The first thousand six hundred and forty-six chapters

"Qin Kong, you see this, it was very calm, but now, it automatically exudes strength!" Day outstretched, under the package of pale ice flames, is a piece of glass-like debris.

The irregular diamond shape of the debris should be only a small part, so Qin Qi did not know what the original piece was.

"What is this?" Qin Qi was shocked, but faint but inductive, very strange, unable to tell.

"I don't know. When I completely awakened the power of Platinum, it began to appear, but it has been quiet, never showing a little strength, until just now, it just seems to wake up." Bairi said, She is also ignorant of herself.

"Then, do you have any induction?" Qin Qi said.

"It's connected to a place, there." The day points to a position.

The door of different degrees!

Qin Qi’s hole couldn’t help but shrink, but what he felt was not only this, but there seemed to be something else.

"Well, let's go out together, but if it is dangerous, you must obey." Qin Qi Shen sighed.

"Well, I listened to Qin Kong." Nodded in the day.

At the moment, Qin Qi walked away with the day, and in the daytime, he changed the softness and well-being in front of Qin Qi, and the breath instantly became extremely fierce, as if all of them were flashing with swords.

At this moment, she is like Qin Qi and her first sight, all of them are sharp, and the short hair of the British is also a sword-man, and it is unparalleled!

Holding a white sword in the daytime, there is a platinum enamel around it, the ice flame is a little bit, and the power is definitely not weak.

And that mysterious piece may be even more amazing than imagined.

With the day left, the daytime feelings of mysterious debris became more and more intense, and this time, it was not only the door of the difference, but the two senses in the day.

"This way?" Qin Qi learned of the day's induction, the light flashed, in contact with his own induction, the mind has already had a guess.

Outside, it has been in full swing, and Lujia as the initial home game, can be said to be miserable, most of the houses have been broken, the formation is broken, it looks devastated.

Think about it, just before the moment, Lu Jia is still arrogant and arrogant, even a junior dare to say goodbye to the game, now, most of the death and injury, the decline is inevitable!

The world is impermanent, and the income is this.

At this moment, the four great families of the Temple of the Devil, using all the power, with the power of the home, against the gods, played in full swing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Qi can fish in troubled waters and make it easier to act.

"Go, go to your home first." Qin Qi took the day and flew all the way to the family.

Many of the big family started up, and the enemy and other people killed the enemy, naturally becoming the target of the attack of the gods. At this moment, led by the Qinglong God, the demon kings are besieging this place.

The Qinglong God, the strength of the battle is at the head of the four elephants, and it is almost the level of the king of the gods. It is fighting fiercely against the sky.

Losing the shackles of the shackles, even if there are two great kings of the king, as well as many large guardians, it is still too difficult to resist the remaining demon kings.

In this way, the family had to give up most of the peripheral areas, gather strength, stay in the core position, and fight against the enemy.

"Things that are related to this piece of debris are inside." The day pointed to the core position of the family.

Qin Qi also understood what it was.

"In the daytime, if there is danger in the future, you will enter Huangquan. Now, let's go together." Qin Qi smiled slightly, holding his left hand in the day and holding the sword in his right hand.

"Good!" Nodded in the day.

Since I don't want to leave in the daytime and want to stay by my side, let her stay.

Holding a girl to kill, don't have a flavor!

When Qin Qi glanced at it, he would have a panoramic view of the battlefield.

The madness of the basaltic **** and the white tiger god, the arsenic is the battle against the Suzaku god, although with the big family, can barely support, but it has been dangerous.

What's more, there are other demon gods here, and the family can say that they may be broken at any time.

Especially the mania, it is impossible to fight the two demon kings alone. The defeat is already very obvious. I am afraid that it may be defeated or even killed immediately.

Just the contest of the top gods, Qin Qi can't insert it for the time being.

"First take a small knife!" Qin Qi blinked his eyes, and the dragon gods tears in his hands, holding the white day, and rushing to a purple gold snake.

This snake is the fighting power of the intermediate king. It is slamming the family. The appearance of Qin Qi is that it also feels the vibration. Although it responds instantly, it is still a bit late.

A sword is fallen, there is no room left, sword one!

The sword is rushing, and Qin Qi’s sword is the horrible defense of Zijin Lingshen.

Affected by this attack, Zijin Lingsheng suddenly screamed, and the eternal demon power swept out.

Above the top of it, a purple gold horn shines, a few beams burst out, and the void is broken. If it is hit, I am afraid that Qin Qi’s defense is not good.

This is the killing trick of Zijin Lingshen, and it is also a middle-level **** king. It is also difficult to parry.

Fortunately, Qin Qi directly avoided it.

Not in the state!

The dragon **** tears have been elevated to the present level, and it is the topmost supreme artifact. The various skills are naturally strengthened to the extreme, and the judgment of the state of inequality and the state of the inevitable is also stronger.

Avoiding the killing of the Zijin Ling snake, Qin Qi once again deceived himself, Jianguang squat, sharp and unmatched!

Zijin Ling snake can't help but arrogant, this man actually holds a woman against it, how can he endure?

Just can't bear it!

Behind Qin Qi, Kronos stepped out, and the power of the king of the second generation of gods was attached to Qin Qi.


The strength of Qin Qi, suddenly skyrocketing, then, the Emperor of Heaven set the light, the Emperor of Heaven came, but also the Qin Qi's fighting power piled up to the peak!

Even facing the intermediate king, it is enough to fight!

The sword is coming out, and the dragon is gone!

This skill can ignore any defense, even if it is an enchantment or even a small world block, it can still cause huge damage.

Zijin Ling snake felt the power of this sword, it is the heart of it, can not help but pick it up, it does not dare to have any small vision, open a defensive enchantment, while avoiding the speed.

It’s a pity that the dragon in the state of the state will be destroyed, and it will not give it any chance!

The sword was degraded, and the Zijinling snake was still smashed by the Zijin horn, but the body was completely split, and it was already a dead snake.

Strong defense, even if it is covered with the supreme artifact level of war, in front of the dragon **** tears, there is no use, it will still be killed.

Devouring the spirit of the Zijin Ling snake, Qin Qi’s strength began to skyrocket. In the system interface, above the mark of the bronze I, a star was lighted up.

Two Star Bronze I!

The realm of the intermediate emperor!

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