God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1530: Come to an end

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-one chapters come to an end

The dark side of the world.

Since ancient times, it seems that only the Dark Gods have studied the Tianyuan world. Others do not understand the Fa and cannot enter.

And the strong outsider, who is also proficient in the dark side of the world, feels the threat of Emperor Ji to him at this moment, but also decisively, directly into the dark side of the world.

Simply open the gap and return to the opposite world. Naturally, you can bring the information back, and even turn the gap into a channel. As a result, the outside world can naturally descend into the heavenly world.

The Tianyuan World in the district will be a slave world in the same world.

Opening cracks is naturally a very difficult thing. When the black gods and the powerful powers fought, they were blasted, but they also used the best power to force the strongmen to return to the outer world.

The crack is also closed by the black god, unless it is opened from here, the other side of the world is powerless to open.

This is also the reason why the world has never entered the Tianyuan world from this gap for so many years.

However, the strong outsider can blow the black god, and it is naturally strong. When he left this hand, he thought of this layer.

It is not his whimsy to open the gap at the moment, but it has already been decided.

"Become!" Before the strong world stood in the crack of the world, the power of bronze continued to stir up, and finally opened a gap.

If it weren't for him, it would be impossible to open it for anyone in the Tianyuan world.

Although it is only a small mouth, and it will not last long, as long as he returns to the outside world, the strength of the body can be absorbed through the air to open the gap.

At that time, it is a channel.

And after this endless years, the power to think of the ontology, as far as the past, is not a measure of bronze.

Everything went well, what emperor Ji, even if it is so powerful, after he returns to the outside world, it is just a cockroach.

The sneer of the aliens is about to enter the crack.

Just at this moment.

A golden light came from far away, penetrated the black moon and reached the dark side of the world!

This is an arrow, there is no object at all, you can shoot the sun, the moon and the stars!

"What!" The strong-minded man finally showed his horror. This arrow, he could not resist himself. Once it was shot, it was destroyed!

In this Tianyuan world, there are even such strong players?

The strong-minded person vibrates in the heart, bites his teeth, and must force the crack in the world.

However, the dark side of the world was at this moment, and at the same time that the arrow was shot, it suddenly changed.

In the deepest part of the Black Forest, a figure rushes into the black moon, and the dark side of the whole world is also rotated.

The strong outsider has been kept for a moment!

And this moment is enough to kill his life.


The arrow hit his chest and nailed it directly to the world's wall. The weight of the force, the world's barrier, shook a little.

A strong arrow, even if it is the power of bronze that is surrounded by strong powers, can't change anything.

And a figure, crossed him, to enter the crack.

"It's you!" The strong-faced strongman's face is mad. What he sees is naturally not the appearance of "Juneless", but the black **** of the year!

"After the endless years, whoever beats, not yet known!" The black **** is cold and cold.

"You also have!" The strong powers are furious.

It’s just that the Dark Gods did not pay attention to him, but took a picture of the palm and directly killed the other powerful.

The power of the infinite amount of bronze finally turned into a bronze crystal.

The **** of darkness is cold and throws it out of the dark side of the world, while he himself enters the crack.

The crack just opened a small mouth. If there is no strength to maintain, it will soon be closed again. When the black **** passes, the crack will heal.

After that, the dark side of the world disappeared, and the night of the black moon ended.

A bronze color was so eye-catching in the Black Forest that it happened to fall in the hands of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is still a bit worried now. It’s just a terrible thing just now, and it’s terrible. Qin Qi’s first thought is the myth of the arrow, the big family!

Only the big Yi people who shot the next nine days will be able to shoot such an arrow. It feels like heaven, and they are shuddering.

Is this the response of the Temple of God?

It seems that this scene has already been anticipated.

What was the left hand of the female emperor?

This is too much.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and looked at the bronze crystal in his hand. This should be the task requirement, and the power of bronze.

Get it, you can really harness the power of bronze.

As for the bronze spot that I just got, just let them attach a little bit of bronze power. The difference between the two is equivalent to one, giving you a bullet, and the other, giving you an arsenal!

"Another cultivation system, which is above the system of Tianyuan World?" Qin Qi whispered and collected the bronze crystals.

The system prompts, and it also sounds.

“Hey, congratulations to the player for completing the SSSS level mission ‘Bronze Power’ and getting the real chapter (initial)”

Sure enough, the mission is complete.

In the far air, the strong people of the big Yi people slowly put away the longbow, even if he, after shooting such a powerful arrow, the air is also vain, his face is slightly white.

Qiankun ran here, very respectful salute: "I have seen the deputy."

Even if he is, he is shocked at the moment.

He knew that the greatness of the temple was extremely powerful, but he never thought that it was so strong that it was the level of the realm that the true God had to worry about, and he was shot and killed by an arrow.

Is this the power of the future generations?

I looked at Kun Kun and nodded slightly. "You did a good job."

Yan Kun screamed, "The deputy lord praised, and I did not expect that the temple would be such a choice."

After the disappearance of the female emperor, the demon temple was manipulated by others, and it has been trying to eliminate the influence of the female emperor. It seems that this is not the resolution in the temple.

"The orders left by the Majesty in the past will naturally obey." He is naturally clear about this, but there is no change on the surface.

Yan Kun thought of the current situation in the Temple of God, and now he chooses to shut up, and he dare not say anything.

"Well, this seat is going back to the Temple of the Devil, you don't have to go back for a while."

"Yes," Kun Kun should be.

"There is," looking at the dark forest, and the light flashed. "Remind the little guy, in the future, be more careful."

Hearing the words, Yan Kun’s face suddenly changed. “You mean...”

But right away, Yan Kun shut up.

In the hall, it is not going to be shot to Qin Qi.

After this incident, the demon temple is afraid to notice Qin Qi, and will think that Qin Qi is related to the female emperor.

He did not pay attention to Kun Kun, stepping out in one step, disappeared without a trace, and this piece of heaven and earth that he was shocked, also restored calm.

"Don't underestimate him, big guys."

After a while, Yan Kun whispered, then turned and returned to the Black Forest.

"It seems that it is here."

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