God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1647: contact

The first thousand six hundred and forty-seven chapters

The realm of the realm skyrocketed, Qin Qi’s eyes almost burned, and he killed the Zijinling snake, which naturally attracted the attention of the demon king.

"It is Qin Qi, he actually killed a middle-level god!"

Among the family members, the children of the family who are protected by the law are forming a battle, assisting the battle of the gods and gods. At this moment, they see Qin Qi’s killing of a demon king who is battling a large array.

"Is he so strong to this extent?" exclaimed.

It seems that Lu Qianfan is really dead. In front of Qin Qi, he is nothing at all.

"But he is alone, how to resist the rest of the demon king?"

"Slow the power and help him!"

The strong people of the family have shouted, but now, they are already very reluctant to help the mania, and how to assist Qin Qi?

"Do our things well, the rest, don't worry!"

Her contact with Qin Qi is not too deep, but she knows the power and character of Qin Qi. Since he has shot, he must be sure.

Now, I can only believe in Qin Qi.

Yi Xiaoying is the old aunt of the family. She speaks, naturally no one is against it. She only hopes that Qin Qi is strong enough to help the family to get in touch with the crisis.

"It's you, this seat has felt your breath, that is, you have hindered me from returning!" White Tiger God turned his eyes to Qin Qi, and suddenly made a cry, shaking thousands of miles.

"First kill him!" Xuanwu God shouted, with its defense, mania want to beat it, almost impossible.

"Good!" The white tiger **** responded with a sigh, directly abandoning the mania and killing Qin Qi.

At the same time, there are two demon kings on the side, forming a situation of encirclement, apparently do not want to give Qin Qi any chance.

Indeed, under this circumstance, even if Qin Qi is already an intermediate emperor, it is difficult to resist. After all, the power of the top gods is really difficult to cross.

Qin Qi also thought about killing a few more gods and promoting the realm of the high emperor, so that he should be able to fight the top gods.

However, he did not expect that his hatred was so full, and the white tiger **** even directly attacked him.

If you don't deal with it, you need to go back and wait for the opportunity to improve your realm.

"Advanced family." Day is not true.

Qin Qi’s heart was not very clear about the plans of the day, but now there is no time to ask the idea of ​​the day, Qin Qi only do it.

When Qin Qilian smashed two swords, the tears of the sky were intertwined with tears, and immediately, the invincible sword and the war were destroyed, and the killing power could make the hearts of the people tremble.

It is the demon king who stopped Qin Qi, but also scared the liver and gallbladder, can only retreat, even if it is not the white tiger **** shot, Qin Qi this moment of the eruption, has been able to take away the demon of the high **** It is.

Unfortunately, it was blocked by the White Tiger God.

Resisting Qin Qi's attack, Bai Hushen's eyes became extremely cold. It did not expect Qin Qi's explosive power to be so terrible. This sword, even if it is, does not dare to suffer.

"Looking for death!" The white tiger **** whispered, a huge tiger shadow appeared, and the claws fell, such as the heavens and the earth, crushing everything.

If this is taken, the body of the Dragon's veins can't hold back.

Fortunately, Qin Qi passed the outbreak just now, and has already opened the way ahead. At the moment, Qin Qi snorted and quickly retreated, and entered the protection of the family.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qi stepped on the ground, and the veins in the Temple of the Devil were mobilized and turned into a new generation of new ancestors.

With Qin Qi's current arrogance, and the power of the pulse, these grounds are large enough to increase the power of the family by 50%!

For the time being, the situation has been somewhat stabilized.

"Human, do you think you can hide it? This seat will smash your shell now!" White Tiger snarled.

"You still can't!" But it was a sigh of anger, a sharp and unparalleled arrow with a boundless violent temper, almost affixed to the head of the white tiger **** into the depths of the void.

If the white tiger **** does not evade quickly, this arrow is not fatal or seriously injured.

This is the madness, and it is empty, and it shoots an arrow at the white tiger.

"Isn't it too fast?" White Tiger God's eyes are red, and the sky screams, rushing toward the mania, the tiger's claws smashing the sky, and the madness is once again dangerous.

The rest of the demon kings continue to attack the family, even if there is Qin Qi help, it will not last long.

"Now?" Qin Qi asked.

"The woman." The day pointed to the game in the center of the battlefield.

Qin Qi’s light bounced slightly, and he also expected this situation. Now that he’s swaying, he’s already on the side of the game.

"How are you..." Yi Xiaoyu is speechless.

She also said that she did not care about Qin Qi. With her understanding of Qin Qi, Qin Qi must be sure to deal with strong enemies. They only need to believe Qin Qi.

As a result, he was beaten in the next moment. Qin Qi turned and ran to his house and accepted asylum.

Rao is a tight battle at the moment, but it is a big crisis. She is also a little blushing.

Of course, no one cares about it now.

"Stretch your hand!" The cold road in the day.

Yi Xiao took a moment, unknown.

Qin Qi "snapped" a moment, the time is urgent, there is no time to explain, and now directly pull the hand of Yi Xiaoyan, stretched to the day.

"Hey!" Yi Xiaoyan screamed, his face changed slightly, but he did not withdraw his hand.

She also knows that Qin Qi must not do this for no reason.

The day also reached out, and the two hands touched, both women, there is a mysterious breath, from a little bit, to the volcanic eruption.

The mysterious fragments in the white body, the tumultuous rotation, the mysterious power blessing, actually led to the ancient lamp of life in the game.

That ancient lamp, the flames are beating, it is unprecedented bright!

With the dawn of the ancient lanterns, the power of Yi Xiaoying began to skyrocket and even reached the level of the king.

"There is another place, there." The day points to a position.

In the heart of Yi Xiaoying, she couldn't figure out what happened, but the powerful force in the body was so real, and she also perceive another power through the ancient lamp of life.

It is the direction pointed by the day.

"There is..." Yi Xiaoying's look changed.

That position is the taboo Scorpio that the taboo female emperor left. Even if it is a member of the Temple of the Devil, the old ancestors of the past are not allowed to approach.

The power that Lujia wants to get is precisely in the taboos.

"It is a destiny, another sacred ancient lamp!" Yi Xiaoyu exclaimed, the induction is becoming more and more clear.

Qin Qi listened to her exclamation, but on the spiritual level, there was a tendency to use it. Because of the moment of contact between Hikaru and Yoshihisa, there was also a force in his body that began to recover.

He took the hand of Yi Xiaoying and took the day, the two women had contact with him, and the mysterious power naturally rushed into his body.

"This power... the cause and effect of the egg?" Qin Qi whispered.

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