The first thousand six hundred and seventy seven chapters of giant octopus

It is already the depths of the East China Sea. Although it still does not look at the end of the East China Sea, it is the absolute core of the East China Sea.

And the legendary underwater city of Atlantis, its former site is also on this piece of the sea.

Qin Qi took the dragon light dance to the bottom of the sea and sank all the way.

This is the first time Qin Qi has entered the East China Sea, as if it is a world with only water, it is strange and beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." The dragon danced with a smile and looked at everything around him.

She originally cultivated the dragon road. Although there is no memory, the natural reaction of the body can not be suppressed. At this moment, the dragon enters the sea, which is extraordinarily smooth.

It’s been a long time before the green light Buddha, so it’s time to relax.

The sea is indeed beautiful, the sun is refracted by the sea, and a very ghostly view is outlined, but under the picturesque scenery, the hidden is extremely dangerous.

In the depths of the East China Sea, the reason why the foreigners are rare is that the seas have blocked the oceans. Secondly, these sea areas are really dangerous. It is a paradise for ferocious sea animals.

In the East China Sea, there are two major forces, one is the seabed under the sea, and the other is the sea beast.

Both strengths are extremely powerful, but the seas at least form a civilization, while the sea beasts are only known for their viciousness. Apart from the use of force, they cannot communicate in other forms.

In some cases, fighting will occur between the sea and the sea beasts. To a certain extent, they are natural enemies, and the relationship is not at all harmonious.

At this moment, Qin Qi and Long Light Dance sneak into the deep sea area. The sea beasts here will not be unaware of the sea, but the ocean is their home, let alone these core areas.

Qin Qi is still good enough to cover up all his breath, but the dragon dances lightly, but the moment he enters the water, he has already been locked.

At this point, Qin Qi is very clear, but there is no understanding at all, and there is no reminder.

He didn't want to bother the interest of the dragon light dance.

In the surrounding waters, a group of shadows came one after another, and the sea beast began to gather around, looks very incomparable, the fierce fangs radiated light, and the body was full of sorrowful power.

Obviously they are ready to start hunting.


With a bang, the ocean currents suddenly became disordered, and the sea animals rushed in, and the open mouth was enough to engulf an island.

However, there was no closeness to Qin Qi, and there seemed to be a subtle sword. These sea beasts turned into pieces in an instant, and the powerful body could not withstand even a trace.

"Go, swim faster." Qin Qi said, with the dragon light dance quickly sinking into the depths of the sea.

It is not Qin Qi who is worried that the sea beast will strike again, but he does not want the blood to be contaminated by the dragon and ruin the beautiful scenery.

"Oh?" Somewhere on the bottom of the sea, where the depths are incomparable, a pair of eyes slowly open, and a purple light flashes in it, very eye-catching in the darkness, but also reveals the demon.

These two eyes are extremely huge, like mountains. Ordinary humans are like dust on top of this eyelid.

The eyes are so horrible, let alone the whole body. If there is light here, you can find that this endless darkness is covered by its body.

This is a deep sea behemoth, even the ordinary sea beast, can not compare with it.

Qin Qi instantly killed several powerful sea beasts, which caught the attention of this deep sea behemoth. It knew that there were strong people entering the seabed, I am afraid, but also to share a piece of cake.

"Whoever wants to pass by me, Zeus will forget, in the end is the king of the gods, who is this, really do not put us in the eye?"

The deep sea beast sent out a will, and then the entire sea area began to vibrate, the sea water continued to roll, the sea has formed a huge wave, and the ocean currents are even more rampant.


More sea beasts screamed and rushed out of the nests in all directions. These sea beasts, each with a fierce name, and the seas in their hands, suffered a big loss.

And the huge shadows began to move, and the giant tentacles could be seen stretching out like a mountain.

"It seems that we are not very welcome." Qin Qi stopped the sinking trend and snorted.

Such a big change in the surrounding waters, Qin Qi can not be aware of it, that is, the dragon light dance has also been perceived, the face slightly changed, the shadow of the four big bodhisattvas behind them, a golden light breaking the darkness.

Qin Qi and Long Qing Dance stood in the turbulent stream under the sea, letting the sea raging, still standing still and not affected.

"People of Buddhism, it is a rare guest!" A will came from the turbulent flow of the sea, with boundless fierceness.

And as this will come out, the entire sea area is almost boiling, as if the sea has to be turned over!

Qin Qi saw the black shadow, almost occupied all the sight, slowly rising from the bottom of the sea, but only such an action, it is enough to turn the river.

Such a behemoth, as never before, is a void beast far from the starry sky.

"This is an octopus?" Qin Qi saw the huge tentacles, and couldn't help but move.

I thought it was the emperor of the sea beast, but I did not expect it to be an octopus.

Is this the strong octopus?

However, no matter who it is, so in front of it, but some do not know how to live and die.

"The grilled octopus has not been eaten for a long time, or it is good. Today, you will be slaughtered and brought back to your child's wife to taste the fresh!" Qin Qi snorted and directly crossed his hand.

The horrible turbulent bottom of the sea was cut by Qin Qi, as if the entire sea area was divided into two halves.

Everything is cut off where power has passed, and even a powerful sea beast can't resist it.

"The big swearing!" The octopus was furious at the time, and the surrounding seas were also affected by his emotions. It became more violent. The ubiquitous sea water continued to squeeze toward Qin Qi. Hard to carry.

The infinite and heavy sea is the real embodiment.

Obviously, this octopus is extremely simple. You can borrow the power of the sea to confront the enemy. Here, its home court advantage is extremely obvious, definitely surpassing the average sea beast and the sea.

Immediately, the octopus tentacles swept away, and the force was indeed terrible. You can kill the ferocious sea beasts around you.

Qin Qi is cold and cold, and the body is full of strength, and one hand moves to the side to forcefully grab it. The colorful **** can be turned into a giant hand, and the octopus tentacles are firmly grasped.

"Oh? Actually, there are such flesh!" The giant octopus whispered, but Qin Qi could hardly resist its tentacles.

However, the octopus is more than just a tentacle. At the moment, dozens of tentacles have swept across. Qin Qi has only two hands, how can he resist?

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