God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1561: Common fantasy

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-one chapters have a common fantasy

The song of the mermaid, that is one of the strongest abilities of the mermaid family. The mermaid family can't use it at all, and only the sea is listening and the talent is different, so that the song of the mermaid can be sung.

While the sea is listening to the present strength, once the song of the mermaid rings, it is impossible to get close to the surroundings of the four stars and four stars. Otherwise, it will be affected by the song of the mermaid, and it will fall into the illusion and be slaughtered.

As for Qin Qi, it is naturally unaffected. He just looks at Di Ji and wants to know what will change.

The mysterious water droplets infiltrated into the soul of Emperor Ji, and the power of the song of the mermaid accelerated the change of Emperor Ji.

She is a forbidden female emperor's remnant, although it is not complete, and the female emperor cut off all the causes and effects, but only the more female emperor, but it is enough.

With this alone, it is unparalleled in the world!

Qin Qi looked at Emperor Ji, and he was nervous in his heart. He didn't know how it would develop. In fact, he was worried that there would be an accident. It is not certain whether this is good or bad for Diji.

However, Qin Qi has an intuition that the existence of Emperor Ji must have its meaning. Otherwise, the female emperor will never do such superfluous things.

Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief, and in the song of the mermaid, the light in the eyes of Emperor Ji began to change, and the whole soul body was slightly radiant.

A long distance, a great, an indescribable temperament, hidden in the body of Emperor Ji.

It seems that you can see the figure faintly, forever facing the sentient beings, can only hope that it is back, can not come to her.

Is that the everlasting taboo female emperor?

Qin Qi is a bit embarrassed, and the phantom visions he has seen in the past are coming, the figure, in addition to the indescribable unparalleled temperament, there is still a bit of loneliness, indifference and sadness.

The shadow in Qin Qi’s mind suddenly settled in the figure that led the little boy to the distance.

That was the picture that he saw when he awakened the body of the dragon vein. He saw that the back is unparalleled, and he took a half dragon from the island.

At that time, the Long Island, the dragon gods shocked the earth, the power of the gods, swept the universe, beyond the current Long Island.

However, I can only watch the back of the film and can't stop it.

The little boy, now it seems, is undoubtedly the body of the previous generation of dragons, who is very similar to Qin Qi.

Is the female emperor wanting to resurrect him?

Is he the one who was raised by the female emperor?

Qin Qi did not know why these pictures were constantly turning in his mind. He seemed to be influenced by the song of the mermaid.

The song is melodious, and if there is such a murderous ability, it is indeed a wonderful sound on earth. It is intoxicating.

At this moment, Qin Qi and Di Ji, at the same time drunk in the song, they entered the same fantasy.

"This is where?"

The spirit of Qin Qi was awkward, but what I saw was not the Mount Olympus, but the infinite waters.

The water surface is like a mirror, there is no half-split, and there is a smell of the East China Sea in the air, but this place is not like the East China Sea.

"How, how come here?"

A voice, pleasing to the ear, sounded in the ears of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi turned around and couldn't help but be surprised.

"How are you here too?" Qin Qi looked at the sea with some incredible thoughts.

This is the illusion of him and Di Ji, how come the sea heard.

"The song of the mermaid is my ability. Of course I can enter any illusion that is created by the song of the mermaid." The sea listens flat and flat.

It turns out that the song of the mermaid, it is no wonder that one of the strongest abilities of the mermaid is indeed extraordinary.

"However, two people have the same illusion, but I have never encountered it." The sea listened to the heart and looked at the emperor Ji who was not far away and stood on the water.

She stood quietly on the water, and a circle of shredded shackles swayed under her feet.

At the moment, she gives a completely different feeling. It seems that it is no longer the fascinating emperor.

The sea listened to the emperor and secretly looked at the emperor, but did not dare to approach.

She witnessed the power of Qin Qi, but her instincts told her that this emperor Ji was more terrible than Qin Qi.

"You were so surprised, I know where this is?" Qin Qi asked.

"Here..." The sea hesitated and he finally said: "This is the entrance to the sea of ​​thousands of seas."

"What?" Qin Qi was shocked, and he would have thought that it was a thousand seas.

This place Qin Qi is only heard for the second time, and for the first time, it is the system that allows Qin Qi to gamble with the sea and enter the thousand seas.

Why the system did this, Qin Qi is not clear now, but now it seems that it is very involved.

Qin Qi now does not understand, the reason for entering this illusion is necessarily because of Di Ji, she, has been to thousands of seas?

"Thousands of seas are the most horrible forbidden zone in the East China Sea. It is even possible, and it is also the most horrible place in the world."

Immediately, she told Qin Qi about the information of the thousand seas.

Thousands of seas are not in the hands of the mermaid, but belong to the holy land of all the seas.

Legend has it that the formation of the East China Sea is derived from the thousands of seas, and there are countless treasures in the thousands of seas. Every once in a while, it will erupt once, bringing out countless treasures of heaven and earth.

The East China Sea can be prosperous today, mostly thanks to the thousands of seas.

However, thousands of seas and seas are not only the opportunity to create opportunities, but also the beginning of the Eritrean. If you do not get enough sacrifices, thousands of seas will cause riots in the ocean.

At that time, the tsunami will be raging, and the ocean currents will be turned into whirlpools, with boundless avenues, sweeping everything.

That power will make people truly appreciate the power of the sea, and the despair that comes with it.

Even if it is a strong sea, it does not want these riots to appear. Otherwise, it is difficult to protect itself.

Therefore, the Haizu will hold sacrifices every ten years and contribute sacrifices to the thousands of seas.

The choice of sacrifices is determined by thousands of seas, sometimes only a certain amount of top-level gods, but sometimes it is very strange, it will require living sacrifices, and the seas will need to do something.

This is not a demand that there should be a thousand seas, and people feel that there is a will to be active.

This kind of reality will make people feel fear, so the sea people are not only grateful for the thousand seas, but also fear.

All of the above are the general understanding of the seas of the seas, but for the core ethnic groups of the sea, the mermaids, especially the sea, this has different perceptions.

They can enter the sea of ​​thousands of seas and get a gift from the sea of ​​thousands of seas.

Of course, it is not easy to get a gift, it needs to be tested, and it will last for a lifetime, but as long as it is successful, then this gift is enough for them to dominate one side.

Today's mermaid emperor, returning to the realm of a god, was the gift of the thousand seas.

However, if you want to enter the sea of ​​thousands of seas, you need a key. This time, the key to the sea of ​​thousands of seas is the heart of the sea.

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