God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1645: Causality

The first thousand six hundred and forty-five chapters cause and effect

"Home, how can this be, we have no reason to fight with the gods!" Lu Youfeng has already rushed back, seeing the Lu family devastated, and his heart is furious.

"They are already crazy. Now they only want to kill and retaliate. What we think is not important, kill!" Lu Youming was arrogant and also murdered.

Nowadays, only the broken teeth can be swallowed in the stomach. The past planning has no meaning. If you don’t defeat this crazy god, the Lu family will be finished!

Lu Youfeng was pale, who could have thought that it turned out to be like this.

They, who were blessed by the blessing of the female emperor, grew to this point and wanted to stay out of it, but in the end, they failed.

Sure enough, the cause and effect of the world can not escape. Since they have the power of the female emperor, they can only take responsibility for the female emperor.

Whether you like it or not, cause and effect, you can't get rid of it.

"Kill!" Lu Youfeng had no choice but to fight against the enemy and rushed to Athena.

The three gods, including Zhao Jia and Zhao Li, also came to the rescue.

Faced with the scene of the moment, the madness of the gods, everyone knows that if they should not fight, the only thing that waits for the Temple of God is their end, and theirs can only perish.

The thoughts in my heart are no longer important, and the general trend is only one battle!

"It turned out to be like this. How could it be possible to escape between causality?" He has already arrived at Lujia.

After Qin Qi came to the Temple of the Devil, he realized that the Temple of the Devil must be involved in the dilemma of the gods, but he also worried that the Lu family would conspire with the gods.

But now it seems that at least this moment, the gods who only want to vent their madness, it is impossible to listen to any suggestion by Lu Youming, they just want revenge.

Of course, in the end, Qin Qi was dark enough, let Zeus hit Lu Youming as soon as he shot, and this place is the demon temple. How can Zeus still listen to Lu Youming?

It is impossible to stop without killing a good time.

"Oh, thousands of calculations, or can't escape the cause and effect of the shackles, only to this day, our ambitions, in fact, nothing." Kong Jie sighed.

He has abandoned his self-esteem and intends to become a slave to power. He never thought that the direction of the matter was completely unexpected. At this moment, it is no longer manpower to control.

Even what it will eventually become, no one counts.

The only thing that can be done at the moment is to fight against the gods.

The three great kings of the family, the three kings of the Confucius, all participate in the war!

There is no choice.

No matter what kind of hatred between them, whether they are a heart, at this moment, they can only unite and fight against the gods in the name of the Temple of God!

This is the only way to squat down the chosen road!

The war was completely mad, and gradually spread from the Lu family, igniting the entire temple of the gods.

There are people who are dying, but the gods are also fallen.

Even though the Temple of the Demon has experienced the ravages of ancient times, the power of today is not good. Even if the gods are still crowded, this place is the home of the gods, the home of the strong, and enough. Resist most of the disadvantages!

"This is so smooth, it seems that the taboo female emperor left the cause and effect, it is extraordinary, no one can escape." Qin Qi shook his head, and some lamented the smoothness of things.

However, now that the Temple of God is in chaos, it is just acting.

At this moment, Qin Qi has come to the palace outside the White House. Today, the war is continuous, as if the powerful Temple of the Devil is welcoming the end, there are still some guards here.

If it is said that the Lu family is heavy, it is only the place where Lu Qianfan is holding the day.

This Lujia, it is better to kill early.

Qin Qi’s eyes were surging, and the moment he stepped forward, he directly killed the guards and immediately entered the palace.

In the daytime, he was locked up in a huge cage. Lu Qianfan used her as a bird and a pet.

"White day!" Qin Qi took a deep breath and whispered.

When I heard the voice of Qin Qi in the daytime, my eyes suddenly lit up and my face showed an excited expression.

"Qin Kong!" exclaimed excitedly in the day, she has a pair of white eyes, can not see anything, but only Qin Qi, she can clearly "see"!

Seeing that Qin Qi came in, the ice cold on the face of the day disappeared instantly, and even a very rare smile was revealed.

"Qin Kong!" Day out hand, like the lonely little girl in the past, want Qin Qi hug.

She knows the identity of Qin Qi, but she is more willing to call Qin Qi "Qin Kong". After all, this is the person she is most familiar with. It is like a dragon dancing, forgetting everything, just leaving empty.

"I'm sorry, let you wait for so long." Qin Qi shattered the cage and came to Bairi and held her in his arms.

Holding Qin Qi in the day, he shook his head and said: "It's okay, I can wait for 100,000 years, let alone ten years."

As the saying goes, Qin Qi is even guilty.

"Well, I will take you away now!" Qin Qidao.

"Yeah!" Nodded hard in the daytime, happy.

She is not a girl who likes to talk very much, and she will not talk about Qin's experience with Qin Qi. She just wants to stay with Qin Qi, just like 100,000 years ago.

Only Qin Qi, she felt warm and felt at ease.

"There is a big fight outside, you are advanced in the world of Huangquan, and the battle here is over, I will take you home!" Qin Qi took the white road.

His home is naturally the home of the day.

"I want to fight with Qin Kong." Bairi said.

"Be obedient in the day, now those guys outside, not all fuel-efficient lights, you still have to hide first." Qin Qi shook his head, he certainly could not let the day adventure.

"No, Qin Kong, you see my current strength." But the day is so, then she began to rise pale white ice flames, which is the power of Platinum.

The white body has the power of the only Platinum in the world. This Qin Qi is very clear, but even so, the realm of the day is just an extraordinary god, not weak, but it is never strong.

You must know that the outside is a sacred character at the level of the gods!

However, Qin Qi also knows that the day is not an unreasonable girl, she will insist on this, there must be a special reason.


Qin Qi learned from Prometheus about the beginning and end of the great destruction 100,000 years ago. Knowing that all the fuses are time and space fission, and accelerating the formation of large fission, it is the battle of two Jinwu.

Baijinwu, who was expelled by the Temple of the Sun, and the only remaining King Jinwu Ten under the arrow.

The battle between life and death between them touched the fission of time and space, but there was a rift in the Tianyuan world, that is, the great destruction and the beginning of the twilight of the gods.

Now, the day has inherited the power of the white gold, and at this moment her body has been contaminated with a special atmosphere.

When the former Platinum Wu and Jin Wu Shi Taizi broke through the big cracks in time and space, could it be impossible to gain something?

Or, with their bodies, brought back something?

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