God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1673: Buddha net Buddha body

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-three chapters of the Buddha Buddha body

Buddha nature, divinity.

At this moment, the dragon dances lightly, and the breath continues to rise. Behind her, not only the shape of Guanyin appears, but also blends with the Buddha shape that is condensed by the bamboo leaves.

In addition, there are still three existences, all of which are deep in Buddhism and solemn in treasure.

The golden light 沉 沉 沉 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 沉 沉 沉 沉 沉 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金

"Sure enough, the Tibetan, the Puxian, the Manjusri, and the Guanyin, the four great Bodhisattvas will be in one, it is amazing!" The trampoline screamed and whispered, although it was prepared, but at the moment, I really felt the four great Buddhas. The breath is still a shock in my heart.

These four great bodhisattvas are extremely lofty in Buddhism. They even have their own great supernatural powers on some twenty-eight days. They represent great wishes, great deeds, great wisdom, and great compassion.

It is extremely difficult to have one person's inheritance, and you can get a lofty position in Buddhism, not to mention one person.

It is really not the same as the Buddha.

"Buddha net Buddha body?" Dafan monk exclaimed.

Buddhism has developed very rapidly recently, and excellent Buddhas appear one after another. The most noble monks and indigo are the most beautiful, and the incense is flourishing!

In this context, the attention of Buddhism's high-level dragon dance is not high. After all, she has always been very low-key, only meditation in the temple, and never really cut hair, more like a disciple.

If the prestige of the Tibetans does not appear, the Buddha will not even catch up with the depths of the East China Sea.

"Four Bodhisattva is really amazing. If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe!" Buddha Gate Gao Jing was shocked and did not expect to have such a physique.

The Buddha Buddha body is only a legend when the four Bodhisattvas talk about it. They can accept the power of the four people and walk around the world.

After all, the years are not forgiving, and the Bodhisattvas also have a day of silence, and the road they are going to follow needs someone to go on for them.

But even if it is Bodhisattva himself, I have never thought that this kind of physique will really appear.

"No, this kind of Buddha, how can you break into the door of Devadado, you must stop!" Buddhism sorghum saw the power of the dragon light dance, can accommodate the power of the four great bodhisattvas, how can he be willing to let her evil spirits Going to the government?

The Dafan monk did not speak, and he naturally knew this.

With the Buddha's net Buddha body, the dragon light dance has the opportunity to become the surpassing of the four Bodhisattvas. For Buddhism, it is definitely not to be missed.

It’s just that the knife is in front of the disaster, how to recapture the dragon light dance?

"The disaster master, I still hope to pay more attention." The trampoline sneaked a smile, and immediately walked toward the dragon.

"Master!" The free monk couldn't help but scream.

"First look, although the mind is obsessed, but still my heart to the Buddha, the evil spirits may not be successful!" Dafan monk took a deep breath and sighed.

It’s hard to shoot a knife.

On the other hand, the dragon light dance got the Buddha nature of Putuo Mountain, which was left by Guanyin Bodhisattva, enough for her to master the power of the stronger Bodhisattva, and the shadow of the Guanyin behind it became more solid.

At this moment, she seems to have a somewhat compassionate bodhisattva.

The dragon light dance is still absorbing power, and at the same time, it is also doubtful to look at the trampoline evil.

"Amitabha, I don't know the heart of the female bodhisattva at the moment, can there be an answer?" The trampoline smashed his hands together and smiled slightly.

"There was no income." The dragon danced and shook his head.

Half of her was forced to be detained by a trampoline monk, but the other half, also listened to the trampoline monk, can get some answers through this trip.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more the power of the land that she can use.

The land has been in the land for many years, and it has made a big wish, and it has a lot to do with Sanshengshi, even if it is not in Devadado. Maybe it really knows where Sanshengshi is.

"It seems that only the debut, can solve the confusion of the female bodhisattva." The trampoline monk smiled slightly.

"Look at the empty, don't listen to him, he just wants to lie to you to become a Buddha!" ​​The free monk quickly called.

The trampoline monk did not care, just smiled: "Female Bodhisattva, you have a relationship with the poor, today you are poor, waiting for him, you can solve your doubts."

"I just want to find Sanshengshi." Long light dance.

This is the revelation that Buddha gave her.

"Tipo and the earth, can be nearly three living stones, the female Bodhisattva is now greatly increased in buddhism, should know how much, poor and compassionate, and will not deceive the female bodhisattva." The trampoline screamed a Buddha.

The dragon light dance also followed a ceremony, but there was some hesitation in the eyebrows.

"Why, the female bodhisattva has the power of the Tibetans to inherit the great ambitions of the people, save all the sinful beings, why not hide them in the way, and enter the land?" The trampoline continued.

Obviously, he really wants to pull the dragon light dance into the crowd.

The dragon dances, and it is slightly moving.

The great wish of the earth, for her now, does occupy a lot of weight. After all, she forgets everything and does not know what she should do or what she should do.

Therefore, the instinct of the four great Bodhisattvas will affect her judgment.

The trampoline eyes are bright.

"When you read the air, you can't listen to evil, he wants to lead you down!" Dafan's monk shouted.

"Amitabha, Dafan Buddhist monk, you can also be regarded as a high-pitched sorghum, but the horizon is so narrow, and the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva who has voluntarily entered the local government to bear the karma of the past is really a cloud mud!" The trampoline evil disdain.

"Evil, you can't talk nonsense, after all, you just want to use the empty Buddha's Buddha body!" The free monk shouted.

"My Buddha is compassionate, and poverty is the ferry of others. Although it is self-interested, it is true that the female bodhisattva can obey and become a Buddha!" ​​The trampoline is so evil that there is no way to avoid it.

"When you read the air, you must make your own decisions, don't be tempted by evil!" The free monk called.

"Little Master..." The dragon danced lightly and it was difficult to make a decision at one time.

"She is the Buddha's body of the Buddha, but it must not be missed, but why should it be so troublesome, take it away directly, and he will gradually become more and more!"

Obviously he is already impatient.

"The disaster master can't!" The trampoline was in a hurry.

"The trampoline, your identity has been suspicious, but what is your purpose, this seat does not care, this time has already known her value, from taking the mask of the dead, willing and unwilling, how can it?" Cold and cold, full of tough posture.

The trampoline treacherous eyes are shaking, and I can’t help but squat: "I am compassionate, how can I kill and kill, the difference between voluntariness and coercion, how can you know!"

"Noisy!" The knife and the soldiers are acting, but there is no mother-in-law, and they have always represented their will.

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