God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1674: Asked the sword

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-four chapters have asked the sword

The knives and ailments are not ignorant of the difference between voluntariness and coercion. However, if there is a difference, the knife is in front and everything can be changed and can be controlled!

The knife soldiers went one step forward, and the meaning of the knife soldiers broke out, and they broke through the nine-fold shackles. It seems that there is only a knife in between the heavens and the earth.

This is the real power of the knives, even if it is a combination of Buddhism and sorghum, the six-character rumor is still invincible.

"Hey, Amitabha, good and good." The trampoline can not help but shake his head, it is difficult for the strong man, it is difficult to have good fruit.

Therefore, I really don't want to cooperate with the group of widowers!

The trampoline evil eyes flashed a touch of cold mans, but at this moment, they can only let the knife soldiers take care of everything.

After all, there is nothing wrong with the knives and knives, and the swordsmen are at hand to resolve everything!

"Follow me." The knife attacked the indifferent opening, and one hand pressed the dragon to dance.

The dragon dances and the eyebrows rise, and the shadow of the Buddha behind him appears, especially the Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is the most powerful and can even rely on the power of this fairy mountain.

"Guan Yin big hand print!" Long light dance pinch, took a print.

This is printed, Xianshan is shaking, and the Buddha is soaring out, as if it has been turned into a palm, such as jade, the middle of the word shines, under the pressure, there is a five-finger mountain-like power.

"Hey!" The knife was cold and smashed.

The power of the dragon light dance can't be supported by the knife light. The difference between the realm is too big and irreversible.

"Reading empty!" The free monk exclaimed a big free handprint, but was directly shaken by the momentum of the knife.

The first strongest person in the mask of the dead, the greatest enemy of the Holy Spirit, the power of the knife and the catastrophe, unveiled at this moment, it is unbearable!

Everything, talk with a knife.

Just, have you asked the sword?

Qin Qi snorted, but he only slammed a bullet, and a sword light shot out. There was no strong breath, but it caused the knife and the soldiers to fall into the threat of death.

However, for the existence of the knife and the catastrophe, it is the potential to break the limit.

"Drink!" The knife soldiers screamed at the time of the disaster. He was now standing in the cold and straight, all the swords, all in the hands.

With a glimpse of it, the knife shines brightly on the heavens and the earth is white.

The knife and squad used all the strength to squat down the knife. I was afraid that the middle-level gods would be able to drink a pot, but it was only able to block the sword light. The body retreats and the knife arm is not The trembling of living.

Terrible sword!

The knives and ailments of the knives were skyrocketing, and they were fixed to somewhere in the bamboo forest.

"You are, Qin Qi?"

Qin Qi has not yet appeared, and the breath is not revealing, but from the sword just now, the knife and the soldiers can also detect who is from the hand.

After all, in the first place in Huangquan, the knife and the soldiers can be together with Qin Qi, besieging the holy thousand.

"Qin Qi?"

It is said that the Buddhist monks are shocked.

Nowadays, there is no one in the world who knows the name of Qin Qi. At the beginning, Qin Qi’s mad tyrants and Buddhism were also considered.

It’s only how long this has been. Qin Qi has been so powerful that it is not the opponent.

"Knife and squad, originally seen in your share of the Holy Spirit, I will not be against you, but you have to find yourself dead." Qin Qi walked out of Zizhulin, faint.

When the knives were suddenly attacked, the back was already soaked by cold sweat.

Today's Qin Qi, even this sense of oppression, this is too amazing!

"Is it you?" The dragon dances to Qin Qi.

They have seen it when they are in the pure land.

"Looking at the empty master, I haven't seen it for a long time." Qin Qi looked a little dodge.

"Thank you for the help of the donor."

"First to help you solve the problem." Qin Qidao, immediately revisited the knife soldiers.

Compared to the face of the dragon light dance, it is much easier to face the knife soldiers.

The knife-killing disaster is that the pupil suddenly tightens. He knows that Qin Qi is not a person who likes nonsense. Since he has already killed him, then it is impossible to stop.


