God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1605: Start the last step

The first step of the first thousand six hundred and five chapters

"This is exactly the case, so I hope you understand that the barren is indeed not malicious, just want to live, and go out of your own path!" The trampoline is solemn.

"Is it?" Qin Qi is not allowed.

The trampoline sighed and said: "You don't know, whether it is Sakyamuni or Devadado, although they are expensive as the leader, they all have the talents of heaven and earth!"

"They promote their respective teachings, but they are like brainwashing. They never allow the second voice to appear. I just want to break this and get out of my own path. Besides, I have nothing to ask for!"

"There is a Buddha in the poor heart. If you are poor, you can make a vow. If there is a bad heart, you will die and die, and you will never forget it!" The trampoline screamed and solemnly made a vow.

Buddhism, the first cause and effect, the causal cycle, is the way of Sakyamuni.

Even the six reincarnations pioneered by Devadado have in fact a framework of causality.

The trampoline evil spirits set off in this way. If you want to get out of your own way, you must not violate the cause and effect. This vow is not a slap in the face, just talk about it.

If it is against the violation, then all he asks for in his life will disappear.

The trampoline evil spirits are also a last resort. He must rely on the dragon-light dancing Buddha to save himself. After all, it is impossible to leave Tianyuan world by himself.

His strength is not enough.

Since the dragon dance here is going to be heard, he can only follow away.

Threesome, maybe you can live!

"What do you think?" The dragon dances and looks at it.

"Although I am buddha, I can't be a Buddhist man, and since he swears with the Buddha's heart, then he still doesn't add him. It doesn't matter." He didn't care.

"Okay, I believe in you!" The dragon light dance finally decided.

Great compassion and compassion, Guanyin Bodhisattva has an influence on her.

"But, I will help you, you also need to help me, just like your previous temptation to me, you have to help me find the three stone, solve my obsession." Long light dance continued.

This is the heart of Dazhi, and Manjushri has an influence on her.

The trampoline's evil spirits changed.

Sanshengshi, perhaps in the Buddha world, how dare to look for it?

However, there is no choice but to swear by the Buddha!

Qin Qi looked at it and said nothing.

Listening to the combination of the dragon and the light dance, Qin Qi still couldn't help but worry, but with this trampoline evil, Qin Qi turned a lot of peace of mind.

After all, this trampoline evil, even if there is a Buddha in the heart, but it is absolutely different from the Buddha in the ordinary sense, and it will not be soft.

The dragon light dance is too simple, and you need such a black guy to be around.

"Plus one more." Qin Qidao, will take a hand.

Immediately, a bodhi tree instantly appeared in this world!

"You are the Bodhi tree in the ancient times?" The trampoline screamed and exclaimed.

"I have seen the big cockroaches, and the little priests are polite." The Bodhi tree is also inexplicable. I don't know why I suddenly came here, but I saw a sinister evil, but I also did a Buddhist ritual.

He is the Bodhi tree that is tainted with Buddhahood. The Buddha's heart that accumulates after a long time is the purest Buddha!

A bodhisattva who does not know the Buddha, a singer who does not respect the Buddha, a sinful buddhist who wants to achieve his own Buddha, a buddha tree with deep buddha.

Such a combination, the heavens and the world, are not afraid.

"Take this, you can protect your life." Qin Qi continued.

The strength of his body was shocked, the blushing witch appeared, and there was a flame burning. Immediately, the various genius treasures in the backpack were collected, instantly gathered, refining, and molding!

That is a treasure.

Then, Qin Qi’s body appeared in Jinguang’s character. He was not a Buddhist monk. He did not make a tree in Buddhism, but this simple Buddha power was incomparable to any Buddhist disciple in Tianyuan’s world.

The word is entered into the treasure, and in an instant, the Baozhu Buddha is full of light and vision!

With the current forging of Qin Qi, plus the treasures of the heavens and the treasures of this hand, and the golden light, the treasures of the refining can easily reach the level of the supreme artifact.

Although the final grade is not as good as the sword of the level of the sword, it is definitely not weak.

What's more, Qin Qi will also inject some of the silver gas into it, and Wei Neng is even more shocking.

"This Buddha Light Pearl you collect, with it, and with your own Buddha Road, even if you encounter taboos, you can temporarily protect yourself." Qin Qidao.

"Thank you for the donor." Long light dance closed the Buddha's pearl, thankful.

"As long as you are innocent, it is the biggest reward for me." Qin Qi whispered.

"What?" Long light dance doubts.

"Nothing, this road is dangerous, we must be careful!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

"Yeah." Dragon light dance nodded.

Her own choice, Qin Qi can not stop, can only let her go, if one day she found the three stone, remember everything, then, come back and cut off everything.

In the distance, the portrait of the female emperor is constantly falling, the plan is still going on, Qin Qi does not have much time to delay.

Although there is still some unreliable, but there is nothing to do, the dragon light dance has its own way to go, and he also has his responsibilities to bear.

"I am gone, take care of myself." Qin Qi sighed and said with a smile.

"The donor also takes care." The dragon danced lightly.

Smile and say goodbye, one day, meet again.

When Qin Qi left, stepping out, he came to the place where the knife soldiers were in disaster.

The two generations of knives and soldiers have been integrated into one, and the strength is further, but it is still a weak link. Qin Qi must guarantee this.

In addition, hunger disasters and plague disasters are also here, and they intend to unite and jointly resist possible crises.

"It's you!" When the three disasters saw Qin Qi, they were all shocked.

And Qin Qi and what he saw before, even so strong again so much, can't believe it, so the pressure, has reached the taboo!

However, no matter what contradictions have existed before, it is necessary to let go now. The three disasters are very clear. Only the existence of Qin Qi can truly protect the destiny.


A loud noise.

The portrait of the female emperor collapsed completely, and the world cracked by her, after a hundred thousand years, once again appeared in the world of heaven!

The world of Tianyuan is cracked, and beyond the cracks, it is truly innocent, carrying the dark universe of the heavens!

The four ancient lamps, also instantly brightened, the ultimate burning, the light combination, rushed to the cold universe outside the world.

This is a lighthouse, guiding the strongest of Tianyuan to return!

The plan is in the final step and there is no second chance.

Everyone is extremely vigilant and dare not relax.

After all, no one knows whether the plan will go smoothly.


Meng, Qin Qi looks changed.

As a breakthrough, the knife and squad has a problem at this most critical moment.

Moreover, it is a big problem. Even if Qin Qi is ready, he has not expected it.

The world of Tianyuan splits, and the only remaining will of the world has turned into a new thousand gods, to stop it.

Of course, this is not the most jealous of Qin Qi. After all, even if it is a thousand ancient gods, Qin Qi at the moment is also worthwhile.

However, the most dangerous guy, it really came, he boarded the final stage of this day.

Just like Qin Qi has been worried about the general.

The light is shining, the air is full of heaven.

Thousands of robbers and ancient gods condensed, the Holy Thousands, with the power of silver, stepping through the barriers of the city!

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