God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1664: Come back home

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-four chapters go home

"Was the gods dawn, has the husband released the gods?" Situ Jing changed.

The dawn of the gods, Qin Qi went to the bottom of the gods before they went to the bottom of the temple, it is indeed a very dangerous thing, and now the demon strong suddenly appeared, I am afraid that the dawn of the gods has begun.

Does the Temple of God not stop the steps of the gods?

"I don't know what the husband is doing now, the color announcement, is it already back?" Situ Jing was slightly sad.

"In any case, we must first prepare. When you come over this time, you will arrange the main force of the epoch city into the city of Chaos as soon as possible. At least it is safer." Gao Weidao.

She never likes to pin her hopes elsewhere, even if she believes that Qin Qi will not disappoint, but she must do well.

After all, if the heart is lucky, the alliance will not develop to the point where it is.

"I understand." Situ Jing nodded.

She is the alliance's ally, and the many places of the epoch city need her to deal with it personally. Otherwise, she will not return to the city of the era.

"Fortunately, I was prepared before, this time I will not be in a hurry." Situ Jing laughed.

"If you don't want to be late, start now." Gao Wei stood up.

Both of them are resolutely prosperous women, one is good at the overall control, and the other is from the nuances, each with its own characteristics, complement each other, the glory of the alliance today, and the two women, can not be separated.

But just as they were ready to act, there was a voice.

"Xiao Jing, Gao girl, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

A woman's voice, with boundless excitement and excitement, is happy.

And this sound is so familiar.

Both Gao and Situ Jing are in a stalemate, and no one will forget this voice, nor will they forget the master of this voice.

The scene ten years ago seems to have reappeared in my mind.

And this is the voice, resolutely decided, and chose to sacrifice himself.

She feels that this is the best choice.

She feels that her death can minimize losses.

And she firmly believes that only she can die for love at that time!

Self-blame, pain, sorrow, and self-confidence, the sorghum and Situ Jing at that time were all shrouded in this kind of emotions. Only by dealing with madness can we alleviate a few points.

Until, Qin Qi told them that there is a way to resurrect the Fu Xuan Xuan.

So they have expectations.

They tried their best to run the alliance, only hope that they could help Qin Qi.

They have been looking forward to it, expecting that everything can be remedied, and finally, they will wait until this day.

Situ Jing trembled and his eyes were already blurred by tears.

It is sorghum, and it is difficult to calm down at this moment.

They all regard themselves as this sinner, silently shouldering the sins of their hearts. They have rarely mentioned this matter for so many years, and they have not forgotten it. However, they have no courage to face it.

And now, all efforts have finally paid off?

She is really back.

Qin Qi took Fu Caixuan and walked into the room. Qin Qiwei smiled, and Fu Caixuan was already crying into tears.

"Xiao Jing, I am back!" Fu Cai Xuan cried and laughed.

Situ Jing can help himself, and then rushed to Fu Cai Xuan Huai, wow wow.

"Great, really good, you are back, you are really back!"

"Sorry, sorry, I have said a lot of sorry for you these years, but I know that you can't hear it, and I will never hear you say these three words to you."

"But now, when you are back, I can finally tell you about it!"


Situ Jing said that he was sorry and cried.

In the past, she did not want to cry, she could only cry silently, because she knew she was not qualified to cry.

But now, she can cry out confidently.

The person who embraces is real, familiar, familiar temperature, this is not a dream, this is true!

Squatting on his mouth, watching the so-lived Fu Cai Xuan, the two lines of tears continue to slide down.

She is not Situ Jing, she can't cry as happy as she is, but she is really happy, she is forbearing and never shows her true emotions, but for the first time in ten years, she was so happy.

Qin Qi looked at all this, just laughing.

In this way, this home is truly complete.

Situ Jing was crying for a long time with Fu Caixuan. He cried half of the clothes on Fu Xuan Xuan. In the end, it was not easy to pay for the good news. He did not continue to cry.

"Don't cry, you have a baby, crying is not good!" Fu Cai Xuan smiled.

Her return to the resurrection, the strength is naturally not comparable in the past, after all, her true identity is a taboo female emperor, only that moment of advent, her realm has come to return to a god.

And this is already the most repressed result, otherwise as long as the female emperor is willing, the king of the gods is just stepping on the foot.

"Ah, then I won't cry first, cry again next time." Situ Jing wiped his tears.

"Xiao Jing, how do you become a crying ghost now, and next time." Fu Cai Xuan lost his smile and knocked Situ Jing's forehead.

"Color propaganda, this..." Situ Jing touched his lower abdomen, some embarrassed, and felt a bit embarrassed to deal with the propaganda.

"What is your expression? He is our husband. You have a baby for him. What should I do? I will praise you, pass the blood to the Qin family, and give you a first class!" Fu Caixuan also gently Touching Situ Jing's lower abdomen, feeling the rhythm of the small life inside, a happy face.

"Color announcement, you have changed a lot." Situ Jing sighed.

"A good person is also a person who has died once, and many things are open." Fu Cai Xuan smiled.

The relationship between Situ Jing and Fu Caixuan is the best. Only she really understands what she thought in the past. Even sometimes, she feels worthless for paying Cai Xuan. She feels that Fu Cai Xuan does not need that hard work. That is so demanding.

Now, Fu Cai Xuan has really changed. This change is very good. Situ Jing is happy for her and proud of her.

Because, it should be like this.

With these time buffers, Situ Jing finally calmed down. She smiled and touched the color and said: "Since you are back, it is not easy to want a child. Someone is impatient!"

"Xiao Jing!" Fu Cai Xuan's face was red, and Situ Jing was beaten a few times.

Qin Qi coughed twice, and his heart was depressed.

Fu Cai Xuan is his wife, husband and wife, naturally no taboo, but the problem is that Fu Cai Xuan is not simply paying for color.

"No fun!" Fu Cai Xuan crossed Situ Jing, regardless of the latter's carelessness, but looked at Gaochun, "Gao girl, long time no see, I am back!"

Gao Yan heard the words, more tears suddenly came out.

Fu Caixuan sighed softly and hugged Gao Song, patted her back: "The things of the year, the fault is not in you, and I should thank you, because Qin Da Ge is really alive!"

"Thank you," Gao said whispered.

"Cai Xuan Xuan Xuan, I tell you something!" Situ Jing smiled, and made up for the sound of Xuan Xuan.

Gao Gao, who was held by Fu Cai Xuan, naturally heard clearly, could not help but cheeks a little red, look dodge.

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