God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1699: Reverse Kunlun

The first thousand six hundred ninety-nine chapters against Kunlun


A dragon.

This is not the body of the old dragon vein, but the half dragon.

The power of the dragon has been continuously purified and reached its utmost, but this is the dragon of Qin Qi, which complements the body of his dragon vein!

As for the vision of the heavens, it will never appear again.

The previous stay in the tears has been turned into a material for the return of the taboo female emperor. Although there are still residual forces, it is not impossible to refine.

At this moment, Qin Qi used the fire of thousands of robbers to completely erase it.

Since then, the tears of the day and the taboo female emperor have no connection.

This is pure material, only the treasure of heaven.

After refining, only the mark of Qin Qi will be left.

The tears of the Dragon God have been completely refining, and the atmosphere above is extremely horrible. However, these are just purely implied forces, and there is no God!

What Qin Qi will do next is to turn his will into a **** of weapons!


Qin Qi was low, and the mysterious fragments were completely integrated with the Dragon God's tears.

The next moment, an unspeakable atmosphere suddenly filled the entire space.

"what is this!"

The sea listeners and others are feeling guilty. Although Qin Qi refines the weapons, they are not targeted at them, but this breath is still too horrible, and it is impossible to resist.

The people couldn’t support it and they were soft on the ground.

And when they look up, they can see a vision.

It is an indescribable mountain range, like the ancestor of Wanshan, the king of the mountain king.

A total of 999 mountain ranges, such as dragons, gathered together, the kind of momentum, the kind of discouragement, patrolling the heavenly world, and can not find only the scales to grasp similar.

This is a mountain.

This is a great and supreme!

Above the highest peak, Qin Qi’s sword is located here, and at this moment, it is extremely sublimated!

Finally, the world is shaking, the sound of the sword is clear inside the universe, not to mention the thousands of seas, the outside world, it is also heard clearly, spread all over Tianyuan!

The taboos are constantly lingering over the blade, which is no longer a supreme artifact, but a taboo!


Qin Qi’s bright light, this sword, belongs to his sword, completely rooted, such as the arm finger!

Against Kunlun!

Qin Qi looks a glimpse.

This sword has a name directly.

Against Kunlun.

"This name..." Qin Qi is naturally difficult to calm down.

After all, today's system, codename is different Kunlun, and this sword, actually called the reverse Kunlun, I am afraid it is no coincidence.

What is the connection with Kunlun?

Is it related to the former Kunlun Mountains on the earth?

Qin Qi does not know.

Not important.

Qin Qi only needs to know that this sword is so strong that it is outrageous.

"Are it, terrible, is this taboo?" The sea listened with exclaimed, witnessing the appearance of the taboo gods, it is definitely a picture that can not be forgotten in life.

"This time, it is really invincible." Tianzhu smiled.

After the refining was completed, Qin Qi also sighed and his face showed excitement.

He turned around and swallowed the body of Lu Youming and Zeus directly, and even took the infinite resources in their space ring, and did not let go.

The collection of the two people can hardly imagine, even though Qin Qi has already been listed in silver, but with the killing of the ancient gods, he still lights up a star.

Two Star Silver IV!

After finishing this, Qin Qi’s gaze finally fell to Athena.

For the rebellion of Athena, Qin Qi is also very puzzled.

Even if there are people in the demon gods who tend to him, it should not be Athena.

"Why are you helping me?" Qin Qi fell and looked at Athena.

This Athena seems to be different from before.

Qin Qi felt the atmosphere of Athena, exactly the same as the one in front of him. He could not detect the slightest difference, but he had a little more flavor.


"You are not Athena!" Qin Qi looked up and couldn't help but cried.

Athena looked at Qin Qi, and the eyes flashed a touch of complexity, and then said: "I can't surpass you after all."

"You!" Qin Qi squinted.

The appearance of Athena is changing, this is, Qing Litian?

"You, how are you here, Athena?" Qin Qi screamed in amazement, which is beyond expectations.

How could this be.

Or, Athena deliberately turned into a beautiful look for the sake of living a life?

The strength of Qin Qi, all the way through, is enough to straddle the world of heaven, no one can be enemies, but at this moment, there is some doubt about his own perception.

"That, monkey brother, help me see." Qin Qi recruited.

The monkey boring grin, the golden light in his eyes burned, but he did not see any clues.

In fact, Qin Qi is just too shocked, this is more than one move. After all, although he does not have the courage of a monkey, but the realm is too strong after all, there is nothing to beat him.

This is Qing Litian.

From Athena, it turned directly into Qing Litian.

"Athena is no longer there." Qing Litian replied.

"What the **** is going on?" Qin Qi said.

Qing Litian will go through it roughly.

It turned out that after Athena left the Demon Temple, she was separated from Zeus and secretly returned to the heavens.

Her purpose is only one, the left hand of God.

It was the supreme power of Athena. It was difficult to see through the power of this arm. Now she has half the king of the gods, but she still can't wear it.

In this way, she pays more attention to this power, and she has a hunch that she will surpass Zeus once she fully inspires the power of God's left hand.

Therefore, she will be in danger, and enter the Tianyuan without determining whether the taboo female emperor will return.

Then she found Qing Litian.

God's left hand has re-aggregated and is more powerful than before.

Athena was excited, and it seems that her **** people did not let her down, but now, it is the time to pick the fruit.

In front of Athena, a **** person in the district, even if the blood is extremely pure, how is it compared with her first ancestor?

Qing Litian could not resist.

However, the process of capturing God's left hand is still a problem.

Big problem.

Athena was countered.

Instead of taking the power of Qing Litian, she was taken away by Qing Litian.

Then, Qing Litian went with the flow and turned into Athena, and they reunited with Zeus to prepare for entering the Thousand Seas.

It is probably Qin Qi who already knows about it, but how Qing Litian actually opposes Athena, Qin Qi has no clue.

After all, how is this possible, not to mention the strength gap between Qing Litian and Athena, because Athena is the blood ancestor of Qing Litian, it is impossible to counterattack.

Unless, that is not Qing Litian's own strength, she has an external force enough to devour Athena.

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