God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1691: You are so bad

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-one chapters are really not allowed.


Four people are cold and cold, and they know that they can't avoid it. They are now in the dark and fog, as a defense.

Of course, they don't believe that the black iron that comes down can get them.

They are the beasts, the existence of the top gods, the iron blocks in the district, and the weight can be multiple. I am afraid that even if they break open their defenses.

"Eat to eat Laozi!" The explosion broke out, and the huge black iron was completely smashed.


Then there was a loud noise.

Then, the entire palace began to vibrate violently.

This black iron squat, the strength is more than a thousand, it is simply an indescribable weight, even the palace, almost can not support, to collapse.

"Monkey brother, monkey brother, you really can't!"

However, Qin Qi was amazed.

He finally found the opportunity to get rid of the miraculous power of the Four Elders.

"of course?"

With a big laugh, the huge iron piece shrank instantly and turned into a thick and slender short stick of an ordinary long stick. The guy holding this iron stick was full of hair and burly, not a monkey. Who is it?

"Monkey brother, do you want me to die together?" Qin Qi got out of trouble, and instantly opened a distance with the four erects, and could not help but spit.

This iron stick Qin Qi knows, the world is the first heavy!

Such a heavy stick is also attached to the fighting power, and the force is absolutely doubled. This means that the cockroach will fall down and the monkey will do it. Can he also become a meat sauce?

"Brother, you are very physical, if this is smashed, I will not recognize you as a brother!" The monkey patted Qin Qi's shoulder.

This battle madman, shooting people are so hard, this is Qin Qi, replaced by others, has long been into a meat.

But when I can see the monkey, Qin Qi is also very excited.

And this guy, the strength of growth over the years is really horrible, even has reached the level of the intermediate king of the king, stronger than the purple scorpion!

It’s a monkey brother, it’s awesome!

Of course, what is old, let’s talk about it later, now, let’s talk about it.

The monkey’s stick didn’t kill the four elders, and even the injuries were not counted. It just created a chance for Qin Qi to get out of trouble.

However, Qin Qi was in the process of getting out of trouble, but he took out a sword. His hand was seriously injured and he could not exert much strength.

Qin Qi once again, but there will be no second time, plus the monkeys they are from the side, even if the other party's ability is strange, Qin Qi has not been added to the double.

As long as it is not three erects, Qin Qi’s limited combat power is very limited, and it is natural to kill them.

Six erries were killed by Qin Qi, and the realm of Qin Qi was also broken.

Five Star Bronze I!

The realm of the king of the gods!

The bronze power in Qin Qi has already begun to change, and the color of silver has become more and more intense. This step is to promote silver!

The strength of Qin Qi has skyrocketed. In this thousand seas, in addition to the will of the sea, Qin Qi has no fear of anyone.

Even if Zeus and Lu Youming, face Qin Qi, I am afraid that only the joint resistance!

"Brother, are you strength and improvement?" The monkey looked suspiciously to Qin Qi.

Although Qin Qi suppressed the fluctuation of the realm of the realm, but the monkey spirit is very sharp, he even noticed something.

"Hey, monkey brother, it seems that you have to call me a brother later." Qin Qi smiled.

"Cut!" The monkey turned his eyes and fought against the gods, but he did not lose.

Just kidding, Qin Qi asked about the situation of the monkey.

He finally entered the thousand seas of the sea, but the result came to the top and arrived here first.

And his realm is also tested in the water, and it is only after the creation, it is promoted to success. The original words are only the realm of the primary god.

As for why the primary king can be reached, after Qin Qi listened, it was quite speechless.

According to the monkey, he returned to the ancestral flower and fruit mountain, where he was given a stone shell that was passed down from generation to generation.

It is said that the ancestors of the fighting gods were raised by nature, and they came out of the stone, and this stone shell was left as the original ancestor.

This stone shell is also a treasure of the fighting gods and gods. Through it, it can capture the heavens and the earth, and engulf the essence of the sun and the moon. With the power of the stone shell, the fighting gods can be further transformed and become stronger.

After the monkey found the stone shell, he sealed himself and began to accept the warmth of the stone shell until he broke out of the shell, and his power successfully reached the realm of the king.

Qin Qi listened and had to marvel at the gods of the fighting gods.

But this is a good thing, Qin Qi is naturally happy for the monkey.

"This girl, how do you look like Guanyin Bodhisattva?" The monkey looked at the dragon dance that stood next to Qin Qi.

"She is empty, inheriting the power of the four great Bodhisattvas." Qin Qidao.

The monkey was slightly surprised, and immediately said: "My family and Buddhism are still quite related. The ancestors and Guanyin are closely related. Now the power of Bodhisattva is also smug, but it is a beautiful thing!"

It is not surprising that the War Gods and the Goddess of Mercy are living in the East China Sea.

The dragon light dance performed a Buddhist ceremony to the monkey, and smiled slightly: "The donor seems to have a relationship with the Buddha."

Qin Qi heard the words, the corner of the eye could not help but jump, the dragon light dance also learned bad, even learning the vultures like the vulture.

However, the dragon dance is not a lie, but a real feeling.

She is the Buddha's body of Buddha, and this fate is still clearly seen.

The monkey didn't care, and grinned: "My ancestor was indeed a Buddhist monk who had been a fool for a few days, but later I felt too boring and didn't do it. After all, the blood in our body is really not suitable for chanting. Fighting is our best. Love to do things!"

The dragon sneaked a little, just laughing and laughing, naturally impossible to force.

"How about next, go ahead?" The golden light of the monkey flashed, want to see if there are other dangers.

"Hey?" The monkey snorted.

"What's wrong?" Qin Qi asked.

"These six pillars are interesting, as if there is still something hidden." The golden light in the monkey's scorpion is even more awkward, as if burning a flame.

He wants to see through the six distressed columns.

"Do you see it?" Qin Qidao.

"No, but it shouldn't be the kind of animal that I just had, maybe it's a piece of creation." Monkey Road, put away the golden eyes.

"Do you make it?" Qin Qi flashed.

Since you have encountered the creation, then of course you should not miss it.

When Qin Qi is also seriously looking.

Although he does not have a fine eye, but his perception is extremely powerful, he can feel a certain connection between the six distressed columns.

"It seems to be plugged in." Qin Qi slammed, and then a hand pressure, there will be a force on the distressed column, and nailed it to the ground!

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