God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1529: Retreat

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-nine chapters

"Hey, what is the power of the ants, can you resist me?" The strong outsiders disdain, and they are not affected by the war.

This is the first time that war trampling has completely failed.

Is this the strongman of the opposite world?

Moreover, it is only a back-hand force.

"Mom, is this alienation overpowered?" Qin Qi couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

Heavenly Emperor Sword!

A sword is a powerful force, and it can destroy everything and break everything.

The sword fell, the world was eclipsed.

"The strong skills, in front of me, is just a flower and a fist!" The strong power of the outside world perceives the power of this sword, the light flashes, but still sneer.

I saw his hands in front of the circle, a bronze barrier appeared, and Qin Qi a sword, they lie on it!


A crackling sound.

The sword was broken and could not penetrate the bronze barrier.

"Is it, this is the qualitative difference. Only those of you in the lower world, you will need these bells and whistles."

Just relying on the power of bronze, let alone the field, it is that the Dafa has never been used, but it can already crush everything!

Qin Qi sighed with relief, behind him, the power of the dark wizards soared, and a chain of chains rushed into the void, an independent world, slowly appearing.

Huang Quan World!

Backed by Huang Quan, this is the strongest state of Qin Qi.

"There are a lot of tricks." The strong guys in the world sneered at each other, and the bronzes were used as swords.

Look, this is the sword of the opposite world!

Qin Qi’s hole jerked and the dragon’s tears went forward, and the sky was angry!

The field is also good, Huang Quan is worth mentioning, the body of the Dragon Vessel, the ancient gods and the ancient swords of the heavens, all attached to this sword!

The two swords are staggered, the power radiates out, and the whole forest is thousands of miles away. The entire Black Forest is directly destroyed.

Just the next moment, among the chaotic forces, a bronze color penetrated and smashed to Qin Qi.

The collision of the two swords turned out to be Qin Qi defeated.


The Queen of Ice and Snow raised his hand, and the avenue of ice was gathered, and the whole piece of the void was sealed, and the bronze sword was blocked.

It was just a "squeaky" sound, and the frozen power was instantly disintegrated.

The bronze sword fell and broke the mountain and river, but in the end it was resisted for a moment, Qin Qi has avoided, and was not injured.

It is really bad.

This Wushou Wushen really didn't work. In the early morning, Qin Qi did not hope for this martial art. Otherwise, he would not have been summoned all the time.

Originally, I thought that this martial art could make him make up for some of the gap with the power of bronze. In fact, it did, but the gap that was made up did not change the situation.

Moreover, Qin Qi, who was in contact with the power of bronze, realized that this martial art is basically ruined. Unlike other martial arts, although it is not as powerful, it can be awakened and activated.

Is it the system itself, in fact, can't control it?

Who knows?

Qin Qi gritted his teeth. At this moment, he has already done his best, but he did not expect that life-saving is already the limit. I hope that it is impossible to defeat the other side.

What happened to the female emperor, why should such a strong person not be destroyed, but would they want to release it?

"What tricks are there, let me play again." The strong neighbors sneered, the power of bronze permeated the Zhou, Qin Qi just wanted to escape, can not do.

In his eyes, it is the look of a cat and a mouse.

"Di Ji, watching the drama, you?" Qin Qi bite his teeth, could not help but shout.

How strong is his heart and what kind of posture is strong for the outside world. For Qin Qi, it is meaningless and it is impossible to influence him.

The higher the attitude, the more likely it is to overturn the ship in the gutter.

Emperor Ji’s eyes were confused. The horrible battle aftermath did not affect her, and she stood and did nothing.

"Oh, weird woman, but there is nothing to stop me!" The strong outsider is cold, and he naturally notices Diji.

It is not unusual for people to easily resist the aftermath of the battle.

Remove it first!

The aliens are cold and cold, and the emperor is somewhat special. He can perceive that there is a lot of contempt in the moment, and the power of bronze on his body is constantly concise.

Sword out, bronze is full!

"Di Ji, be careful!" Qin Qi hurriedly called.

The confusion in the eyes of Emperor Ji was filled with the bronze color, and she seemed to think of something, or what she noticed.

In short, after knowing, she raised her hand.


An invisible cockroach spread out, you can kill the bronze sword of the true God, and even stopped in front of Emperor Ji’s hand, unable to enter!

"How is this possible!" A stranger from the outside world, she noticed that Diji was a bit special, but she did not pay too much attention. She did not think that Diji could resist his strength.

However, the facts are greatly exceeded.

Emperor Ji not only blocked his strength, but also, it was so relaxed.

Who is this!

Is it similar to the strong one I met?

The aliens couldn’t help but frown. When he broke the black god, he was forced to return to the outside world, but he was not afraid of it.

But now, he is just a backhand, retaining the will of the body, but it is impossible to resist the existence of the level of the Dark God.

The woman in front of me may not have reached that level, but I am afraid I need to pay great attention.

Emperor Ji blocked the sword but did not continue to shoot.

Qin Qi did not know what she was thinking, but she did not act decisively.

"Hey, wait for the passage to open, you indigenous people, just enjoy the future of anger!" The strong outsiders, they began to recede.

In the Black Forest, the power that is close to the dark side of the world is slowly surging, but it is beginning to surround him.

Can he also control the power of the dark side of the world?

Qin Qi’s hole shrinks, but this also explains why the Dark God devil encountered the world crack, why did he meet him, I am afraid that he is in the outer world, but also the person who studies the dark side of the world.

Even if not, the forces he is in are bound to have strong players in this area.

"Diji, what should I do?" Qin Qi couldn't help but scream, did he let him go?

Tianyuan World, after the Dark Gods, no one can enter the dark side of the world, and naturally no one can reach the world crack.

Because of this, the strong powers can't come from there.

But now, this person, in front of him, can go to the dark side of the world like a black god, open the gap!

"I can't enter the dark side of the world." Di Ji faint.

Qin Qi brows and wrinkles, this joke can be opened.

I can still hope that the female emperor is not so pitted.

The aliens retreat and rushed directly into the black moon. That place is the entrance to the dark side of the world, and it is also left by the **** of darkness.

Vaguely, you can see that the strong neighbors quickly came to the crack of the world according to the traces of the year, but there was a chaos. Qin Qi could not see anything, including the crack.

The strong outsider is obviously ok, the bronze power on his body is raging and begins to penetrate into the crack.

Just open a small mouth, he can return to the outside world, at the same time, open the crack, turn it into a passage that can pass!

At that time, the aliens will come, and there will be no one to stop!

But no one knows, far outside the Black Forest, in a high heaven, a majestic man, the longbow in his hand has been full, a shot of the arrow, pointing to the Black Forest.

The power of the arrow's condensate can't be described at all. It seems that as long as you are willing, you can shoot out the fields and take countless stars!

That is, the supreme artifact - the big bang shoots the sunbow!

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