God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1563: Past layout

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters of the past

For the sea people, the will of the thousand seas of the sea is so supreme, a little rebellious against it, even if it does not follow its mind, it will drop the terrorist robbery, and hundreds of millions of lives will be turned into the sediment of the seabed.

Such a terrible existence, now, looks like a dog.

"Is it?" The emperor Ji was undecided, and his feet were on the face of the sea-eye will, and it was constantly rolling.

The sea-eyed will, in fact, did not see any anger, but rather missed the general, and greatly praised the strength of the emperor Ji, said that as always, familiar taste.

Qin Qi is speechless, this dogleg, how to become like this, although Qin Qi often recognizes it, but it has not reached this level, it feels like a shake M.

"Adult, you are not..." The sea eye will try to ask.

It has been in the East China Sea for a long time, experienced the dusk of the gods, and has not been sent to the world by the female emperor, serving as the front door of the world.

He naturally knows that the female emperor has passed away.

"I am just a remnant of the female emperor." Di Ji did not hide, perhaps not to hide anything.

"Yes, it is like this." The sea eye will whisper, but there is no scornful color. It is not because the emperor is just a sorrowful soul, but has other minds.

In this case, either the sea-eye will and the female emperor have a heart, or they really don’t dare, even if they only face the remnant, they still don’t dare.

If the latter, the power of the female emperor, it is really scary, Yu Wei can also shock 100,000 years, so that the sea-eye will exist, there is no rebellious heart.

"The adults used their ideas to communicate with me this time. I don't know why?" Haiyan asked.

"The time is almost up. What should she have done before you have done it?" Diji said lightly.

The "her" in her mouth is naturally a taboo female emperor.

The name of Emperor Ji, obviously shows that she is not one with the female emperor, but two completely independent existence.

The sea-eye will naturally be aware of this, but it does not make any difference, but the sound is gradually dignified, saying: "This is indeed almost the same, but adults, what do you want to do with this?"

"It's natural to know at the time." Di Ji did not say anything.

The sea-eye will obviously want to know, Qin Qi feels the fears in his heart, even fear.

What kind of arrangement has the taboo female emperor left behind, even the sea-eye will have fear?

"I understand." The sea eye will not ask much.

"There is still one thing," said Di Ji, looking back at Qin Qi, his eyes were a bit complicated and difficult to tell.

It seems to be disgusting, it seems to be close, but more is sigh.

Qin Qi did not understand how Emperor Ji had such a look, and Emperor Ji apparently did not intend to pay attention to Qin Qi’s doubts. He only pointed out Qin Qindao: “This person will go to the Thousand Seas Eyes, then, that thing will be Give it to him."

"This..." The sea eye will be hesitant.

"I know, you don't have to give it directly to him, let him take it according to the rules of the sea eye." Diji said directly.

"This is naturally no problem." The sea eye will nod.

"Go it." Emperor Ji waved.

There is no such thing as the sea-eye will, and the body of the water-stained body spreads directly into the infinite waters.

It has returned to the sea of ​​thousands of seas.

The conversation between Emperor Ji and the sea-eye will be heard carefully, but the eyes are black, and they don’t know what they are saying.

"That, Emperor Ji, what is the situation?" Qin Qi coughed, the voice as soft as possible, after all, facing the current Emperor Ji, he also felt a little guilty.

"When you go to the sea, you know naturally," Diji did not answer positively, and immediately said: "He won't let you go?"

Qin Qi Yi Yi, Emperor Ji actually knows the system to give Qin Qi tips.

Is the system the same purpose?

Yes, it’s a thousand seas, so go and go, what's the big deal.

"When I come back from outside the domain, I will go." Qin Qidao.

Di Ji nodded and didn't say anything more.

"That..." Qin Qi hesitated.

"Well?" Emperor Ji looked at Qin Qi.

"You, are you okay?" Qin Qi was worried.

Emperor Ji heard the words, the eyes flashed a touch of softness, and then disappeared, only slightly shaking his head. "I am fine, just restored some past memories."

"Oh." Qin Qi nodded.

Emperor Ji looked at Qin Qi's eyes and sighed slightly. "It's hard for you."

Qin Qi stunned for a moment, but did not know what Emperor Ji meant, but Emperor Ji obviously did not intend to say anything, Qin Qi had to give up.

"After that, I will go to the Chaos Era Alliance, the road outside the domain, let's go."

In the end, Emperor Ji faintly said, stepping out in one step and disappearing directly on the water.

And this illusion has also disappeared directly. Qin Qi’s spirit has returned, and I can’t help it for a while. I feel that I can’t tell which side is real.

"It's really gone!" Qin Qi is speechless, and there is the shadow of Emperor Ji.

Presumably, I have already gone to the league.

However, this is also good, there is her, Qin Qi hundred reassuring, no worries.

"Call, scared to death, who is she?" The sea is still somewhat relieved, after all, it is subverting the existence of all her past cognition.

"Speaking out of fear of scaring you, still do not say." Qin Qi smiled and smiled.

"Cut." The sea listened to the heart, but the big eyes were bright.

Thousands of seas and seas will be opened, all of them will go to the sea, and compete for the creation, and the woman around Qin Qi has such a relationship with the will of the sea eye, how can it not be used?

At that time, it is inevitable to win more benefits for the mermaid!

"Don't you go outside the domain, take me with you, I haven't been to the outside world yet!" The sea listened with great enthusiasm.

"Take you there?" Qin Qi slightly ridiculed.

"You don't look down on people!" The sea heard the Qin Qi's look and couldn't help but bite his teeth.

She is a little princess of the mermaid family. She is talented and can sing the song of mermaid. Before gambling, it was not a defeat. It shows that the air transport is profound and ranks first in the world.

This kind of capital, no one has ever seen her lighter, not to mention that she is not revealing her nature on weekdays. She is very gentle and gracious, and she is highly respected and cared for.

This is good, encountering a enchanting, strength beyond her do not know a few, but also no mercy, it is really irritating.

"I really look down on you, go outside the domain, afraid of dragging my hind legs." Qin Qi said directly.

The sea listens to the eyes and shakes, and wants to refute it, but it seems that there is nothing to say.

"Yes, if you can say that you can help me, I will take you there." Qin Qi laughed.

"I... I can sing!" The sea listened to the chest and looked up.

In the past, the song of the mermaid was her biggest reliance. It was a big killer, enough to make her unbeaten in the same situation. Now she is good and she has become a talent. After going back, I don’t know if I have a face to see the mermaid.

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