God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1562: Thousands of seas

The first thousand five hundred and sixty two chapters

"Thousands of seas have chosen me to be the key, and I, I have a better understanding of the sea of ​​the sea, I have seen such a picture in my sleep, this is like a mirror of the water, half of the world, it is a thousand seas The entrance to the eye." The sea listens to the heart.

She just became the key in this sleep.

"I just don't know why she will take you to such a illusion." The sea listened to his heart and frowned, but he really couldn't understand.

Thousands of seas and seas are the holy places of the sea. It is impossible for the aliens to get close. Now it seems that at least this emperor has never been to the sea.

Qin Qi is naturally curious as well, staring at Di Ji.

And Di Ji, finally got a reaction.

She did not go to see Qin Qi and the sea to listen to the heart, go straight ahead, and a road to spread out from under her feet, it is not like a fantasy, as true.

"Come on to see." Qin Qidao.

The entrance to the sea of ​​thousands of seas is endless, with nothing but water and sky.

Everything is like static. If the cockroaches under the feet are scattered, it makes people feel that there is no concept of time.

However, soon, Qin Qi felt an abnormality, and the scattered cockroaches began to come back.

That way, not from the feet, but from all sides, gathered to the feet.

Such a strange picture, how can people be surprised, the sea is also a strange heart, she has not seen such wonders.

Suddenly, there seems to be an invisible wave of transmission, Qin Qi and the sea are shocked, especially the sea listening, showing the color of panic.

"The will in the eyes of thousands of seas is awakened!" The sea heard and exclaimed.

However, this is just a fantasy. How can it awaken the will in the eyes of the sea?

This is amazing too.

Is this illusion and the thousands of seas, can not be combined?

The power of Emperor Ji has already radiated to the sea of ​​thousands of seas, or the will of the thousand seas will project power into the illusion?

But no matter what kind of power is in it, it is a reality at the moment.

The sea listened to the heart and shivered. For the will of the thousand seas, the sea people have no possibility of resistance. It is supreme, but the master.

The sea is listening to the heart, but it is just a lamb at the moment.

"The will of the thousand seas is extremely self-sufficient. If someone does not follow what it says, it will bring down the disaster. Now, it is awakened, I am afraid, will not be willing to give up!" The sea is pale.

How could she know that singing a song, it has caused such a storm!

Don't go back to the East China Sea, where it has been ravaged by the power of thousands of seas.

Moreover, now, whether they can walk out of the illusion is a big problem.

The sea hears that he has been unable to leave from the illusion, and the will of the thousands of seas can definitely be sanctioned by the illusion!

Qin Qi's face is also not good-looking, this will is too scary, and the vastness is boundless.

In contrast, the will in the Black Forest is also weak.

But also, how does the Black Forest compare with this endless East China Sea?

"System, no problem?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

The system did not answer and was directly loaded.

"I rely!" Qin Qi squinted, he could not escape the illusion.

"Diji, you don't want to hang me." Qin Qi said without words, can only hope that Emperor Ji will not attract anything that she can't cope with.

And Di Ji, after returning from that back, stopped and stood there.

"Who is, dare to disturb my sleep!"

A voice directly sounded from Qin Qi’s mind.

Or, it is a blow, Qin Qi's entire head almost turned into chaos, a faint, almost unbearable.

This is too exaggerated, a voice only, even gave Qin Qi Gaoshan Yangzhi feeling, in front of this will, even the current Qin Qi, is not qualified.

This is not, is the existence of Zeus at that level?

Even above the king of gods?

And Qin Qi is still so, the sea can not bear the heart, the whole person is sitting on the ground, almost the soul is crushed.

The reason why she is still alive is her identity as a key.

Qin Qi saw sweat on his forehead and stared nervously at Di Ji. Now he can't do anything, only to see Di Ji.

And Di Ji, finally opened.

"Get up." The voice of Emperor Ji, very calm, seems to be saying something that is ordinary.

But the sea is listening to the heart, almost scared to death.

This woman is crazy, but it is the will of the thousand seas, even if this place is a fantasy, but the other side obviously has the ability to influence this place.

Awakening it is almost dead, not to mention disrespect.

This woman really knows what she is facing?

Even Qin Qi, knowing that Emperor Ji is a remnant of the female emperor, but in the end, it is only a remnant of the soul, Wei Neng can not compare with the female emperor.

In the face of this apparently horrible will, can Dili really stop?

The sound of Emperor Ji’s voice, the water surface is still calm, or more quiet than before, but the pressure on Qin Qi and Hai’s listening to the heart is constantly growing.

Like the tranquility before the storm.

The next moment, this mirror-like water surface is completely broken, huge waves rise up in the sky, countless water blooms in the air, and every drop reflects a horrible existence.

That is the will in the eyes of thousands of seas.

"Death will be your best redemption!"

A sound of the sky sounded, revealing the ancient and sacred, and then the huge waves turned into a palm, oppressed Qin Qi in front of them.

That is, the unbearable weight, even dodge or resistance can not do.

"When the end is over, it's all over. I know this, I won't come out of the family, ah, what to do!" The sea heard the heart crying, there was no room for resistance.

Emperor Ji was in front, and his body sang with the wind and waves. She looked up and looked indifferently at the giant palm.

The mighty power, Emperor Ji appeared to be small in front of him.

However, what both Qin Qi and the sea listened to was shocked. At the moment when Emperor Ji raised his head, the giant palm suddenly stopped, and then he frantically retracted, as if he was afraid.

"What happened?" Qin Qi and the sea are hard to speak.

Then, in front of the water surface of the emperor, there was a splash of water, and a human figure gradually condensed and walked up from the surface of the water.

It is a human body that is condensed by water. It does not see any face at all, and this is only the will of the sea.

How powerful this will is, if it comes out of the thousands of seas, it must be unparalleled in the world, and the king of the gods is not an opponent.

However, at the moment, it is a bit singular.

The sea listens to the heart and does not dare to have the slightest move. It squats directly on the ground and expresses its surrender to this supreme will.

The next moment that Emperor Ji did directly shocked her, and the whole person lost her soul.

Emperor Ji, a slap in the palm of the sea will be on the water, and then stepped on a foot.

The look on Qin Qi’s face was directly stiff, and she could not speak with horror.

It must be wrong, what is the situation?

"Big, adults, you, how come you come, I will say who dares to let me roll up, so eclectic, so kind to me, who can be apart from adults?" The sea eye will be stepped on But there is no anger at all, but it is complimenting, for fear that the other party is not happy.

This scene is simply subversive.

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