God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1655: Destiny

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-five chapters

"And then?" Qin Qidao.

"Who knows, the million-way guy is mysterious, and I don't want to reveal it completely, but I don't think it will be a bad thing." Lin growled and shrugged.

"Let's go, go in and see." Qin Qidao.

Immediately, he summoned Bairi and Yi Xiaoying from Huang Quanzhong. The two women had their own mysterious powers circulating, echoing the destiny.

"This younger sister is..." Lin roared and saw the white day, her eyes suddenly brightened, but she noticed the special power of the white body, but could not help but change slightly.

"She is called Bairi." Qin Qidao.

"White day?" Lin snarled more than a glance at the day, can take this name, it can be considered a fierce.

"It seems that there are still many things, and Wandao is not aware of it. I hope that there will be no trouble." Lin roared and regained his gaze, sighing slightly.

Obviously, many things have been connected in series. It’s no accident that Bairi and Yi Xiaoyu came here at this moment.

Perhaps Qin Qi is here, not accidental.

So what happens?

Lynn’s roaring month couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Several people entered the taboo palace, where a lot of strong bans were placed, and the taboos were circulated. If the non-Linlin roaring month had taboo jade, it would be Qin Qi, and it would be extremely difficult.

The size of the palace is not small, but the furnishings are very simple. Obviously, when I built it, I didn't have much care. I just wanted to build such a palace.

Along the way, along the central ramp, Qin Qi quickly crossed most of the palaces and came under an obelisk inside the palace.

Here, it is the core position of the taboo palace.

"The induction is clearer, just inside the tower!" Yoshihisa pointed at the obelisk.

"Okay, let's go in." Qin Qi took a deep breath and stepped forward.

When I came here, all the quest items of the years began to tremble slightly. The mask, the earrings, the four taboo artifacts, and the tears of the dragon **** in my hands all began to echo some kind of power.

In Huangquan, the cold and cold ghosts on weekdays are difficult to calm down at this moment, and the blood in the body seems to be boiling.

Everything, will you get an answer here?

Qin Qi is also difficult to calm down.

Qin Qi went forward, stepping on the door of the Obelisk, and a layer of light curtains fell, full of taboos.

This power, extremely horrible, surpassed what Qin Qi had seen in the past. Before this force, there was no possibility of rebellion.

Fortunately, Qin Qi’s cause and effect were rippling, and the light curtain did not hurt Qin Qi, but let him pass.

The day is waiting, and it is not blocked.

"Rely, why can't you enter?" But Lin was roaring and the face was black. He was stopped by the light curtain, even if it was a taboo.

"What should I do?" Qin Qi frowned.

"Oh, it seems that you can only rely on you. To be precise, you can only rely on the fairy." Lin growled a bitter smile, and the greedy treasure house opened behind, a circle swayed in the void, and then there was a white The jar appeared.

"Tian Mingyi is too long, it has stopped burning, and this jar contains the lamp oil needed for the ancient lanterns. The fairy will inject it into the destiny, and then the ancient lamp in your body will ignite it." Tao, handed the jar to the game.

"This matter is extremely important, the fairy must pay attention, there must be no mistakes!" Lin roared the moon to reveal the dignified color.

"Good." Yi Xiaoxiao nodded.

Although she is very disgusted with this wolf, she also knows that this matter is huge, so I dare not have the slightest scorn, and I will go all out!

"So good." Lin snarled the moon.

So, the three entered the obelisk together.

The inside of the obelisk is simple and simple. Only a spiral staircase keeps going up, but it seems simple, but at the end of the stairs, it gives a feeling of another world.

"Go." Qin Qi stepped up and walked to the top of the Obelisk.

This road, even went very slowly, the stairs under the feet continued to appear, no external appearance seems so short.

It seems like endless!

"What's going on, why do I feel that every step is another world?" Yi Xiaoyan's face changed and he couldn't help but whisper.

This is also amazing.

"Is the connection between destiny still there?" Qin Qi asked.

"Still, still guiding the direction, just, can you really come?" Yi Xiaomei.

"Continue to go, there will be no problem." Qin Qidao.

This step by step, the collapse of the foot, is it really a world?

If this is the case, plus the feelings I have experienced before, then the taboo female emperor's stars are embarrassing.

Qin Qi also understood the power of the female emperor.

The power of the heavens!

Qin Qi, they are now stepping on, it is the heavens!

The female emperor never left the world of Tianyuan, but she relied on her own talents from the past to the present, and she gave birth to the form of the heavens and the world.

If one day, she rushed out of this heavenly world, her feet went all over the world, and her hands crossed the world. At that time, the avenue proved that I would enter an unbelievable realm.

Unfortunately, the female emperor has been jealous.

I stepped on the heavens and bounds, step by step, I don’t know how long it took, finally, I came to the top.

The top of the obelisk.

Here, the world!

"It turned out to be a starry sky, and this ancient atmosphere, is it that the entire ancient starry sky will be sealed here?" Yi Xiaoyan exclaimed.

The top of the tower of the obelisk is actually a starry sky.

Under the stars, an ancient lamp is suspended, the wick is black, and a white smoke floats out, but there is no Mars.

This is the destiny!

And it has already dried up.

"Small, ignite it." Qin Qidao, he believes that once this life is ignited, then everything is ready.

He can complete the task of the years, and can also resurrect the promise!

"Yeah!" Yi Xiaoxiao nodded, and did not care about Qin Qi's name to her.

Her fluttering flies to the destiny, carefully opening the tank, a fragrant fragrance suddenly overflows, it is the endless avenue force, they gather, turned into the power of the sky.

Pour the oil into the ancient lamp, rarely, just fill it in half, but this lamp oil has been extremely precious, I am afraid it is also the gods who have tried their best to refine it.

But it doesn't matter, because with this light oil, it is enough to make the fate burn for a million years.

The lamp oil nourishes the wick and makes a "squeaky" sound, while Yoshihiko is taking a deep breath, concentrates on it, and goes all out to start stimulating the fate of the body!

In the daytime, the mysterious debris in her hand whirls and whispers, and it is faintly felt that both Tianyi and Tianmingsan are related to each other, as if there is a line that ties them together.

And that piece of debris is the hub.

With the existence of the hub, Yi Xiaoying’s control over Tian Mingsan has taken it to the next level. In the past, she was only able to provoke the power of Tian Ming San and attach her own body.

Now, she is finally able to take the fate of the three from the body.

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