The first thousand six hundred and fifty-two chapters taboo

Lu Jia, Zhao Jia and Kong Jia, at this moment is still a big battle, especially Lu Jia, facing the demon gods, the pressure is not too big, above the high heavens, the confrontation of the two kings of the gods is even more terrifying.

Qin Qi at the moment, can not help but shrink the neck, was stunned by this violent power.

If you do not take the emperor's way, in addition to the natural taboos, the king of the gods is the end of all beings.

These realms seem to be only one step away from the top gods, but the de facto gap is definitely not small. Otherwise, it will not be only a few kings of the gods.

To know that it is the empty beast, but also the failure of the king of the gods, so the realm of the great fall, and hey, just rushed to the level of the king of the gods.

Fortunately, Qin Qi does not have to face them now.

He returned here, but to get rid of the door of the difference.

As for whether the three major families will be destroyed by the gods, Qin Qi does not care. In his view, it is best to lose both sides. He takes advantage of the profits.

Taking away the door of the different degrees, Qin Qi took a deep breath and quickly swept away in the direction indicated by the day.

Qinglong God has already withdrawn from the remaining demon kings, and Qin Qi’s record of killing the two top kings will be spread in an instant, which is the culprit to stop them from returning, and has an unclear relationship with the taboo female emperor. .

The hatred of the gods on him is afraid to be above the temple of the gods.

I am afraid that there will be strong people joining forces to kill Qin Qi.

After all, in the end, the power of the gods is still surplus, but at this moment they are attacking the big array of the demon temple.

Qin Qi quickly left, will not give them such an opportunity, and after crossing the wilderness, the surrounding aura is once again rich and strong, and can not be concentrated.

In the distance, there is a palace towering, the atmosphere is very special, with the meaning of taboos.

Far away, it gives people an extremely extraordinary feeling.

There are no guards of the members of the Demon Temple, but there are also power fluctuations. It is that several gods are separated from the main battlefield and come here. It seems that they are planning to break into the taboos!

They are also keen, and found this place special, intend to attack and rob the creation of it?

"Human?" Qin Qi blinked.

Most of the gods are demons and demons, and the other masks of the dead and the sea gods can only be regarded as a minority.

Of course, it is enough to deal with the current Temple of the Devil.

It is only this matter that is somewhat taboo for the Terran. After all, the Temple of the Devil is the power of the Terran, although they also hate the pain of the taboo of the Emperor.

But after all, I don’t want to take it out myself and destroy the Temple of God.

As for the gods who besieged the Temple of the Devil, they are also happy to see it, but they are not willing to take it.

Can only say, hypocrisy!

Without participating in the war, the gods of the Terran can't be idle. In the end, they found this place. Although they don't know what it is, but with the keenness of the king, it is clear that there must be something in this place.

"This breath is definitely for that woman. If the guess is good, there must be some kind of power left in this place. If it is obtained, it may become the king of the gods, even... beyond this limit!" Qinglian sword God shouted, the sword was swaying, and the unparalleled spirit!

His eyes are extremely excited, such a force, who does not want to get?

Qin Qi once saw the inheritor of the **** of the Qinglian sword god, knowing its power, but the time has passed. In front of Qin Qi at this moment, the Qinglian sword **** is nothing but an ants.

"Qing Lian said that it is good. There are similar feelings in this seat. You can all be human races. Now there is a big chaos on the other side. The demon dances, let's join forces to break through here, how?" A tower-like big man shouted, excited too. meaning.

"This, I am afraid it is not appropriate. If it is really the one who stays, I am afraid it is difficult to break through easily." However, one person is worried that it is obviously afraid of tabooing what the female emperor left. If it is rushed to shoot, there is a danger of death.

"Yao Dongjun, what are you afraid of, that woman is already dead, we know best this, even if we leave something, but we can compare it 100,000 years ago?" Dahan said coldly.

He said it was good. He came over 100,000 years. Even in the place of the local government, they are much stronger than 100,000 years ago.

"But that person, after all, has blessed my family..."

"Yao Dongjun, don't forget, now the gods are coming back, but the demons are dominant, waiting for them to destroy the temple of the gods. Is this place not owned by them?"

"As you said, the taboo female emperor is a human race, then the power she has left should naturally be inherited by our human race, and the wheel will get the demon?" Qinglian sword **** coldly shouted.

Can you express such words with a thick face, is he relying on cheeky to achieve the king of God?

Qin Qi heard it all in the distance, and the light was so cold.

The taboo female emperor sent them to the local government at first, it seems that the female emperor is not ruthless, against the same family, but they should be robbed!

"Okay, don't say it, King Yan, you." He said, looking at one of them.

The man looks very young, but everyone knows that he is an old-fashioned man, and today's combat power has reached the level of the half-step king of the gods!

However, it is slightly weaker than the Qinglong God.

But even so, it is also the strongest existence of the Terran gods.

"Now the gods return, the demon two must be strong, if my family can not get this power, how to fight with the two in the future?" Jing Yan faint.

"The female emperor does have a big hate for us, but it does not allow the entire human race to bear this guilt, and only if we become stronger can we stop the devil's crazy revenge against my human race!"

"Haha, Jing Yan adults said it is good, this is for my family!" Black Zun laughed.

"Okay, let's do it, you can't let the demon get this creation!" Yao Dongjun said.

At the moment, the Terran gods have taken shots and stormed the taboos.

It’s just that they know in their hearts that these are just excuses. What they are asking for is only the taboos in the sky, and it is very likely that they will reach the highest level of the world!

Qin Qi looked at the performance of this Terran gods indifferently. 100,000 years ago, the taboo female emperor must have been tired of seeing their shameless faces, so they sent them to the local government.

Yeah, today Qin Qi let them go to hell!

Of course, Qin Qi did not directly work, he also wants to see if the Terran gods can break into the taboos.

After all, this place, Lujia spent millions of years, finally harvested in the civil chaos of the ancient gods, but even so, it did not really rush into the taboos.

These people want to succeed, I am afraid it is unlikely.

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