after killing it, there are many benefits, at least this divine progress bar can grow a lot!

Qin Qi does not want to miss it.

When Qin Qi is ready, he will wait.

Soon, the sinful citylors came, and the suffocating power swept away. No one dared to look up. All of them fell down and expressed their surrender!

This is an old man who has to be white, but his blood is very strong.

He wore a coarse linen, which was inconsistent with the title of the sinful city owner. Instead, he had a sense of sensation.

It is hard to imagine that this is actually the master of sin!

The sinful city owner personally appeared, not the rest of the stronger deputy city master, and it seems that he is very interested in this "monk."

Since it is the sinful city owner who personally shot, then Qin Qi is no longer immune, even if it is a Buddhist monk, but has not heard who can surpass the sinful city!

Unless it is the Dafan monk in person!

The members of the Sin City do not say that he, the outsiders, the big-name figures who want to participate in the auction's major forces, can't help but feel at the moment.

They discovered that the Black Forest is far stronger than what is known!

The sinners came to Qin Qi in front of them, and everyone was nervously watching and wanted to see how the sinful citylors killed and provocate the authority.

It’s just the next scene, but it’s making everyone stunned!

"Several people are coming to the auction, the time is almost up, please come here." Sin City Lord laughed.

This time, everyone was stunned, Qin Qi could not help but stay.

This old man, what the situation!

Brother is killing here, even the deputy city owner has killed one, so did it happen?

The heart is too big, is it a fake sin city owner?

However, this should not be possible. The fake sinners are all five-star gods, and it really has to be!

The growth of the Black Forest is far beyond imagination, but it is impossible to be strong.

"Why, how many people are not coming to the auction?" The sinful city owner smiled like an ordinary old man, where is the sinful city owner who is full of evil.

"It is true that it is not a fake to participate in the auction, but what is the intention of the city owner?" Qin Qi wondered.

The sinful city owner smiled and said: "The city of sin, there is no rule, they are killed by you, that is, they are not as good as people, and no one can say anything."

Naturally, this is the reason, but if it is in the past, how can it be so easy?

This old guy, it will not be aware of the strength of Qin Qi, this is to make such concessions.

Of course, this is not important. Since the other party shows up, Qin Qi will not intend to do it. Let’s go to see and see the auction.

As for whether there is a conspiracy.

Qin Qi does not care, he believes that it can crush everything!

This is the end of the incident. It is shocking. The reality of the sinful city owner is unexpected. Many people are skeptical. Is it the monk of the West Desert?

However, it is so hot, obviously not the style of the sorghum, so to say, there are hidden strong people in the West!

The depth of the West Desert is evident.

There are so many misunderstandings that are unexpected, but Qin Qi will not correct it, so let them guess.

At this moment, he has come to a huge building with the sinful city owner.

This is the auction house, the architectural style is extremely rough, full of fierce taste, but it is consistent with this evil city.

"The auction will start right away, and some of them will take a break in this VIP room first." The sinful city owner laughed.

"Old man, what the **** is going on, you still have to pick it up, or we will feel hair in my heart."

The horror of the people in front of him, he knows, but now he is so good to speak, it is inconsistent with the evil sinners who are full of evil.

People can't feel peace of mind.

"This little friend is very strong, and no matter how he perceives, it is a void, and the old man really does not want to take risks."

"And, the old man does not want to offend the demon temple at the same time." The sinful city owner laughed.

The look of Kunming has changed.

"Do you know my identity?"

"If you have the heart, it is not difficult to check." The sinner is still laughing.

Yan Kun frowned, Shen Sheng: "So, my movements during this time have not escaped your eyes?"

The sinful city owner laughed and did not answer.

Sui Kun snorted and knew that the other party had already mastered all his intelligence, but in this way, the attitude of the other party was intriguing.

"What do you want?" asked Kun Kun.

"When I found out that you were interested in that thing, I was surprised by the old man, but in this case, I might be able to shoot a better price!" Sin City Lord laughed.

"It turns out that my demon temple is indeed rich and rich, as long as things are useful, naturally it will not be embarrassing!"

"Then I look forward to your handwriting." The sinful city owner laughed.

When the sinners left, Qin Qi couldn't help himself. "When are you going to sell the customs, what is it?"

夯 手 hand crank fan, with a smile.

Qin Qi fists Zhanghe, no expression.

Kun Kun swallowed his mouth and snorted twice. He said, "You are so boring, it is interesting to have a good thing to be unveiled at the end!"

"Hurry up."

"Actually, you will feel disappointed when you know it," Xiao Kun said with a smile. "That is a piece of bronze."


"Well, a very special piece of bronze."

“How special can there be? There is no law in it, and inheritance from the sky?”

"No, not this special, but... it may not belong to this world!"

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