God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1648: Causal force

The first thousand six hundred forty-eight chapters of the cause and effect

The cause and effect of the egg, in addition to several active recovery, there has been no movement, Qin Qi can not be used at all, even the perception of its existence can not be done.

But this time, it was stimulated by outside forces and passively recovered.

What happened, coincidence, or doomed?

There are reasons before, but now, it’s just fruit!

This time, unlike before, Qin Qi can really use the power of the egg of cause and effect. This power is too horrible, and it is the only big fruit that was born in the whole world.

I am afraid that even if it is the egg of time, it is no match for the cycle of cause and effect.

"I am afraid, it is a destiny, so Lynn grows this month, is it for this life?" Qin Qi looks flashing, through the egg of cause and effect, he learned everything.

"We are in the past." Bairi said.

"Good!" Qin Qi nodded, he was going to the taboo Scorpio.

Not only is there a destiny there, but he feels that whether it is the task of the years, or the resurrection of the promise, the final result will be obtained in the taboo palace.

There is the end of everything!

"Go!" Qin Qi pulled the game Xiaoyan, and he left the family without saying anything.

"Hey! What are we going to do?" Yoshihisa couldn't help but exclaim.

Qin Qi is temporarily escaping from the gods and then hiding in the family. Now, going out, will not be killed?

Even if she has the inexplicable power of the gods at the moment, it is not the opponent of the gods.

"To do a big thing, no one can stop me!" Qin Qi faintly said, he will draw a hand, and his own veins will come together to form a new core of God of War.

Immediately, Qin Qi pulled the game and flew out, directly rushing out of the protection range of the family.

Qin Qi's movements are too fast, and the people of the family have no chance to respond at all. They can only watch the xiao Xiaoyu being taken away by Qin Qi. The heart is worried and helpless.

However, Qin Qi does not want to go to the game, but when there is a law.

"You first return to Huang Quan. Next, I may not be able to take care of you." Huang Qi behind the Qin Qi opened up, and sent Xiao Xiao and Bai Ri into Huang Quan.

Immediately, the ghost of the Nether Ghost roared, backed by the power of Huang Quan.


Heavenly Emperor is coming!

For the Yaozu has a strong suppression power.

At the same time, the demonization, the body of the Cronus giant, seems to be able to open up the world.

Jiu Cai Shenguang is like a flame of madness, Qin Qi is a dragon, arrogant, and the ancient bronze power shock, Qin Qi has used all the strength at this moment.

The high gods will also be killed.

"Human, you dare to appear, look for death!"

Qin Qi once killed the Zijinling snake, but it was the focus of the demon king. It was just that Qin Qi would have been hiding in the family, but he did not expect that he would dare to appear again.

Since Qin Qi came out, the demon **** Wang Hao will let him go.

Before the white tiger **** came again, the two senior gods had already given up their attacks on the big family, but they joined forces to deal with Qin Qi.

These two demon gods, the meteorology are today, but the 蟒 crocodile 蟒 以及 以及 and the Tianxin Qu Liushu, are all powerful races, they join hands, perhaps without the white tiger **** to come out, it is enough to kill Qin Qi .

The crocodile crocodile is not one of the four elephants, but the blood is inherited for a long time. There are even some bloods of the wild and the beasts. The physical strength is extremely terrifying, even if it is against the real wild animals. Give more.

At this moment, the crocodile's tail swept across, just like the pillar of heaven, the strength is very impressive.

In addition, Tianxin Quliushu is an ancient tree demon, born from the black wood of the robbery, the wood system is extremely terrible, and can also use the power of Thunder!

At this moment, thousands of willow branches come and go, the toughness is full, the sword is hard to hurt, and the avenue airflow turns, and Qin Qi is locked directly.

On the top of the willow branches, each leaf is crystal clear, with a terrible divine power, the thunder shines, and the moment is like a flying knife, pouring down.

The two high-level gods and kings jointly killed, even if Qin Qi killed the Zijin Ling snake, and played enough to seriously hurt the power of the high god, and did not resist the possibility.

