God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1700: Land world

The first thousand seven hundred chapters of the world

"How did you do it?" Qin Qi is still curious.

Qing Litian looked elsewhere and said: "You need to know this thing, and it is not important. The result is everything, isn't it?"

Qing Litian did not want to say that Qin Qi could only give up and did not continue to pursue it.

However, for Qing Litian, Qin Qi also sneaked back and forth and found that the power of Athena did not seem to be owned by Qing Litian, she just borrowed it.

Did she get any treasures?

Is it still in the left hand of God that there is a certain will to recover?

I don't understand, Qin Qi will go with him first. After all, as Qing Litian said, the result is the most important.

Now, all the enemies are doing their best, and it is time to follow the footsteps of the predecessors and proceed with the plan.

"You must go back first, then, it is my business." Qin Qidao, looking at the ancient lamp that is still floating.

"Then you be careful." The sea listens.

Qin Qi said that obviously, the next thing, they can't help, but I believe that with Qin Qi's current strength, there will be no problems.

"If you have a shelf, you must call me." The monkey glared at the iron bar and his eyes fought.

"Qin brother, what will happen next?" Tianzhu said.

"Call your people, keep your home, you can do other things, the ancestors have already done it." Qin Qi smiled and gave a shot, and returned the blood pool to Tianzhu.

At the same time, Qin Qi recruited the door of the different degrees in Huangquan, and sent the Emperor's pen and the devil's heart with several pieces of information.

The two taboo artifacts will return to the hands of Qin Yi and poetry.

"I am gone", Qing Li Tiandao, turned and left, but but turned around and asked, "I will see you later?"

"Reassured, you can't escape the palm of my hand in your life." Qin Qi laughed.

"Hey!" Qing Litian snorted and left.

And the sea listens to them, they are all leaving.

Here, only the dragon light dance and Qin Qi are left.

"Look at the empty, then, let's go to the local government!" Qin Qidao.

Dragon light dances, this is a thousand seas, how to go to the world?

However, it is doubtful that this piece of emptiness has changed, and a crack has appeared, and there is actually a scent of destruction.

"This is..." The dragon light dance face changed slightly.

This is not the emptiness of the void, but the world is falling!

Is it because the ancient **** of thousands of robbers was smashed by Qin Qi?

This is part of the will of the world. If you smash it, the world will be greatly affected, and even it may be destroyed.

The taboo female emperor left him until now, and this is taboo.

Now, Qin Qi has directly smashed it.

Does this world need to continue to exist?

In the doubts of the dragon light dance, the ancient lamp of the destiny has become brighter, the lamp oil is quickly consumed, the flame is long, and even turned into a light, straight into the depths of the void!


A loud noise, like the world was forcibly broken.

A large piece of light fell from those cracks, as if opening a new world!

The loud noise continued to come, and the cracks, followed by the lights, continued to extend, and finally, like a layer of barriers, a strong breath suddenly emerged.

Even with the power of the outside world!

It was the world that was broken up.

The light is a guide that is connected to something in the realm of the world.

Looking away, it is also a light, light and shadow night, burning to the extreme!

Another sacred ancient lamp.

Destiny four!

The destiny is in the land!


There are also lights, like beams, coming from all over the void, connected with the destiny of the eyes.

That is the light of destiny and destiny.

Four ancient goddess of life, finally crossed the endless years, completely connected.

Against the heavens, the meaning of change, the moment is full of the whole world.

Like all sentient beings, they are all connected together.

"I finally waited for this day, haha, hahahaha!"

A maddening laughter sounded, and the sea-eye will finally speak again.

He is considered to be the will of the sea, but in fact it is not the case, he is only trapped in the eyes of thousands of seas.

He is a prisoner, but at the same time, he carries the mission.

Today, he can finally get out of trouble!

Qin Qi listened to the voice, and his look moved slightly. He saw a middle-aged man morphing out and stood before the ancient lamp.

This person's power is amazing, free to monopolize the arrogance of the Bohai Sea, the body is forbidden to breathe, is the strongest taboo!

Qin Qi had long doubts, but now it has only been confirmed, but there is not much surprise in my heart.

However, the taboos of this world, apart from the taboo of the female emperor and him, all of them are born, this one is the one in the birth taboo of that day?

"Kid, you are really not simple, even did what you have done under your Majesty, stepping into the taboos!" The sea eye will look at Qin Qi, slowly opening.

“The predecessors praised and dared to ask the names of their predecessors.”

"This seat is the guardian of the old Atlantis, Hayes." Hayes smiled.

He reached out and grabbed the ancient lamp in his hand.

Other ancient lamps are now being held in charge.

Obviously, I want to change my life from the sky. I can’t do it by relying on the ancient lamp alone. I still need someone to control the ancient lamp.

"Okay, boy, go do what you should do, other things, naturally someone will do it." Hayes Road, the ancient lamp burning, illuminating the road ahead!


Qin Qi is also nonsense, pulling the dragon and dancing lightly, and rushing to the world of the real estate through the road opened by this light.

The real world is actually a blank world. Among them, the foundation of Devadado has already been taken away as early as when the land was borrowed and the taboo female emperor.

There is nothing in this world, just as a cage.

Qin Qi and Long Qing dance entered the real estate world, and the pressure suddenly increased. However, with the current strength of Qin Qi, there is no need to care about anything. If you cover a dragon with a force, you can move freely.

"Is this the real world?" The dragon danced whisper and looked at everything around him.

At the same time, her body light is shining, and she is sensing what she is listening to.

As for Qin Qi, it is looking at the sky. The lights are shot from outside the government. Although they are in the same direction, there are four.

In other words, the fate of the four and the fate of one, at this moment are in the land.

Lin snarled the moon and took the destiny to the land.

In other words, is God's way, has always been in the land?

He has mastered the destiny of the fourth, and even learned the whole plan, overview overview!

"Go, go along the light first." Qin Qidao, with a dragon light dance, just one step, you can come to the end of the light.

Four lights are gathered here.

And the light is where it is a huge portrait!

Rao is the realm of Qin Qi today. When he sees this portrait, he still feels a guilty conscience and has the urge to worship.

Because, that is the taboo female emperor!

The taboo female emperor was absolutely extinct 100,000 years ago, blocking the cracks in the world with the flesh, and this portrait is the body of the former imprisoned female emperor!

Only at this moment, the body has begun to crack, and the world crack will be presented again.

"Wait for a long time!"

A voice, uploaded from the portrait, one person holding the ancient lamp, all over the world.

As if he is the Tao, the Tao is him!

And he is, the first choice of the day, the gods!

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