God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1644: Gods dawn

The first thousand six hundred and forty-four chapters of the gods dawn

The gods are afraid of another change. This time, no one will give anyone any chance to hinder them. Zeus takes the first step and opens the way with the power of the king of the gods.

Who else can block?

The Thunder collided with the gunman, it was difficult to distinguish, but a roar sounded immediately, originating from the inside of the door of the difference, but Zeus felt the threat and was angry.

"Block me to die!" Zeus's roaring turned into a strong **** of thunder, breaking through the door of the alien.

Behind him is the embarrassment of the gods.

They have been trapped in the world of the world for 100,000 years.

In the 100,000 years, they can't feel the passage of time, and even die of death. The only thing that accompanies them is the endless torture!

Even if it is God, how can it endure such a time?

If they continue to stay, they will probably go crazy.

So, no one can stop them, who dares to stop, then shred it!

The thunder of Zeus, with the meaning of judgment, he regarded all the creatures in the vicinity as enemies and judged.

Lei Guang Yaotian, to destroy everything.

"Damn!" Lu Youming's face sank, and he did not expect the gods to come so fast.

Even if the door to the difference is open, it should not be so right. It can only be said that they are wrong. The door to the difference is not just opened, but is opened again!

It’s just that there is no time to pay attention to this. Faced with the gods of this moment, Lu Youming has no room for negotiation. He can only stop and fight with Zeus!

Lu Youming really shot, and he was all emitting light, his guns were extinct, and he collided with the **** mine.

"Hey, the dog bites the dog." Qin Qi is cold.

He resisted the attack of Lu Youming with the door of disparity, and he did not suffer much damage. Now Lu Youming and Zeus have already confronted each other, which is a good opportunity for him to fish.

When Qin Qi handed a shock, the door of the different degrees was directly shocked and flew out, all the way to the core area of ​​Lujia.

Qin Qi himself is escaping from the moment and rushing to another position.

There, he has already perceived the breath of the day.

Lu Youming growled and furious, only wanting to get rid of Qin Qi.

However, the power of Zeus is getting stronger and stronger. He has almost rushed out of the door of the difference. The thunder and the hurricane are that the Lu family’s big battle cannot be completely resisted. Many ethnic groups have been killed.

He can only fight, there is no room for dealing with Qin Qi.

"Zeus, I am not your enemy, stop at speed!" Lu Youming can only drink.

Zeus is coming, this time, it is the real coming!

The king of the third generation of the gods of the past, his fierceness, this piece of heaven and earth has forgotten for 100,000 years, and now, it will be shuddered again!

The image of the huge demon gods rises from the sky, and the endless thunder beats and destroys everything around.

"Hahaha, hahahahaha!" Zeus's sulking laughter rang through the Temple of the Devil.

"This seat is back, this seat is finally back!" Zeus growled, excited, and the air rushed out, and the Lu family's formation was shaking.

This is the power of the old king of the gods.

"Zeus, I let you stop, you still don't understand, we are not enemies!" Lu Youming gritted his teeth, power mad, and suppressed Zeus's Thunder.

"I feel the breath of that woman, here is the temple of the gods, the system that the woman left!" In the endless thunder, Zeus's appearance is invisible, but he can feel that he is more and more fierce.

"That **** woman, imprisoned me for 100,000 years, since you are her disciple, let us bear our anger for her!" Zeus growled.

He did not care what Lu Youming said.

The anger in his chest needs to be vented immediately.

And here is the Temple of the Devil, the Taoist system of the taboo, then, is there a more perfect revenge than this?

What is not an enemy.

It’s just like a joke.

They are natural enemies, why should they explain them in no way?

"Today, this seat ruined this demon temple!" Zeus roared, the Thunder is even more horrible, this is the king of the gods to understand the thunder, the peerless terror.

Zeus is really in trouble, and suddenly he is going to destroy everything here.

Lu Youming’s heart was full of anger, and he was known to have been put together by Qin Qi, but at the moment, there is no choice.

He must bear the wrath of the gods.

If so, come on!

"Zeus, really when you are invincible, give me death!" Lu Youming also broke out completely, the power of the king of the gods, although the younger generation, but who is weaker than who?

Whether he is loyal to the Temple of God, but in the end is the king of the gods from the Temple of God.

Zeus did not dare to say that he was better than that.

In an instant, the boundless collision of the horror broke out, and the Lujia squadron was fully opened. If there was no statute left by the ancestors, I am afraid that this would destroy the Lu Family.

The kings of the two gods fought, and in the door of the difference, other gods began to descend.

The first thing that appeared was Athena.

The goddess of war and wisdom, among the twelve ancestors of Tianyuan, is second only to the existence of Zeus.

Nowadays, she already has the fighting power of the top **** king. The moment that appears is the magical power, and the land will be destroyed.

Devils, coming one after another, junior and intermediate gods.

It can be said that the gods who were sent away in the past, returning today, are at least the realm of the king of gods. These lineups, the return of the anger of the carrier, in addition to the temple of the gods, no one can resist.

After the demon gods, the demon gods also appeared, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, four elephant gods, the pressure to cover the world.

How can I resist only one Lujia?

Although the Lu family is stronger than the family, there are only five gods in the Communist Party. At this moment, the other three gods have already shot, but even if there is a big blessing, it is already weaker than the wind.

In the door of the difference, the king of God is still coming.

The three disasters of the mask of the dead, in addition to the knife-breaking disaster, the other double disasters have come down completely, and the strength is even comparable to Athena.

There are also sea gods, octopus, Hailong, and giant whales, etc., to make up the power.

Among the human races, there are also several gods, but the Qinglian sword gods. In the past, they were all evil in the human race, and they will be sent away by the taboo female emperor. Now, returning with anger, they are equally willing to kill.

The gods, all returned, the scene is really indescribable, like the end of the day, opened the endless killing.

All the big families of the Lu family, all the details, opened at this moment, the ancestor's array is even more powerful, blessing all the soldiers in the Lu family.

The king of God rises to the sky, and the existence under the king of God is formed into a battlefield and unites against the enemy.

Lujia can be the head of the Temple of the Devil, and the power shown at this moment can be seen.

However, Lu Jia can't bear it at all.

The difference in the number of gods is not at all compensated by the formation.

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