God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1651: Four Star Bronze I

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-one chapter four-star bronze I

"This, this kind of power, Qin Qi will not have anything!" Under the big family, the sea is also contributing to its own strength, just to see the battle outside, but can not help but pale.

Did Qin Qi lose?

"Impossible, how could he be defeated, he is unbeaten!" Gong Sun Yi Lin bite his teeth.

He does not believe that Qin Qi will die, nor believe that Qin Qi will be defeated!

However, under such an attack, Qin Qi, can really support it?

"This time, it’s **** it!" Xuanwu God breathed some heavy roads. The basaltic shield in his hand had more cracks on it. I am afraid that it could not be used, otherwise there would be danger of collapse.

"Forcing the seat to give up the flesh, can he still die?" White Tiger God bite his teeth.

It blew the flesh, but the soul is still there, but it is weaker than before.

Such a price, even if it killed Qin Qi, it is difficult to accept, the white tiger **** is very angry, waiting to suppress the temple of the gods, it must go to Zhongzhou, killing the human race!

Otherwise, how can you eliminate the hatred in your heart?

"White Di, above your soul, how is there a chain?" But it is Xuanwu God, suddenly exclaimed, look blank.

The white tiger **** stunned.

It did not notice that when it was out of the flesh, a soul chain had already locked his spirit.

"Don't he still be alive?" Bai Hu Shen exclaimed, still the souls of the dead, all the remaining powers are all out, to break the soul chain.

However, more soul chains have rushed out of the area that has been turned into chaos, entangled the soul of the White Tiger God, and then directly pulled it over.

"No!" The white tiger god, but in the face of the soul chain that has accumulated the inexhaustible soul, only the soul of it, can not do anything.

"Let you down, Xiaoye, it is still alive."

"And you are dead!"

The cold and incomparable voice of Qin Qi sounded in the chaos, and the breath of the white tiger **** fluctuated, and it stopped suddenly, and it was no longer noticeable.

"This, how is this possible!" Xuanwu God's heart chills gradually, could not help but back.

Such an attack, Qin Qi can still be blocked?

The chaos quickly dissipated, the space returned to calm, and everyone, the pupils were shrinking.

"I rely on, really shameless, actually did this kind of thing!" Hai listened to the heart can not help but shouted, indignant, but my heart, finally relieved.

The rest of the people are also slightly changed in their looks. I don't know what to say.

In front of Qin Qi, he even blocked a wild animal, but the emperor!

"Human, how dare you take the aging mother as a meat shield?" Dijiang was furious, and he was in Huangquan, regaining strength and thinking about guiding more power.

Even one day, it will be possible to return it.

However, he did not want to be summoned by Qin Qi. After all, Huang Quan was the site of Qin Qi. Now, he has been unable to compete with Qin Qi and cannot resist.

I thought that Qin Qi was calling him to fight, and when he beaten, there was nothing. Dijiang did not mind killing.

But did not expect that Qin Qi will regard him as a meat shield!

How can I not be angry!

The king of the gods of the past, the king of the gods of the past, now, even for the meat shield.

I really want to swallow Qin Qi.

"Predecessors, you have to understand me, if I am dead, Yan Yan will not exist, isn't it?" Qin Qi embarrassed with a smile.

"And I can't stop you from calling you out, but I don't want you to resist everything."

Said, the power of the bright pastor fell to the emperor.

Although the emperor said that because of the seal for too long, the strength deteriorated seriously, but in the end it was the old wilderness of the beast, the strength of this body is still terrible.

The white tiger **** blew himself into the flesh, and it did hurt the emperor, but it was not fat enough to recover.

"Kid, you..." Dijiang eyes are red.

"Predecessors, I don't want you to say, you really can't beat me now." Qin Qi sees the emperor's anger, but he can only be so reminded.

"Hey!" The emperor snorted heavily.

Qin Qi killed the white tiger god, the star is completely lit, and really came to the level of the four-star bronze I, just light the fifth, then Qin Qi is the king of the gods!

Dijiang, it is true that it is not the current Qin Qi.

"Predecessors, you are suffocating, I will help you to return to the peak of the past!" Qin Qi haha ​​laughed, Enwei and Shi, Dijiang just want to disagree.

"Hey!" The emperor was just cold and returned to Huang Quan.

Niang's, too awkward, as wrong as being suppressed by the woman!

Handling the good emperor, Qin Qi eyes fell to the basaltic god, he could not help but smile.

The basaltic gods trembled, and they turned and ran away.

It has no war.

However, how can Qin Qi make it succeed?

A sword is invincible.

The Xuanwu shield was directly smashed, and the blood of Xuanwu was sprayed out, and it was already dead.

Immediately, Qin Qi was not wasted, and the Xuanwu God and the broken Xuanwu Shield were swallowed up. As for the White Tiger Sword, let's keep it first. After all, it can't enter the five stars.

This last star, want to light up all the hardships, do not kill the king of the gods, afraid that it is not bright.

At this point, the two top kings of the Yaozu were killed by Qin Qi, and Qin Qi is the stronger the Vietnam War. I am afraid that under the full force, the Qinglong God will feel the threat.


Qinglong God is not an idiot. He knows that Qin Qi is now out of the air. Once he is united with the strong family, it will die here with the Suzaku God and the remaining demon gods.

It’s hard to escape from the land, they don’t want to die.

Can only retreat.

The demon king retreats, Qin Qi and Yu and so on have not pursued. After all, as far as the whole demon temple is concerned, the fighting power of the gods has overshadowed the demon temple, and it is not a good idea to rush to catch up.

"Lord Qin Qi, thank you for your help!"

Within the family, a cheer, and arsenic and sorrow, also came to Qin Qi and expressed gratitude.

"This is the disaster that I brought to you. You don't blame me." Qin Qidao.

After all, if he brought the gods to the temple of the gods, nothing would happen.

He shook his head and said: "This is the duty of me. For this reason, I am willing to give my life, so what you have done is indeed saving us!"

"With you," Qin Qi shrugged, and then said: "I still have something to do, the old ancestors of the predecessors, let us use the younger generation first."

After all, Qin Qi went straight to the air.

Leave a beggar and arsenic for a while and blow your beard.

What is the use of the old aunt, a small bastard, and so on, it is necessary to discuss a story for the old aunt!

The family’s distress has been solved, and Qin Qi naturally refuses to stay, and flies to Lujia in the first time.

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