"It’s just right!" It’s just Qin Qi at the moment, but it’s the madness of killing in the eyes, and the dragon’s tears burst out, it’s an invincible sword!

This sword is strong, Jianguang has passed, all the wickers are broken, it is the 蟒 crocodile 蟒 , ,, can only recover the iron tail, with a huge demon power to confront.

"Wooden sword demon!" Tianxin Qu Liushu drink low, the road branches are stretched straight, and if the leaves are fine swords, all gather together and squat out.

"Acrocodile axe!" The crocodile crocodile 蟒 嘶吼 嘶吼, holding a huge axe axe, this is the ancestor of the ancestors of the 乾 蟒 炼 炼 炼 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎 脊椎

Close to the quality of the top-level supreme artifact, with the power of the high-level god, enough to withstand the sword of Qin Qi!

The wooden sword demon and the crocodile axe fell together, the power is really horrible, the sky is turned over and the ground, the emptiness is completely broken, and the chaotic gas is raging.

Qin Qi's invincible sword, afraid of not being able to open such an interception.

"Block this sword, you have no threat!" The crocodile 蟒 蟒 蟒 狞 狞 狞 , , , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

"Kill him!" Tianxin Qu Liushu shouted, countless branches pierced the void, turned into a sword-style, with an arc of all the way, swept to Qin Qi.

"Hey, that's the first thing to stop me from saying this sword." Qin Qi snorted, and the cause and effect of his body grew out. The attack was blocked, and how did the cause and effect compete?


The sound of a cracked tree, the body of Tianxin Quliushu was cut off by a sword.

It is just an invincible sword!

"How is it possible!" Tianxin Quliushu was cut off from the body, but it is still unbelievable.

How did this sword come?

"This is causality, the sword is the cause, the sword is the fruit, can't stop it?" The crocodile 蟒 蟒 蟒 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

How can Qin Qi have this power?

The power of cause and effect, the strongest Buddhist monk sorghum, has never mastered.

It’s just that there’s no time for it to continue to be amazed. The 蟒 crocodile is not a high-ranking god. It’s almost instantly reacted, and the strength of the whole body is unreserved. The crocodile axe is arrogant against Qin Qi. And next.

Can not give Qin Qi the opportunity, otherwise it will definitely not be able to compete under the cause and effect.

Invincible state.

Qin Qi propped up the Emperor's shield, and immediately, the godless fut of the colorless diamond was displayed, and the power of the crocodile axe was copied and returned.

It is the 蟒 crocodile 蟒 自己 自己 himself, but also to avoid a few points.

And this gap, Qin Qi has been deceived to the side of Tianxin Qu Liushu, under the sword, Tianxin Qu Liushu seriously injured, can not resist, inch inch cracked open, and then directly into the powder.

Death can't die anymore.

Above the mark of bronze I, a star is lit again.

"Death!" The crocodile crocodile roared, and the blood was boiling. It had already entered a state of boiling blood.

It seized the opportunity of Qin Qi to kill the heart of the willow tree, and roared down.

The sky-like axe blade, the horizontal pressure of thousands of miles, the power of the battlefield, is enough to kill Qin Qi, right?

how is this possible.

Qin Qi holds the sword and goes to the top of the head. The axe blade that stays in the sky suddenly stops, and the unstoppable downfall is thus blocked by a simple sword.

It seems that Qin Qi has supported a mountain.

I can't go on!

Let the 蟒 crocodile 蟒 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何 如何

Because of this, Qin Qi used the dragon **** to tears. This handle was like a pocket-sized sword in front of the crocodile axe, and it was blocked there.

Immediately, the crocodile crocodile only felt a light hand, and the crocodile axe fell again, but it was empty.

Qin Qi is not there.

"Human!" The crocodile 蟒 蟒 蟒 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁

Just, "嗤", the tail of the two moments, together with the 乾 crocodile 蟒 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己

"Heavenly God!"

Qin Qi, who has come to the same realm, kills the 蟒 蟒 crocodile, and is only a sword.

Even killing the two demon kings, the pressure of the family was suddenly light, but then, the sky was roaring, and the white tiger **** grasped the manic head and put him in the air.

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