God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1708: Undercover

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty chapters are undercover

This is the most powerful sword since the sword of Damocles has been forged!

Perhaps it is difficult for Qin Qi to cause effective killing, but for the knife and squad, it is an absolute disaster!

Qin Qi’s eyes were shaking, and even a few swords were thrown away. He wanted to stop the sword of Damocles.

However, the Emperor Zhong, once again blocked in front of Qin Qijian!

"St. Thousands, you **** it!"

Qin Qi cold channel.

It is not only the holy thousand that blocks his sword, but more importantly, he makes the emperor's spirits shame!

"You can defeat me, but you can't kill me!"

The sword fell, in the name of Damocles.

The knife was over.

It was only at the same time that the infinite amount of celestial light burst, and together with the immortal, with the peerless fierceness, the sword light of Damocles!

Sword Ying, in the name of Zhu Xian!

The sword of Damocles.


The two swords have always been juxtaposed, and they are the most horrible murderers. They claim to be the strongest under taboos. Unfortunately, there has never been an intersection.

This time, it is a real confrontation.

So, which sword is more powerful?

Now, there is a result.

The two swords intersected, and the endless swords roared out and crashed into a fine powder.

That power is really terrible. These two swords are worthy of their fierce names.

"Mom, almost died, happy, next time you want to shoot, you say, don't pull me together!" Lin snarls the sound of the moon, he turned out the body, but like a dead wolf, panting.

The power on him has been drained.

On his side, he was holding the sword, but he was still shaking and his face was pale.

His power has also been exhausted.

The two days of election, all the power invested in this sword, finally blocked the sword of Damocles.

"Unfortunately, I still can't save you!" The crow's voice was cold and chilly.

The knife soldiers rushed to drink cold and took out a knife.

The knife cut off the crow's body, but then the crow turned into a black shadow. It was countless crows, flapping its wings and swallowing the knife and squad directly.

There are crows everywhere, it’s a death lament!

The crow launched the final card. If it failed, he would kill himself. Obviously, at this moment, he has already smashed it out, and he must destroy the knife!

The crow will swallow the swordsmanship!

"Three disasters in one!"

The crow's cicada sounded with boundless excitement.

The integration of the three disasters is his long-cherished wish, and this time, finally can be achieved.

"That is to rely on the power of the three disasters to help the ancient lights smolder!"

In the next moment, there were some changes, and the humane pressure was directly suppressed. A stalwart figure emerged. In the meantime, there was a bit of imperial power!

Emperor City Lord, a strong coming, with the Emperor seal to suppress the crow, let him continue the mission of the knife and soldiers.

Under the suppression of the Emperor's city lord, the crows constantly changed their appearance, and the three catastrophe rotations eventually turned into the same mask.

The pale mask, only a blood line flowing, but it is like a strange smile!

"Oh, holy thousand, you have seen it, I can't do anything about it, then, rely on yourself."

The crow smiled and he seemed to have no intention of continuing the destruction plan.

The holy thousand looks a sinking and snorted.

However, he immediately sneered a little sneer. "God asked, are you really here now?"

The emperor's lord was surrounded by the emperor, he was very majestic, but he heard the laughter of the holy thousand, but could not help but sink his face.

Sure enough, as expected, Sheng Qian has made a lot of preparations.

However, the Emperor City owner has no choice at the moment, he can only appear in the rescue.

"St. Thousands, you do this, what good is it for you, are you not a human race?" The Emperor of the Emperor shouted.

"Hey, what do you know, this is my most important trial, what is the world's soul?" The Holy Spirit is cold, he naturally does not care, he is just a passer.

Qin Qi is blinding his eyes.

Is the trial in his mouth as a task issued by the system?

"I won't let you do what you want, you are still better to die here!" Qin Qi cold and cold, continue to shoot, killing kendo is more fierce, cold and killing, that is, the emperor bell can not stop.

The holy thousand is cold and cold, and it is fully resisted. The emperor's twilight wheel rotates rapidly and cuts the world.

He still has the opportunity, he is not only these preparations.

