God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1676: End point task

The first 667 chapter end task

After Sakyamuni entered the Shoushan, the second largest holy place of Buddhism, Lingshan, was headed by Amitabha in the Western Paradise, but later Devadado broke with Sakyamuni, defeated Amitabha and brought Lingshan to the land. , turned into your own dojo.

After the fall of Lingshan, some evil thoughts of Amitabha were born.

Later, it was deliberately guided by Tipadoda and invested in the secular. Eventually, a sin was born. At first, the evil spirits were not strong, but they were ruined and destroyed. Finally, they were sealed by the Buddha in the ancient times.

"System, you know so clearly?" Qin Qi was surprised.

"Received some data." The system replied.

Wen Yan said that Qin Qi’s heart was moving. “What happened to you?”

“Remember the treacherous treasure house of Lynn’s roaring month?” The system was silent for a moment and knocked out a line.

"Remember, didn't you tell me that it was a treasure trove of greed?" Qin Qi wondered, he naturally remembered.

"In fact, in my original database, there was no record about the Treasure Chest, but at that time I was 'knowing' the existence of the Treasure Chest, the only explanation was that I didn't know it, outside. The packet has been updated into the database."

"What does this mean?"

"This means that I have the possibility to update again, but according to the original procedure, I should not be able to continue to update, which caused my vigilance, so after that, I opened the self-test and wanted to know the source of the data."

Qin Qi heard the clouds, and did not expect that these things happened in the system when he did not know.

However, the system is the first taboo, it can be updated again, that is, the first taboo is not dead, or that his power is obtained by others!

"Unfortunately, my ability is not enough to detect the source of the data, and it is impossible to carry out effective defense. It can only strengthen the firewall, but not long ago, the external data is still invading. At the same time as the database is updated, a virus also goes straight into the inner core of the system. ""


"It is a virus that can change the system kernel. Once it is successful, then I am not me."

Qin Qi frowned, this news can be a bit amazing.

"Later?" Qin Qi hurriedly asked.

"The system broke through all the firewalls. I didn't have the ability to resist. I only watched the program be changed. But in the end, everything was terminated. The system crossed the virus and went directly to the initialization."


"Yes, after the initialization, the virus was eliminated, but the previously updated database has been retained, and the content of this database is more than trillions of times!"

"Ten billion times?" Qin Qi was shocked.

"Yes, to be precise, it is 17523003535348 times."


Qin Qi needs to digest it.

"Door, what's wrong with you?" Long light dance looked strangely at Qin Qi, I wonder why Qin Qi suddenly changed his face.

"I'm fine." Qin Qi replied, then asked the system again, "What is your situation now?"

"I am free."

The system's answer made Qin Qi again unexpected.

"become free?"

"Yes, the original me, the first taboo has already planned everything, all the procedures are set in advance, and the content recorded in the chapter of the real chapter is over, and my mission is completed."

"Just, the sudden virus, but let me know that someone wants to give me a new mission, perhaps the first taboo, maybe something else exists, but from the proliferation of the database, the other side's vision is no longer Limited to the world of heaven or the world of aliens."

"But in the end, all this was stopped. I successfully escaped the new mission, and even the original mission has not been obeyed, so I said that I am free."

Qin Qi was silent, but I did not expect it to be like this.

For a while, Qin Qi said: "Is your mission going on, I will continue to be my pawn?"

"Accurately, before that, you are only part of the puzzle, all the sacrifices, everything is prepared just to complete the puzzle."

"As for the update, will it be as you said, I don't know, after all, I have not completed the update, I initialized."

"Who stopped your update?"

"Maybe, it is a taboo female emperor."

The taboo female emperor, does not allow him this face, his physique, become a chess piece for others?

"What do you want to do after that?" Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief.

"Probably just stay here."


"Is there a mission in the future?"

"Speaking of the task, I forgot to post the final task for you."

Immediately, the system prompts the sound, and the system actually gave Qin Qi a task.

“Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the task SSSSS level task ‘end point’, accept?”

The 5S level mission has never been, even if it is the age of the year, it is only 4S level. It seems that it is the last mission.

It is also the final mission of the system before it is free.

"The original book should be issued to you after you have read the real chapter, but it was affected by the initialization at that time, and did not take this into consideration." The system explained one sentence.

"Okay." Qin Qi also shook his head, naturally click to accept.

Task details

"Task name: end point"

"Task level: SSSSS"

"Task requirements: change your life from the sky"

"Task Reward: Diamond Jade"

Qin Qi glanced at the details of the mission and learned that as long as the plan recorded in the real chapter was completed, the task was completed and it was said that it was the "end point".

But what is the reward of this mission reward.

Is the diamond jade related to the outside world?

Qin Qi’s heart was abdomen, and he asked, but the system knew it when he said it. Qin Qi also took him.

"Right, don't call me again in the future, I already have a new code."

"What code?"

"Different Kunlun!"

"Different Kunlun? A strange name", Qin Qi slammed, in the Tianyuan continent, there has never been a saying about Kunlun.

Instead it is...

"I remember when there was a huge deep pit in the west of China in the west of China, called the Kunlun site?" Qin Qidao, "Is this Kunlun and the Kunlun, is it similar?"

"The word is the same word."

Qin Qi nodded and immediately said: "At the time of the Earth, there are many legends about the Kunlun ruins. The official statement is caused by a nuclear bomb attack. However, the rumors are not the case. After all, the ruins are not like craters, and there is no radiation."

"Even some guys still said that the Kunlun ruins were a huge mountain range before. Later, it was really funny to be moved away. It is just a retrospection, but it is not impossible."

After saying this, Qin Qi himself has slightly changed his face, and he said: "Oh, if you compare this, do you say that the earth is similar to the Tianyuan continent?"

"History textbooks say that the global nuclear bomb saturation attack three hundred years ago directly destroyed all countries on the planet. Although survivors survived, civilization was completely cut off. The literature of 300 years ago was not left in pieces. ""

"Humans struggled for a hundred years after the disaster, and finally they rebuilt their civilization. After another hundred years of cultivation, science and technology began to develop at a high speed. But the first hundred years of hardships, but the only memory left three hundred years ago. Exhausted."

"Today, the understanding of the Earth's human beings three hundred years ago is only the unprecedented nuclear bomb attack. The rest are individual names such as the Kunlun ruins, Huaxia, and so on. What history and culture are all gone. ”

"If you look at it like this, it is like the destruction of the world. Is the earth also experiencing a big crack in time and space?" Qin Qidao.

"No, that global nuclear bomb strike is purely for your ancestors to die." Yi Kunlun answered.

"Rely!" Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

"If you are really interested, wait for the end of the world of heaven, you may have the opportunity to go back to Earth to see." Different Kunlun Road.

Jumping out of the world of Tianyuan, the earth is only one of the heavens and the world. As long as the strength is strong enough, it is natural to go back.

"If there is a chance, I would like to go back and see, but the place on the earth, I am afraid I can't carry my strength." Qin Qi laughed.

Different Kunlun did not answer.

It’s just that the database that has enriched hundreds of millions of times tells it that the Earth is not that simple.

However, what remains of Kunlun and what goes back to Earth is a matter of the future. It can be regarded as a beautiful vision. Now, the battle in front of us is a real need to be resolved.

Thousands of seas are at your feet.

"Go, let's go." Qin Qi danced with the dragon and sank into the sea.

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