The first thousand six hundred and six six chapter crows

Holy thousand.

He really appeared.

The big cracks in time and space reappeared 100,000 years ago, and the world of Tianyuan has come to an end and it is difficult to recover.

It’s time to go out.

"St. Thousands!" Qin Qi sighed low, and the hands against Kunlun, issued a shocking sword!

"Qin Qi!" The Holy One is low and low, and the body is full of light, a light wheel, condensing behind him, constantly rotating, exudes infinite power!

Two great traversers, two major variables, at this moment, once again stood on the opposite side.

This time, we must decide the outcome!

"This time, you have no chance!"

St. Thousands of sneer, he reached the level of silver, his passing through the welfare, and finally can be further liberated.

And what he gets is not only a more powerful force, but also a horrible treasure.

Emperor Twilight Wheel!

The weapon of the emperor's diamond.

"This sentence is also what I want to say." Qin Qi is indifferent, against Kunlun, no longer nonsense, directly smashing a sword.

The holy thousand is cold and cold, and the hand is pointed. The emperor’s twilight wheel behind the wheel turns rapidly and turns to Qin Qi.

The light wheel collided with Jianguang, cracking everything, and the color of silver dipped into the sky, and the horror reached the extreme.

Both of them are the ranks of silver. There are many cards on the bottom, and they are the same as the passers-by. Even though Qin Qi once defeated the Holy One, there is still no grasp of this battle.

The Holy Thousands is much stronger than before.

However, Qin Qi does not think that he will lose!

The war was a direct climax, and it was almost boiling.

The killing of the kendo is absolutely deprived on the opposite side, and the flag is quite equal. The land is in the sky, and the yellow spring is added to the body, constantly colliding.

Invincible sword!

Sword out, annihilate everything.

The emperor is absolutely ringing!

Rotate and cut the world.

The battle is getting fiercer and harder.

On the other hand, the ancient gods began to attack the three disasters, but the current combat power of the three disasters can still barely support.

After all, the swordsman’s hand is still holding a destiny. This is not only a beacon in the darkness, but also has the power to change the life from the sky. Mastering it, the power of the knife and the disaster, and the taboos are almost the same.

Coupled with hunger disasters and plague disasters, the power of the three disasters will gather together to form a three-disaster revolving day, and the power can be increased by a few more points.

Although the ancient gods are strong, they cannot threaten the swords and soldiers.

The plan can continue.

The prefecture has been completely cracked. After the world's barriers, a dark crack passed through, huge and infinite, like a ball, opening a huge mouth.

The atmosphere of the world is full of the whole world.

Within the Tianyuan world, the destruction has not yet begun.

“Be it?” The confusion in the eyes of Di Ji’s eyes dissipated, staring at the cracked high heavens and the swaying lights.

"hope everything is fine."

Tianyuan World, a few powers broke out this time!

Master Qin Yi of the Emperor's pen.

Master the Scorpio of the Blood Pool.

Master the poetry of the devil.

Master the great Brahman of the relic.

Master the sea listening of the Bihai Rune.

These five forces radiate innumerable light and turn into a light curtain, covering the Qin Qi with their area.

The Emperor's pen enveloped Zhongzhou.

The blood pool is covered with Nanban.

The magic of the sky enveloped the heavens.

The relics enveloped the West Desert.

Bihai Rune, enveloped the East China Sea!

The entire Tianyuan world has been divided into five parts and will be ushered in the final step of the plan.

The ancient lamp burned, and the light continued to illuminate the depths of the universe. The ancestors who had already left, if they saw the light, they could return.

"The law of the world does not allow this to happen!" The ancient gods roared, and the giant hand oppressed.

"So, you have to destroy, and we will continue to live!" The swordsmen screamed coldly, and the swordsmanship was the best in the world.


The violent collision broke out, and the ancient gods couldn’t take the knives.

"The law is heaven, the sky is irreversible!"

Immediately, he shot again, the offensive was fierce, and the thousands of robbers continued to sway, but this time, his gaze was not a knife.

Instead, plague and hunger!

Sudden changes, hit the three disasters caught off guard.

Moreover, the ancient gods of thousands of robbers seem to be obsessed with the double disasters, even at the expense of exposing the flaws to the knife soldiers.

In the end, the knives and soldiers were slashed and smashed, and the ancient gods of the thousands of looters were cut off, but the hunger disaster and the plague disaster were killed by thousands of ancient gods!

The knives and soldiers trembled in the eye, but although the hunger disaster and the plague disaster were both dead, the ancient gods of the thousands of robbers also passed away.

On the other hand, Qin Qi entangled the Holy Thousand, then the plan, after all, can continue.

"History, you will remember you."

"What is remembered in history, including you?" But it was a cold voice.

The next moment, a darkness shrouded.

It is an inexhaustible crow, a scarlet scorpion, heart-wrenching, and ominous.

"Crow!" The knife soldier screamed.

The crow finally appeared again.

Since the last time in Huangquan, he entered the Hell Road with Xu Jiankong and Yu Shi Ying, and never appeared again.

Even if Qin Qi is worried about the situation of the virtual sword, he can't find it. After that, Xiaoliudao will be completely destroyed. Qin Qi does not know where they are.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the crow appeared again, and its strength is also not the same as before, has reached the realm of the top gods!

"Crow?" Qin Qi could not help but be surprised.

Is this the arrangement of the Holy Thousands?

It is indeed the choice of fate, the knife and the crow, only one can survive!

The previous generation of swords and squads did not know the existence of crows, but he had already been one with the generation of swordsmen. In memory, there was naturally a crow.

There is a causal entanglement between the crow and the sword.

The crow betrayed the mask of the dead, and was almost killed by the knives. The Holy Thousands took the time to resurrect the crow. The biggest purpose is to use him to deal with the knives!

Now, it is time to end this cause and effect.

Thousands of ancient gods killed the hunger disaster and the plague, and the power of this disaster has been obtained by the crow.

He is the existence of a double disaster, but now, once again swallowed the double disaster of the previous generation, the direct breakthrough of power, has come to an unimaginable level.

Moreover, there are still thousands of robbers on his body.

Obviously all this is the deliberate attempt of the ancient gods, and what they do is to make the crows and let him kill the swordsmen!

Has the thousand ancient gods and the holy thousand reached a certain consensus?

Or what did St. John's have done to him?

But this is no longer important, the crow is extremely sublimated, the power is constantly rising, and the thousands of robbers that can be compared with the taboo breath, the crow at this moment can definitely compete with the swordsman!

The destiny of the fate, the choice of cause and effect!

"The traitor, lingering, and dare to appear, today is screaming at you once!" The knives of the knives were cold and cold, and they went straight into the sky and even penetrated the cracks of the world and entered the universe.

"In the past, I got the power of hunger disaster soon. If I haven't recovered, I will be exhausted by you. Today, do you think there is such an opportunity?"

"Swallow you, three disasters, I will be eternal!"

The crows chilled, the blood of the eyes shone, and the unique power of the double disaster broke out instantly.

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