Nan Man, the blood pool of the gods emits infinite light in the hands of the gods, and the taboos continue to flow, turning into light curtains, shrouded the entire Nanban.

At this moment, Nan Man is already independent, and is completely separated from Zhongzhou Donghai.

Tian Yao Hall, Tianzhu and Shen Xue Pool are here, outside the temple, countless demon strong guards, guarded.

The night of the demon, slowly appearing in the shadows, he looked at the Temple of the Demon, and his eyes were indifferent.

The shadow under his feet began to move, and it penetrated into the shadow of the Heavenly Demon Hall. No matter where it is, there is no shadow. The more powerful the light, the clearer the shadow.

The night of the demon was prepared for a long time, and his shadow moved silently and came to the interior of the demon temple.

And he was able to come to the Temple of Heaven and the Demon.

Such a means, even surpassed the speaker and other demon strong, even the Tian Yao Temple, did not reject him, visible that the night has always been hidden.

Standing up from the shadow, the night light flashed slightly, and he had a white awl in his hand, which contained the ultimate condensed light!

This is the holy nail, extremely sacred, but with death.

It is not easy for the holy thousand to get through the benefits, and under the taboos, it is impossible to ignore this power!

St. John's gave the sacred death to the demon night, and asked him to nail the scorpion here and destroy the end plan.

This is also a helpless backhand, because in addition to the holy thousand himself and the crow, there is no spare force to attack the near half of the blood and the rebellion.

Not to mention the gods.

Therefore, if the destiny cannot be broken, then he can only give up the extinction of the ancient lamp.

But the key point of the end plan is not only the ancient light, but also the whole world.

The demon night has always been a piece of the sacred thousand in the demon family. It was also a demon night, stealing the letter from Qin Qi to poetry and the letter from Chen Mei to Ye Liangchen, which led to many tragedies.

And the demon night, now begins his last mission.

In fact, there are still many such pieces, all over the world's five strongest forces.

Tianyuan, Adolf Zeus stood in the Temple of Heaven, and the light gradually became cold. He had a holy nail in his hand and was emitting cold light.

He was the former presiding judge. As a member of the Zeus clan, he eventually stood on the side of the saint and did not complain about Qin Qi's killing of the Zeus clan.

Although he showed absolute loyalty to smallpox, Qin Qi always had doubts.

In fact, he has already reached a consensus with Shengqian, and he has to bear the burden of humiliation and to complete his mission.

The holy nail, facing the poetry.

Xi Mo, Da Fan and the monk are in charge of the relics. This is the source of Buddhism's return to the West Desert. It has always been controlled by the Dafan monk. Through it, the Dafan monk can even communicate with the Buddha.

Beyond the Buddhist temple, the free monk walked slowly, and he had to pass it on to the heavens. He was free to live forever, and he did not have to get rid of it because he couldn’t get rid of it.

From the beginning of his birth, he was at the mercy of the Holy Spirit. From Zhongzhou to Xi'an, he walked through thousands of mountains and waters. His burden was not a Buddha's heart but a mission.

He had been confused because he came to the West Desert and met a beautiful Buddha. However, the Buddha is no longer there, and he will not even return to this Buddhist temple.

In this case, there is no concern.

There is a holy nail in his hand.

The East China Sea, the mermaid family, the always princess who is always gentle and kind, the lotus step moves lightly, and slowly moves toward the little girl who is holding the blue sea **** charm.

It is the most dazzling mermaid princess of the Hai people.

This is the most cowardly of the Hai people. In addition to the gentle and virtuous, it can be used for marriage, and the mermaid princess who is not valued.

Originally, she should marry Scorpio and become the wife of Scorpio, staying with Scorpio, but now that she continues to stay in the sea, her goal can only be her own little sister.

In her hand, there was a holy nail.

Zhongzhou, all the strong people have come together, and the guys who have never appeared in the past have also appeared.

The fifth day of the election, the magical face, disappeared after a long time, and returned again.

He is a thousand people, and he can make a thousand shapes. No one knows what he is.

Now, he is constantly changing his appearance, and he has successfully approached Qin Yi, who is in charge of the Emperor's pen. In his hand, there is a holy nail.

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