God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1689: Distressed column

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-nine chapters

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

After the dragon dances, the four big bodhisattvas appear, especially Guanyin, which has almost become a solid body, and the dragon dance is in one place, as if the dragon light dance is a bodhisattva.

The Buddha’s light shines, the golden light of the word shines, the dragon light dance knows great, and now it is all out.

Not only the six-character rumors, but also the endless chanting, as if on the mountain, the Buddhas are in the general!

The sea is listening to the heart, the same is the singing of life, connecting the soul of the sea of ​​thousands of robbers, the six-character rumors into the most horrible fantasy, affecting the soul of thousands of robbers.

The effect is still pulling out!

Qin Qi saw the timing, and the murderous swordsmanship suddenly broke out. This kind of kendo will become more and more horrible in the constant killing.

Infinite Sky Sword, Unlimited Sword System!

The number of thousands of robbers is too much, Qin Qi must eliminate them in the first time, otherwise it will be difficult to do.

"Brushing brush!"

The thousands of robbers affected by the sea listening to the heart and the dragon light dance, instantly turned into a dead body, Qin Qi's sword is too much too fast, even if it is a thousand thousands of robbers, it is not enough for Qin Qi to breathe.

However, this time, after all, it is different. The strength of the Thousands of Emperors is too strong, and they have not been affected by the sea.

I saw it repeatedly vibrating the mouthparts and making a sharp voice, which was enough to make the Thousand Robes recover.


It is Qin Qi cold, Alice appeared in Qin Qi, the heart of frost!

In an instant, everything was frozen, and the thousands of robbers were also stagnation, and they could not fly quickly. Although the ice was not dead, this time was enough for Qin Qi to kill them all.

"Thousands of robbers are not dead!" Thousands of robbers snarled, the power of the top gods, let it break free from the ice.

"Don't die, you have to die!" The answer to it is the cold voice of Qin Qi.

The dragon god’s tears directly penetrated the thousand robbers.

Even the top king of the king, and the existence of the same realm of Qin Qi, but in front of Qin Qi, it is a sword.

Killing the kendo, killing you guys who claim to be immortal!

"Call, big harvest!" The sea listened to the eyes bright, followed by Qin Qi really have meat to eat.

With the Thousand Robbers and the Thousand Robbers, Qin Qi did not care about the sea, and she grabbed a large number of thousands of robbers.

And Qin Qi himself, directly directly swallowed the Thousand Robbers and some Thousands of Robbery, this effect is indeed good, equivalent to killing and promotion, but also can be swallowed up!

The last star of the bronze realm is almost completely illuminated.

Very good, thousands of robbers come again, let Xiaoye hurry to achieve five-star bronze I!

Immediately, Qin Qi gave two of the thousand robbers to the dragon to dance.

After taking this thing after refining and refining, the body will be contaminated with a few thousand arrogance, and the medium breath will be of great help to practice and increase life.

"The guy who is a light-hearted friend." The sea listened to his heart and then grabbed a thousand thousands of robbers.

I also gave some points to Tianzhu, and Qin Qi and others continued to move forward.

Until the passage of this passage, the thousands of robbers did not appear again.

At the same time, the sea heard that they were relieved, Qin Qi was sighing, to know that this is for him, but it is all good!

Out of the passage, Qin Qi came to the second floor of the palace. Here, in addition to the high dome, there are six stone pillars that are striking, just in front.

Obviously, these pillars are not ordinary things.

Above the stone pillars, many pictures are drawn. The characters inside should look like the ancient ancestors of the sea. They seem to have just come to the bottom of the sea and are fighting with the evil beasts.

Legend has it that Atlantis was originally a city above the land, but later it was swallowed up by the sea, and eventually it became a **** city on the seabed, and the residents were transformed into the sea.

"This is a distressed column. It is suppressed under the pillars. It is the ancient ancestors who defended Atlantis and joined several trapped sea beasts." He Kunlun Road, even if it is such an ancient thing, he also knows.

"Earth, that is, a powerful sea beast?"

"No, it is a fierce beast that brings disasters. It is much stronger than the current sea beast. You should be careful. These beasts are not necessarily powerful, but their ability is bound to be tricky!" Yi Kunlun warned.

Qin Qi nodded, naturally not to look down on any opponent.

There is a distressed column to block the road. Obviously, if you want to move forward, it is inevitable that you will fight against the beast under the column.

However, this is also true, Qin Qizheng, the last star can not be lit.

"You are staying here, the next battle, you estimate that you can't get it." Qin Qi sighed, and then slowly moved toward the six distressed columns.

With the arrival of Qin Qi, the six distressed columns began to vibrate violently, and the sound of beasts came out from the ground, reaching the soul, which made people feel flustered, as if the disaster was about to come.

Then, the distressed column seemed to be lifted up by some kind of force, and began to slowly rise. When the whole stone pillar was exposed, the palace was shaken.

A lot of catastrophic breath, from the original position of the stone column, the beasts suddenly became rushed, excited, and more violent.

Finally, the ground on the far side was directly opened, and a thin beast was swooped out of it, and the gas of catastrophe raged out. It was really heart-rending.

Is it the power of the top gods?

In the face of such an animal, anyone must have a sudden heart, it is difficult to maintain calm.

However, Qin Qi does not have this kind of emotion.

What he waited for was the eruption of the beast.

At the moment when this beast rushed out, Qin Qi had already brewed a good sword. He had already smashed out, and the speed was fast. There was no time for any reaction to the beast.

This sword, Qin Qi did not have to keep a hand, the more powerful killing sword is guaranteed to be unreservedly attached to the tears of Dragon God.

But ask, hit a second!


The long sword runs directly through the beast.

This beast will think of such an attack. It is unable to extricate itself from the joy of getting out of trouble. The next moment, it has already disappeared.

A sword directly smashed the beast, and even the ability of the other party, Qin Qi did not see.

However, this is naturally the best, Qin Qi does not want to have extra trouble.

A sword succeeded, Qin Qi naturally wants to do the same, but the rest of the beast is not stupid, a companion disappears in an instant, how can they not know that there are strong enemies outside the town?

Even so, it is impossible for the beast to continue to choose to shrink to the ground. They have been trapped for a long time, and the killing will also be killed.

At the moment, they are united and choose to rush out from the trapped cage. At the same time, all the forces are unreservedly swaying, and they do not want to give Qin Qi a chance to kill.

The five heads of the beasts rushed out together, but it is really difficult to do, but Qin Qi is also decisive enough. Since it is impossible to shoot at the same time, then pick one to kill!

"Kill!" Qin Qi low drink, invincible a sword, take one of them directly.

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