God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1649: White tiger

The first thousand six hundred and forty-nine chapters

Crazy defeated.

Even if the body is attached to the power of the big battle and the battle array, but ultimately it is impossible to be the opponent of the two top kings.

And it is a combination of Xuanwu and Baihu.

One of the strongest defenses, the fastest speed, being an archer, and being close to the body may be the end of life.

And they have to guard the family and not be attacked. Obviously, they can't really exert all the advantages of the archers. They can't completely stay away from each other and must fight near the house.

Otherwise, far away, the two top kings of the king broke through the big family, and the family is almost gone.

As a result, the disadvantages are even greater, and it is not easy for mania to support the present.

"Oh, when you are old, it is flexible enough. Unfortunately, it is a mouse. Now you have to die!" White Tiger God said with a cruel smile. It pinched his claws and crushed the manic head directly.

In this scene, the children of the family are stunned and their eyes are red.

But simply unable to return to heaven.

"Uncle!" The arsenic roared, but he was entangled in the Suzaku, and there was no possibility of getting out.

Moreover, his realm is slightly lower. Even if there are many forces to bless him, he is not the opponent of the top king. I am afraid that after the madness, he will not last long.

"Get out of the way!" Above the high heavens, the power of the scorpion violently emerged, the Megatron world, the countless arrows crossed, but the combination of the big bow and the endless glass arrow, seems to be able to destroy everything!

"Hey, **** human beings, you have to pay for the things that the woman of the past has done!" Qinglong god, the body of the dragon, Hengdan is above the high heavens, full of divine power, crushed.

The Qinglong God is strong enough, and the demon dragon is in the hands of the dragon, and the power is full of power, no fear!

"Oh la la!"

It was a chain of dancing sounds. Before the crazy head broke open, it instantly rushed in, locked the soul and rolled it out.

"What!" The look of the white tiger **** changed.

But before he could get too angry, it was a policeman's life in his heart. A sword light was like a practice. When he was kneeling, the sharpness of Jianfeng was it, and he did not dare to directly regret it.

Can only temporarily retreat a few points.

And this retreat can only release the mania. At the moment, Qin Qi will display the dragon claws and grasp the mad body. Then the light will be saved, helping the manic body to recover and flesh and blood reorganization.

Even if your head is crushed, you can recover.

"Well?" The white tiger **** smashed and suddenly became angry.

"District humans, who you saved, you have to die!" White Tiger suddenly screamed, and the claws were photographed, carrying the power of Wan Hao, attacking Qin Qi.

Behind Qin Qi, the Dark Wizard and the Bright Great Pastor are divine powers, one to repair the soul, one to cure the flesh, so that only re-integration of the flesh, mania can be "resurrected" again.

White Tiger God perceives this, how can he not be angry?

Qin Qi, even dare to save people under his eyes, this is absolutely not allowed!

At this moment, the white tiger **** directly attacked Qin Qi, intercepted, and did not give Qin Qi an opportunity.

On the other hand, Xuanwu God is not idle, its speed is not as good as the white tiger god, but the strength of the heavy, is the wild and the beast, do not dare to say more than.

In the face of its power, Qin Qi only felt that the heavens and the earth were crushed by a turtle shell, and the pressure on his body suddenly doubled.

"Hey, thank you!"

Qin Qi throws all the wild body and soul into Huang Quan, let him recover, and then only hands dragon, dragon claws on the tiger claws, resisting the power of the white tiger god!

It has come to the level of the senior emperor, with the ancient bronze power that is closer to the silver color, the top king, at this moment, is no longer an invincible opponent.

The two claws were staggered, and the white tiger **** was obviously stunned, and then he snorted, and it did not break through Qin Qi’s dragon claw hand.

"How about the power of the opposite world, when you waited for 100,000 years in the land, what power is it against?" The white tiger **** shouted, and the light became colder.

Qin Qi’s power of the outside world is indeed amazing, but the gods are in the land for 100,000 years, and they are fighting against the power of the outside world every moment.

Qin Qi, this ancient bronze force, in their face, has to be discounted!

Just after that, the dragon gods shed light and the dragon glory came out. This shock is not even weaker than the dragon god.

Tianlong is gone!

In the heart of the White Tiger God, compared to the previous total suppression of Qin Qi, it felt a huge threat at this moment.

Is the gap so large before and after?

"No matter what happens to you, but it is not enough!" Bai Hu Shen shouted, but also drove a sword light.

White tiger sword!

The sword is like a white tiger, and the entire piece of heaven and earth is reflected in the cold white. This sword is out, and Qin Qi’s Tianlong is destroyed, and it cannot be indented and offset each other.

"Hey!" Qin Qi sneered, and shot again, the two swords linger, but the traces of the sky and the tears of the sky, such as the cross, on the top, the power of cause and effect flow, almost impossible to compete!

"Cause and effect?" The white tiger god's pupils suddenly contracted, and the danger was even stronger.

At the moment, the white tiger **** made a shock, even if he faced the power of the outside world, he was not so vigilant. Obviously, in its view, the power of cause and effect was even more difficult.

Maybe even, it will really take its life!

After all, at the beginning, they were all attracted by the egg of cause and effect, and they were eventually banned from the land of the emperor.

How strong this power is, the white tiger **** is also aware of one or two.

"White Tiger is amazing!"

The white tiger **** instantly enters the state of boiling blood, and the breath of the body is completely violent. It is already a full-fledged posture. So boiling blood, there is a secret technique, and when the blood is calm, it will enter a weakened state and cannot be recovered in a short time.

This is naturally very dangerous.

However, it feels that this is a must!


A loud bang, the white tiger sword smashed the heavens and the earth, and the Qin Qi's cross sword light was resisted. Immediately, another sword was the highest secret of the white tiger god.

Tigers are shocking!

A shiver, a shock to the Qinzi eardrum, I saw that the white tiger **** is almost one with the sword, swooping, the trend of the sea, almost impossible to resist.

Diamond gods.

Qin Qi used the diamond-colored **** of the colorless diamond to instantly copy the amber, and he is the body of the dragon vein. The hand is the tear of the dragon god, so the power exerted is different.

Tigers and Dragons!

The sword is out, but the dragon and the tiger roar, and the collision with the white tiger cub is together.

"What, how can you use such power!" White Tiger God shocked, although Qin Qi has changed this sword, but the essence is that his tiger is shocking.

This is the secret of the white tiger family, and it can be used in conjunction with the white tiger.

Between the vibrations in the heart, but between the power and the raging, Qin Qi went straight through, and it was the first sword against it.

This sword is invincible!

In the state of incompetence and the invincible form, Qin Qi directly broke through the area where the two forces violently collided. This sword, unexpectedly, did not think of the White Tiger God.

How does the cause and effect dodge?

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