God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1654: Kill the half-step king of the gods

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-four chapters kill the half-step king of the gods

Jing Yan saw Qin Qizhen killing the king of the gods, so brewing such a force, ready to give Qin Qi Lei Yi a blow!

Sneak attack.

Hey, Qin Qi just sneaked on others, how could it be easily attacked?

What's more, Qin Qi at the moment, not only the realm has been equal to him, the real combat power, I am afraid to be above him!

Although I can't do a sword to kill Jing Yan, if it is a battle of life and death, Qin Qi's winning rate will be close to 100% wireless!

"The body of the dragon vein, I did not expect it, even in the year of life, I saw this physique again, I thought it would not appear again!" Jing Yan stared at Qin Qi, his eyes were very complicated.

Have hate, have jealousy, have doubts, and have bloodthirsty!

"You, who is it!" Jing Yan yelled.

He has lived for a long time, not counting the 100,000 years of the government. He has lived for three or four hundred thousand years. If you add a sleepy time, then the time span can be said to be more than one million years.

He has seen the body of the previous generation of dragon veins.

That person looks like Qin Qi.

Although it is not carved out in a mold, there are too many similar places in the eyebrows. In the meantime, it seems as if the previous generation of dragons were born again.

Just, how could this happen?

"You, who is it!" Jing Yan asked again. He realized that there must be a special connection between the female emperor and Qin Qi. He was in fear and feared the female emperor.

This, they saw with their own eyes, the existence that has passed away.

"I am me, by the way, also the person who killed you!" Qin Qi said indifferently.

He didn't care what Jing Yan was thinking, he only knew that he was going to kill him.

"Don't be too arrogant, half the world of the king of the gods, not you can imagine!" Jing Yan snarled, leaving the fire, the taboos are all red, as if they were ignited.

"Noisy!" Qin Qi cold, holding the sword in hand, suddenly deceived forward.

"Thousands of flaming flow blades!" Jing Yan low drink, almost from the fire martial arts and the huge knives in his hands, roaring down.

From the fire Taotao, it seems that the world will be turned into an oven, burning everything into ashes.

"Ice and Snow Enchantment!"

Alice shot, the ice crystals condensed, the coldness of the cold, and the fire power to compete.

Qin Qi, is a sword of the Thunder.

God of wrath!

If the robbery comes, a sword will open the edge of the blaze.

"This way?" Jing Yan drank, the knives once again pulled out, turned into a huge meteorite burning!

Magma star, fire knife light!


A large amount of white fog rose, and Alice's ice and snow enchantment was also melted by the magma star.

The mark of the sky, the tears of the sky!

Qin Qi connected two swords, and the cross was killed. The magma star was directly smashed into four segments, but inside the star scorpion, it burned to the extreme from the fire, and it appeared to be a knife!

Fire knife light!

Countless knives fall like rain, and each one contains powerful power, plus the ultimate condensed fire energy. Wherever it passes, the void will burn.

This is the power of the king of the gods!


Qin Qi, just cold, Kronos roared and unfolded the demon.

Infinite day sword!

Countless dragon gods shed tears in the air, and then they all smashed out.

The sword is on the knife.

Ice is on fire!

Who will give up?

"Damn, this bonus is too terrible!" Jing Yan can still support, but he knows in his heart, and if he fights again, he will probably be suppressed by Qin Qi.

He simply does not consume the body of the dragon.

"You must escape first!" Jing Yan's heart was so determined, life and death are in front, and he can't take care of his face. Let's live and say it.

"You are about, are you trying to escape?" But Qin Qi, suddenly cold and cold.

Jing Yan’s pupils are shrinking, but on the face is a sneer: “Boy, you can’t afford to see yourself too much. It’s not harder to kill you than to kill a dog!”

"I hope this is the case. After all, you can't escape." Qin Qi smiled and said that the cause and effect of the body slowly flowed out.

"The power of cause and effect!" Jing Yan's eyes widened, his face suddenly changed, becoming pale and bloodless.

The cause and effect are here, he can't escape, he can only fight.

"You are looking for death!" Jing Yan screamed, burning from the fire, the whole person turned into a torch.

From the fire three metamorphosis, away from the fire god!

Jing Yan knows that he can only die, and naturally there is no longer any reservation, and the final card is also used.

From the blazing fire god, it is an increase in the martial arts, similar to the demon blood and the demonization of the demon. At this moment, the power of Jing Yan is skyrocketing, the flames are burning!

"Very good!" Qin Qi nodded lightly, and then the Emperor came!

"Dead!" Jing Yan growled, and his knees were strong.

Heaven is away!

The flames burst open, and the surrounding voids were all ignited. Here, the ocean has been transformed into a flame.

This knife is indeed terrible, and it is worthy of the realm of King of the Suns.

"Destroy!" Qin Qi whispered, swearing a sword.

Sword one!

No need for anything else, just a sword.

Everything is annihilated.

The void is also good, and the burning void is worth it. Under the sword, it completely disappears.


Jing Yan was soft and was penetrated by a sword.

He had to move, but Qin Qi, already in front of him, stabbed the sword.

"How can it be, how can it be!" Jing Yan’s throat is constantly shaking. "We have suffered 100,000 years of suffering and finally got rid of it. Why, will it be like this?"

Qin Qi looked indifferently, cold and cold: "100,000 years, I want to come to the punishment of the female emperor, but unfortunately, 100,000 years later, you still made the wrong choice."

"So, don't feel wronged, go to hell!" Qin Qi cold channel.

A sword, ending the life of Jing Yan, ending the life of a half-step king of the gods!

With the killing of Jing Yan, the fifth star of Qin Qi became more and more bright, and it has already illuminated the big part, and there is still one corner left.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult to reach the realm of the king of the gods.

"Kid, give me the body of this person, I can use his original strength, let Yan Yan further awaken!" But in the middle of Huang Quan, Di Jiang black face.

Qin Qi heard the words, natural eyes shine, and quickly do.

"Predecessors, what else is needed, although you open your mouth, from your family, you are welcome!" Qin Qixiao laughed.

Rao is the emperor, and can't help but shake his eyes. Who is your family?

Seeing the emperor's face is irritated, but the flowery appearance of the moon, but do not have a flavor, almost let Qin Qi forget that he is a man.

When Qin Qi quickly quit Huang Quan, this person was a foundation, too dangerous, and he was accidentally bent by him.

Killing Jing Yan, Qin Qi began to go deep into the taboo palace. Soon, he will gain something. It is no wonder that the guardian light curtain of the taboo palace will have weakness.

Lynn’s roaring month is already here.

"Brother, just now you are too cow, half the king of the gods, say killing and killing, the cow has not changed!" Seeing Qin Qi, this wolf with no lower limit is a slap in the face.

Of course, the heart is also very shocking. After all, he just met Qin Qi, and Qin Qi’s fighting power is not even better than him.

Now it’s good, half the king of the gods can kill.

How long has this been?

"What are you doing here, and how do you get in?" Qin Qi shook his head and asked.

"Put this in." Lin snarled and smiled, and there was more in his hand.

It is a jade character.

This jade symbol looks ordinary, but there is a breath of taboo on it.

"what is this?"

"Forbidden jade, the million guys gave me."

What is God's way?

Lin’s roaring month came to this taboo palace with this taboo jade, and he came here, obviously also by the gods?

The first choice of the day, what do you want to do?

Seeing Qin Qi’s doubts, Lin’s roaring month is not concealing, but saying: “Come here, just to ignite the fate!”

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