God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1709: This road does not work

The first seven hundred and ninety-nine chapters are unreachable

"Adults have said that you can't trust."

"His Royal Highness, let me wait for this last line of defense."

"You probably don't know that I am here. After all, the big demon family is not here."

In the Temple of Heavenly Demon, ink and ink came out, tall figure, skillful short hair, it does not look so powerful, but it is a tyrant who can compete with the white tiger!

She was in front of the demon night.

"I really didn't think you would be here, but how do you stop me?" The demon night whispered, some accidents, but nothing more. With ink and ink, I couldn't stop him.

His strength is not so simple on the surface. As a piece of chess that has been buried for a long time, he has gained a lot from the holy thousand.

If you are blocking his, just ink, then everything is a foregone conclusion!

"I can stop you here." Ink and faint, the breath of the body gradually changed.

She used the dragon and tiger to smash, and the blood of the tyrannical tiger boiled up and constantly impacted on the core of Dantian. Where, the few drops of blood that Qin Qi left for her began to be affected and radiant.

With the tiger feeding the dragon, the dragon is feeding the tiger, it is for the dragon and the tiger!

Behind Qin Qi, a virtual shadow of a nine-color dragon appeared.

"Qin Qi's dragon veins and blood!"

He has no fear of ink, but he has to avoid Qin Qi!

However, he did not expect that Qin Qi would be willing to give precious blood to ink and ink. No matter what he or she has, the matter is already here. His plan for today is definitely impossible.

Behind the ink and ink, the dragon and the tiger are like a shape, rushing out, and the momentum is soaring, such as a mountain barrier, blocking it.

"Sorry, this road is nowhere."


"Zeus, he died in the hands of Qin Qi, my prophecy turned into reality."

"And when Zeus killed the Titan Protoss, but left me specifically, I want to watch the 12 clan's prosperous, unintentional loss, but it has become a fate and fate!"

"So today, the last blood of your Zeus, met me as the last successor of the Titans."

Prometheus said slowly, he is tall, but behind the Titans, it is a stalwart, can open the world!

He is the highest prophet of the Mozu talent. Although he has not calculated it to the present day, he has a faint hunch.

So, he is coming.

And he also met the opponents he should meet.

"Indeed, like a fate!" Adolf looked at Prometheus indifferently, and the grievances of the two families from the endless years should be on their faces.

"Sorry, this road is not working!"


"While the brothers have to be free from the sky, they will not be able to do so."

"The Buddha is buddy, the brother has forgotten it, but I can't forget it."

"I want to cultivate Buddha, the Buddha is in my heart, then, where is the Buddha of the brothers?"

Hanging the pure land, such as the Golden Palace, a young monk walked out and stood in front of the free monk.

His law number, gamma.

One of the original five dragons, later studied for Buddhism, and entered the West Desert, has always been a deep-rooted, simple study of Buddhism, and now, finally appeared.

"Gambling King!" The monk squinted.

"If I smell it, when I read the past, I practiced innumerable robbery. The Buddhas were blessed with salt and support, so they were rewarded with great emptiness!" The garland of the buddha was a tribute to the Buddha.

"Sorry, this road is not working!"


"Since I left the octopus, I was wandering in the sea, I couldn't shape it. For the sea people, it was a monster!"

"And the sea beast has always been a monster."

"The monster meets the monster, who is strong, who is the king!"

"I was killed alone, after life and death, and eventually became the king of the sea beast."

Zi Yan said slowly, she stood in front of the big princess sea.

Hai listened to surprise, never thought that he would be stopped.

"No one really doubts you, you hide very deep, but unfortunately, I know you. After all, sea beasts are not just those fierce guys. Conch is also one of the sea beasts."

"You hide everything, but occasionally you will talk about a conch, but it happened to be heard by me."

"If I am married to Nanban, I don't have to face this. I don't want to kill my sister by myself." The breath of the sea, began to change, and became powerful!

"Whether you marry the idiot or kill the sea, you can't do it."

"Sorry, this road is not working!"


"The predecessors were the ones who were valued by the Emperor. Why should they be self-destructive and repeat the mistakes of the metaphor of light?"

The illusion of the thousand faces is blocked by one person, one who represents the right path of heaven and earth.

The public bank is in the middle, not biased or leaning.

The talented person holds the sword and can’t help but sigh. The person chosen by the heavens, who is gifted by the emperor, should protect the Terran.

But whether it is the sacred metaphor of the past or the illusion of the face, they have made the wrong choice. They have betrayed everything for themselves!

At this moment, I want to die!

A child is kind, and he is more willing to forgive than killing.

However, forgiveness is not forgiveness.

Now, for the choice of the magical face, the child has its own judgment, he will not forgive the other party, not for killing, but for the guard!

In his hands, the long sword gently swayed, guarding the kendo, will guard the world!

"Sorry, this road is not working!"


The local government war is still fierce, and the two taboos are arguing and can destroy everything.

But the Emperor City Lord can only watch, he can not intervene, because he needs to suppress the crow, let the destiny continue to burn.

The crow, on the other hand, looks like a movie. Enron accepts the current situation. After all, what he wants has already been obtained, and he promised that the Holy Spirit could not be completed.

This is not being suppressed, not helping, but being powerless.


The sword swayed the heavens and the earth, through the increasingly large world cracks, straight into the dark universe.

The holy thousand has been suppressed by Qin.

The eternal coldness of the glory of the Holy Grail, the delay in the results, I am afraid, it is his dark chess, all failed.

The five pieces are each hidden in strength, and they hold the holy nails that he has given, plus they are all sneak attacks, and the possibility of succeeding is extremely high!

After all, who can think of this, the monks, the sea, the illusion, the Adolf, who will do this kind of thing?

The only thing that will be suspected is the demon night, but his ability is special. This is a good sneak attacker, and he can still do it unexpectedly.

However, it seems that there is no success now.

They are all stopped.

This hope is shattered, but the Holy Thousands has laughed.

"This is what you forced me, even if it is me, I don't want to do this step!" Sheng Qian screamed.

Since all preparations ended in failure, he had to use the final cards.

"The outside world is coming!"

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