God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1690: Four erect

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-four chapters

with no doubt.

Such martial arts, in conjunction with Qin Qi's killing of kendo at this moment, the king of the gods is also estimated to be unbearable, let alone these beasts.

The second head of the animal is gone, and Qin Qi is only half a step away from the five-star bronze I.

However, the remaining four-headed beasts finally succeeded in getting out of trouble, and they will not give Qin Qi such an opportunity.


In the middle of a beast, all of them are covered in dark smog, they can't see it at all, or it has no entity at all.

Just listen to the beast and scream, and then there will be a force attached to Qin Qi.

It is the heart!

Qin Qi felt that the heart was caught by a handcuff, and wanted to cut off this power, but could not start.

Is this the ability of Yi Kunlun to say that the beast is strange?


There is a low-lying beast, and that special power appears here, and this time it is attached to Qin Qi’s hands.




Four ethics, Qin Qi's body and soul, have to be out of control.

"So a so powerful kid, you can kill me with a sword!" The heart whispered, but now, they have an advantage.

"Damn, it’s hard to get out of trouble, and the legs and the source are directly killed!"

"But now, he will also be killed by us. Even if there is no leg and source, it is enough for us to have no resistance!"

Four ergo, Qin Qi can not help but change, this ability is too amazing, even if he is, it is even continually.

At this moment, his hands, heart, head and soul, as if they are suffering from the disaster, do not listen at all.

"Qin Qi!" The sea heard and exclaimed.

"The donor!" The dragon dance is also a low voice.

"Up!" Zi Yan is decisive, direct shot.

Without Qin Qi, some of them are afraid that they will not survive. Now, instead of considering the holidays before, they must first save Qin Qi.

The next four people joined forces and wanted to break the control of Qin Yi.

"Attacking the soul, it has the greatest threat to Qin brother!" shouted Tianzhu.

As long as the soul is removed, with the power of Qin Qi, you can certainly get rid of the remaining three.

The Guanyin big handprint of the dragon light dance, the sea-sounding sound of the sea, the horror tentacles of the purple dragonfly and the blood of the gods, the four people are unreserved at this moment, attacking the soul.

It’s just that it’s so simple.

"A group of ants are gone!" The soul is cold, the black fog suddenly curled up, and a strange plague rune appeared. The sea listened to their attacks, and they all instantly decayed, as if they had encountered disaster.

Even the strongest purplish can't affect the soul.

This ability is simply incredible.

Golden light word!

However, it is such a violent and strange power. The dragon-light dance of Buddhism is not affected. Instead, it can be said that it has the production of gram.

Guanyin Demon!

The dragon danced lightly, and almost realized Guanyin. In the hands, there was a jade bottle, which was reversed against the soul.

Any disaster, the Guanyin Bodhisattva who encounters great compassion and compassion must be purified.

"Well? I have such power, I am restrained by nature?" The soul was shocked, and the disaster was suddenly solidified and blocked in front of him.

The sound of "嗤嗤嗤" continued to sound. Under the sinister Buddha's light, the power of the beast was beginning to frantically surging. Many of them have been directly purified by the Buddha's light.

"Looking for death!" The spirit is furious, in the dark fog, there is a red light, a force directly attached to the dragon light dance!


The dragon light dance was in a state of rigidity and was also controlled.

However, the soul is now mainly controlling Qin Qi, unable to attach too much power to the dragon light dance body, the safety of the dragon light dance is not to worry.

However, even Fowey couldn’t help the beast, and it’s time to crack this game.

"In order to prevent the hand, kill them first!"

The rest of the three news stories, the black fog suddenly surged, they do not use that special ability, but the power of the top gods, is not the sea to listen to them can compete.


However, Qin Qi screamed, even if he was four, he was still not completely trapped. At this moment, he constantly slammed the four forces and wanted to be free.

"How is it possible!"

Four erg, Qin Qi actually has the ability to resist?

Is it really necessary to have six ethics out of the way to be able to completely trap Qin Qi?

Only now they have only four of them left.

"Don't worry about those ants, kill him first!" Hand yelling, regaining strength, the most urgent task is to kill Qin Qi.

Qin Qi struggled constantly, but with the return of the four forces, the pressure on Qin Qi was heavy again.

The heart can't jump, the hand can't be lifted, the head can't move, the soul can't read, it is indeed trapped.

"Interfere with them!" Zi Yan Shen Sheng, also saw the four embarrassing now.

They are dead two erects. If they are distracted, they will not be able to completely trap Qin Qi. And of course, they can't make Si'er feel good, even if they can't kill the four er, they should be distracted.

This time, both sides have become a kind of situation that is in a dilemma.

For a time, no one can help.

However, this is absolutely unfavorable for Qin Qi. They just took the lead and entered the palace first. If they continue to drag down, other strong players will surely arrive.

When Zeus or Lu Youming came to this place, Qin Qi might not be able to escape.

Can't continue to drag on.

They are clear about this, but at the moment, there is no better way.

"Get out of the way, I burn the blood of God, you can certainly break this balance!"

He is the demon **** blood, although this year, even the demon **** blood is not much dazzling, and the enchanting of Qin Qi completely obscures the light.

But the blood of God is the blood of God, he is still very powerful.

Burning a little, that is, God is blocking the killing of the Buddha.

"You can think clearly, burning the blood, even if only burning a part, the impact on your future is very huge!"

"This is the only way, we can't wait." Tianzhu Shen Shen, has made up his mind.

Zi Yan can't help but move slightly. After all, these costs are not to give up.

This made her look a bit stunned.

"All give me a flash!"

But at this moment, a popping sound rang, and then a huge shadow shrouded everyone.

"What!" The sea was exclaimed, only on top of the head, a shadow that obscured the line of sight fell directly.

It’s so heavy, it’s incredible, the void is completely collapsed, and if it’s being smashed, I’m afraid they will turn into meat.

At the moment, I dared to stay still and quickly evaded.

But they can avoid it, but the four emperors and Qin Qi are still deadlocked, and they can’t move at all.

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