The first thousand six hundred and sixty-three chapters ran

Beyond the taboo, the battle is indeed over.

The breath of the gods is no longer possible, and it is obviously not in the temple of the gods.

"What is the situation?" Qin Qi is speechless, and the situation is expected, but there is no such thing.

"Lao Guzu, Qin Qi, are you all right?" He and others were outside, and they came over at this moment.

"It's all right, but what's wrong with it, the gods, and the people of Lujia?" Qin Qi wondered.

"Run." I don't know what to say.

When he squats, he simply said the story. The Lu family did reach a consensus with the gods. But in the end, the overthrow of all the appearances scared them.

One party is a member of the Demon Temple, which is a forbidden female emperor, and the other is a goddess who has been detained by the female emperor in the government and has suffered for 100,000 years.

No matter which side, they are deeply aware of the power of the taboo female emperor, and they do not dare to have the slightest confrontation.

Because it is impossible to do it.

The vision of the genius is really amazing. The breath, so clear, is like a taboo.

Who dares to explore, what is the truth?

There is no such courage at all.

Yes, outside the world, the king of the gods, standing at the top of the world, but in front of the taboo female emperor, but only scared the cowardly little mouse.

In addition to running, there is no second thought in my heart.

"This is really..." Qin Qi could not find a suitable adjective for a time. He could only say that the taboo female emperor was too much against the sky.

"His Qin Qi, what happened in the taboo palace, the female priest, but really returned?" Asked excitedly, they are the most heartfelt followers of the female emperor.

"No." Qin Qi shook his head directly.

And Xiao Xiaoyu did not say much, volunteering to help Qin Qi hold the secret.

"That's it?" He was a little disappointed, but even shook his head and said: "Under the invincible world, I don't believe she really disappeared. I believe that one day, she will return to this world."

"Maybe." Qin Qi is not willing to say more.

After all, if the female emperor is taboo, then Fu Caixuan will not be there.

"Right, the seniors can follow up with the gods and Lu Zhao?" Qin Qi thought of something, could not help but ask in a hurry.

Both the gods and Lu Zhao left, and went to the outside world. Qin Qi feared that the alliance had problems. After all, it was the king of two gods and the strongest of many gods.

Their hatred of Qin Qi is not small at all, what will be done, Qin Qi does not know.

Especially on the side of Tianyuan, Zeus led the gods back, seeing the scene of Tianyuan at this time, I am afraid it will be even more angry. How can poetry resist the existence of Zeus?

Of course, Qin Qi also believes that since they are frightened by the taboo female emperor, I am afraid that they will not rush to take the shots for the time being. They will choose to find out the situation first.

In the end, this big world can be different from 100,000 years ago, even if they are, they must be cautious.

"You can rest assured that the arsenic has left, and will do everything possible to explore the situation of the gods and Lu Zhao. Once there is a situation, they will immediately send a message back."

"And there is no news yet. I want to come to the gods and Lu Zhao and I don't want to take the time at this time," he said.

Qin Qi nodded, but he could not feel at ease. He must go back as soon as possible.

"Lord Qin Qi, you have great grace for my family. If there is any need for help in Japan, I can do it."

"Don't use his day, now there is, now the demon temple is not suitable to continue the hidden world, it is better to help the seniors to sit in the chaos era alliance, so I can rest assured." Qin Qidao, no embarrassed.

After a moment of sighing, I didn’t expect Qin Qi to be so direct. I thought I would quit.

Yi Xiao can't help but laugh, with Qin Qi's cheeky face, you sent it to yourself, how can you be polite?

"Furthermore, Lu Jia and Zhao Jia went to the outside world, only to cause the hustle and bustle of the sky, and this is the internal matter of the Temple of God, but also the Temple of God to balance." Qin Qi smiled.

I was speechless, and I accidentally got on the thief boat.

However, Qin Qi also said that, now, the Temple of the Devil does not have to be hidden. After all, the dawn of the gods has come, and the duty of the Demon Temple has been completed.

The rest is the internal affairs of the Temple of the Devil, and the family can't sit and watch Lu Zhao and others work outside.

"How is the old ancestors?"

Yi Xiaoying does not like to intervene in the family, nor is she good at it, but she has enough reason to agree.

"Just do what he said." Yi Xiaoyan did not want to go straight.

Fu Cai Xuan is a taboo female emperor, and the demon temple naturally follows her. This is beyond doubt.

For the decisiveness of Yi Xiaoying, I was amazed at the fact that he was clear about the temperament of Yi Xiaoying, and that she could make a decision without thinking about it. There must be sufficient reasons.

"Okay, this is the case. The demon temple will be suspended in the sky of the chaotic era, and it can be taken care of each other." He nodded.

"That would thank the seniors." Qin Qi laughed.

When things are decided, everyone does not waste time.

Lin’s roaring month left directly, bringing the destiny to the gods.

Qin Qi, they also quickly left the Temple of the Devil, and went to the city of Zhongzhou era.

As for the Temple of the Devil, it is necessary to make some preparations for coming to Zhongzhou. It is estimated that it will take several days to complete. However, when the Temple of the Evil is on the eve of the Era, the security of the Alliance will undoubtedly be greatly protected!

This is a big boost!

Outside the city of the era, Qin Qi took Fu Caixuan out of the void, and saw this familiar but somewhat strange city, Fu Cai Xuan difficult to cover up.

I thought I would never come back.

"Go, let's go home." Qin Qi smiled.

"Well, go home!" Fu Caixuan nodded hard.

The city of the era, the core area, Situ Jing is here.

Since he was pregnant, Situ Jing began to reduce the handling of alliance affairs, will be fully decentralized, and he will take the overall situation.

Therefore, the number of times that Situ Jing appeared in the city of the epoch was also decreasing. I will come here today, just because I just got the news, it seems that something big happened.

"What happened?" Situ Jing carefully sat down and looked at Gao.

"The news from the Mozu side, the Olympus suddenly appeared a change, and the twelve gods appeared in the sky, and according to the induction of His Royal Highness, this is the devil's strong man's coming to this sky!" Gao Shen Shen channel.

In today's alliance, the intelligence network has penetrated all over the world, and the response time is extremely fast. At the time of the Tianyuan, it can be transmitted back to the alliance almost in the next second.

"The Devil is strong?" Situ Jing frowned.

Tianyuan has been unified, poetry has become the only queen of Tianyuan, and what other powerful demons can make poetry and poetry?

No, those ancient guys have returned?

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