The knives and soldiers were also decisive enough, and two dark circles appeared on the side of the body, which was the nest leading to the mask of the dead.

Qin Qi is cold and smashes a sword.

It is simply unstoppable.

The knives of the knives were stagnation, and they felt that even the Zhoukong was locked. He could not advance and retreat, and he could only face this sword.

And this sword is enough for his life!

It was only a critical juncture. After the squadron was squashed, the two dark circles suddenly rose. The two figures smashed into the void and joined forces to block the Qin Qi sword for the knives.

"The plague, the hunger disaster, did not die in the Temple of the Devil, specifically came to me to seek death?" Qin Qi blinked his eyes, although there were some accidents, but not afraid.

Buddhism sorghums are not afraid to gasp, and they will think that even the hunger disaster and the plague disaster have appeared. In front of them, the knife and corps disaster at this moment is nothing.

It’s just that Qin Qi’s strength is what makes them look at them. The double disasters are coming. In front of Qin Qi, it still looks weak.

"Go!" The double disaster is extremely decisive, and I know that Qin Qi is so powerful that I am not willing to entangle myself. I will leave with a knife.

However, in front of Qin Qi, in fact, he can walk away.

"Small donors, why do you want to kill them? I am compassionate and hope that the donors will stay in the line." But it is a trampoline evil, and it will even plead for the knife.

However, today's evil spirits are nothing in front of Qin Qi. Don't say that he just speaks, that is, he does not obstruct Qin Qi.

However, at this moment, the system that has not responded for a long time suddenly popped up a message.

"Let them go."

The system message is very simple, and there is no explanation at all.

However, after all, this is the first time that the system has been far away. Qin Qi is unlikely to care.

"Hey, I thought it was dead!" Qin Qi snorted in his heart.

Immediately, Qin Qi looked at the trampoline and faintly said: "Do you dare to stop me?"

"The knife and the catastrophe can not die." The trampoline is so evil.

Such a delay, hunger disaster and plague disaster have joined forces to take the knives and catastrophe, they are the top gods, the strength is very strong, and they flee together, it is only a moment of the moment.

There is systematic news in front, Qin Qi does not care about this, just strangely watching the trampoline evil.

"I didn't expect to mess up the ancient world, and the donor has soared all the way to this realm. It is amazing!" The trampoline smiled slightly.

"You are not afraid that I will kill you. After all, there are many reasons to kill you." Qin Qidao.

"Amitabha, the donor is not a killer, how can it kill innocent people?"

Qin Qi smiled, he repaired but the way to kill.

And the trampoline evil spirits have continued to continue. "In addition, the barren has never been mourning the female bodhisattva, and doing everything is just mutual benefit."

"You are too wide." Qin Qi said indifferently.

The trampoline is very mysterious, and the knife and corps disaster does not know his bottom. How can Qin Qi let this dangerous guy feel free to touch the dragon dance.

"Since the donor said so, the inferiority should be remembered." The trampoline is also understanding people, directly confessing, apparently making up their minds not to be against Qin Qi.

"But since it was a poor woman who had a relationship with the Buddha in the past, she always wanted to start and end, and there was a message from the poor. I wanted to be useful for the obsession of the female bodhisattva."

"What news?" Qin Qi eyes slightly.

"The donor knows that there is still a hearing in this world?" The trampoline smiled slightly.

Qin Qi heard that the pupil could not help but shrink slightly.

This naturally he knew that when he first went to Huangquan, before the Xiaoliudao, there was a singer who heard a group of wild animals and entered the hungry ghost road.

But after that, there was no news anymore.

The emperor Jiang once said that the wild and beasts will plot to rescue it from the Temple of the Devil, and the wild and exotic beasts that have come to the hungry ghost roads have already come out.

Then this one has heard that it has already re-emerged?

Between listening and hiding, but the relationship is extraordinary!

"Where is it?" Qin Qi asked.

"Ground house." The trampoline replied.

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